
Reincarnated As An Anomaly

"What is life like after being reincarnated into another world for me? No memories of the past, naur do I know where I came from or how I came to be dead. I simply was reincarnated into a world I was not mean't to be in, some may refer to me as an Anomaly. Some may believe that life as a reincarnated is like a ray of sunshine but that only lasts for a brief moment before it fades away. Not everyone is blessed with great fortune or extraordinary abilities from the start. Some people may be born into difficult circumstances and have to struggle to make ends meet. I had no magical power when I was born, in a world where it was common, so I was granted a special skill called Negation. This ability is what has kept me alive, as it can cancel out any magical attack. I have encountered people who were close to me, only to witness their eventual demise right before my eyes. I have endured the loss of so many people that it has caused me to become emotionally disconnected. What is the purpose of forming relationships if the person is destined to die anyway? The road I go is too dangerous for any weak person both physically and mentally to ally with. That is the harsh reality of Reincarnating for me. But I still do not lose hope. No matter how many times I question myself, I will prevail. There must be a reason to why I was sent here and I must find out. Doesn't matter how many times I fall or how many circumstances I've endured pain like no other. Atleast during those times I had peacefull times aswell with both friends and family, so watch out world. I, Tomo Yutura, am determined to survive until the end."

Majinlovescakes · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Chapter 6 Part II

Aiden exclaimed "This is it!" as we viewed the building with its distinctive Midnight sky logo and the word Yoru beneath it.


Aiden forcefully opened the doors and I trailed behind him. He bellowed a hearty greeting, "Hey everyone!" His voice echoed throughout the large room full of suspicious characters.

The space was sizeable, with modern wooden furniture. There were people of all ethnicities, races, and species, including humans, elves, and dwarves. Everyone had gathered together for the purpose of engaging in criminal activity.

The criminal activity was varied and ranged from pickpocketing and minor theft to large-scale organized crime. There were people who specialized in forging documents and counterfeiting currency, as well as those who trafficked in illegal substances and weapons. Some were involved in prostitution and gambling, while others specialized in robbery and extortion. Everyone was connected in some way to a larger network of criminals, and the room seemed to buzz with energy as the plotting and scheming intensified. Despite the illicit activities, the atmosphere remained relaxed and congenial, with some people even laughing and joking with one another. It was a strange mix of people, and yet, somehow, it all worked.

The room was quiet for a full ten seconds before Aiden started moving forward to the table in front of us. There was a beastsman. He had a tail and also furry ears with tattered garments and ancient armor. He seemed to be quite aged, probably in his late forties or fifties.

While walking, I could distinctively hear murmurs, "were they discussing you, Aiden?" I contemplated. Is Aiden well-known in the world of Thievery? I ought to remember to inquire him about it later.

We reached the front table. "Yo kemono, long time no see" Said Aiden

The creature seemed to be studying something in a book before lifting its gaze to address Aiden. "Aiden, it has been ages!" he declared. "It's great to see that you're not dead yet!" he exclaimed with a loud and obnoxious chuckle.

Aiden's gaze was fixed on Kemono as he spoke with a sly smirk, "It's much too soon for death to take me. No one has presented me with a challenge worthy of my skills." He spoke with a tranquil assurance.

Kemono let out an exasperated sigh before expressing his admiration for Aiden's boldness and assurance in his strength. There was clearly a history between them.

While they were talking, I sensed someone looming behind me, their hands poised to grasp me. Without hesitation I spun around and found a tall, cloaked figure before me. A feeling of unease and malevolence seemed to emanate from the person.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked

I glanced at the person for a short while before they quickly lifted their arms and a mana infused blade appeared in their grasp. Their movements were incredibly fast, but they didn't realize that anything containing mana had no power over me. Just before the individual's attack was able to be completed, I managed to grab the person's arm in the middle of the strike. The blade of energy around his arm was quickly extinguished due to my Negation Skill.

I shoved the person away and quickly moved to the center of the room. This action immediately caught the attention of everyone present. Aiden spun around, looking confused about what had occurred. "Whoever you are, leave right now." I commanded.

The hooded individual then unleashed dark energy blasts that came flying towards me. "Don't you ever learn?" I said with a laugh. As soon as the dark blasts touched my skin, they immediately dissipated.

Aiden was astonished and intrigued as he watched me do this, just like when Chloe had tossed a Mana Orb in my direction and it faded away when we were first introduced. At first, he thought it was an error or chloe simply canceled it, but now he could not doubt it any longer.

Aiden moved ahead of me, motioning for me to stay back. He positioned himself between me and the hooded figure, and cacked a smile. "I'm feeling generous today, so I'll give you a few seconds to reconsider and make your exit," he declared.

The hooded figure stayed completely still and silent. Aiden then spoke, "Alright then, I'll try and take it easy on you," before he suddenly vanished.