

My name is Mortelian Everlast and I am quite an unusual and unique individual. I was able to think even as a sperm cell leaving the testicles of my father, which is quite an impossibility since sperm cells don't exactly have brains. As my body was beginning to form inside the womb of my mother, I noticed that I could control the cells of my forming body and could sense the movements and fluctuations of my atoms, using this to my advantage I optimized my DNA and shifted my genetics to the peak of whatever species I was, I got rid of any weaknesses such as cancer and asthma, and I also decided to dispose of imperfections like acne and strawberry legs, and finally, I enhanced the genetics of every facet of my being, from something as simple as the growth of hair to something as important as muscle growth, strength, and recovery ability. An unknown amount of time has passed and I am starting to feel a foreign pressure all around my body, I think I am beginning to be born.

<P.O.V Shift>

(Mortelian's Mother)

After 26 grueling and cruel hours, my son was finally born, unlike most babies, he wasn't crying or making any noise at all, not even after the midwife lightly struck his underside to elicit a cry from him, I had begun to think that my son was stillborn but as my husband walked over to the midwife holding our child, he grabbed him and brought him over to my child and I reached out for me and it brought such immense happiness to my soul, my husband handed him to me and he grabbed my fingers with such strength that seemed impossible for a baby to produce, almost as if his life depended on it. My beautiful baby boy is probably the most perfect-looking baby the world could ever produce, I was holding him in my arms as he was clenching onto my fingers, and he finally opened his eyes, they were so indescribably impeccable, they looked almost fake and seemed as if they weren't made to be in the realm of humanity, their color seemed to shift and change in waves and ripples, and they practically acted like entirely separate beings from the rest of my son's existence, the colors had a mind of their own and there was a seemingly infinite amount of them always ever-changing and shifting, the only thing I could compare it to was a kaleidoscope, and even then that couldn't even begin to compare to the inconceivability that my son's eyes truly were, they seemed to have an almost incandescent glow to them wwhich couldn't be anything more than a trick of the light but no matter how much I tried to convince myself of such, they still continued to glow and look at me, it felt as if they were all seeing, peering through my very soul, seeing everything I've done and everything I ever will do, every good action as well as every bad one, nothing could be hidden from those beautifully terrifying eyes. His eyes were speaking to me and I could almost hear words coming out of them, after a while the words his eyes were trying convey hit me like a bolt of lightning,

m̶̜̍̄ō̵̝̭͙̊r̵̨͇̰̭̜̈́͑ţ̸̛̞̒̑̌́̄̽̀͝è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜l̶̘̫͚͎̟̙̺̼̦͈̋̽̔ī̶̧͙͖̲̘â̸̠̋n̸͉̠̘̲̼̼̩͗͒̕͝͝ â̸̠̋p̸͕̗̃̔́͑́͝ō̵̝̭͙̊c̷̡̪̘͎̻̦̀͑̒̈̂̿̑̓̚͜͝â̸̠̋l̶̘̫͚͎̟̙̺̼̦͈̋̽̔y̶̡͕̮͇͖͕̮̳̲̓ī̶̧͙͖̲̘ų̷͕̙͚͖̲̱̐̒̀̆̎̈͜s̷̠͕̪̥͐̌ m̶̜̍̄ō̵̝̭͙̊r̵̨͇̰̭̜̈́͑p̸͕̗̃̔́͑́͝h̸͎̲͍̉̉͊̈́̓̕͝ō̵̝̭͙̊è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜ų̷͕̙͚͖̲̱̐̒̀̆̎̈͜s̷̠͕̪̥͐̌ è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜v̷̧̬̽͂́̎̉è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜r̵̨͇̰̭̜̈́͑l̶̘̫͚͎̟̙̺̼̦͈̋̽̔â̸̠̋s̷̠͕̪̥͐̌ţ̸̛̞̒̑̌́̄̽̀͝

The name of my son. As our eyes were locked in their own seemingly eternal war, my son's eyes finally closed, and he didn't seem to want to open them again, he had started to drift off into his sleep so the nurses took him, and just before I drifted off into my sleep, my husband came over, hugged me, kissed me, told me that he loved me and that I needed my rest and said he would be outside in the waiting room resting and to call him if I needed him, and with that I finally slept.

<P.O.V Shift>

(Mortelian Everlast)

It's been 6 years since I was born and I have learned that I am a being called a human, humans are fascinating and strange creatures but I've learned and accepted that I am one of them, my parents are quite interesting people, my mom is a Nigerian-Somaon first generation American and my dad is a Ghanaian-Thai naturalized American, they're some of the most influential people on earth but they act as if they're nothing more than ordinary, they're rarely ever serious, mostly goofy or carefree, but they become the undisputedly most terrifying thing on earth, both my mother and father have rather small builds and their frames aren't anything to be afraid of but when they get serious, they exude an aura so fear invoking that I can barely stand in their presence, and they both get immensely strong when angry, it's like they're possessed by the spirit of a Majin. They are both incredibly beautiful people and have done several things for the world including owning most of the world's leading charities, owning a company that is lightyears ahead of all other companies across Earth, including known companies like Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, and hidden unknown companies like Blackgate, Tarset, and Kaliger. We live a very lavish but simple and fun lifestyle, we may be rich but we don't take advantage of our wealth to use others and we don't let our wealth corrupt us, our character, or our morals. My mother was born deaf but started to regain her hearing a couple of years after she met my dad but, my dad and I still sign because it's good to learn sign language and to keep our skills in it up to par, we also know several other languages such as Japanese, English, Spanish, Chinese, and most languages on earth, I however take a special interest in learning languages, dialects, and ways of communicating, I feel as though communication holds power for some reason, I have learned and perfected every spoken and unspoken language in the world, including forgotten and forsaken languages.

It's been 22 years since I was born and I have lived an excellent life so far, I started to work for my parent's company and I have advanced it more than a couple of thousand years within a decade, the company itself deals in essentially everything, real estate, A.I, construction, and more, you name it, we work with it, we stopped fighting with our competitors and did a merger with almost all of them, making an umbrella super corporation that not even the government can mess with. I am happy to say that I've lived an incredible life and I honestly couldn't be happier, I could die happily right now, as I was thinking that, I was walking across the street when a 24-wheeler came at me full speed and hit me. I am completely fine due to my bone and muscle density being much higher than a normal human. I get up and check on the driver of the truck to see that there is no driver, scared and highly suspicious of something weird going on, I rush to the office of my parent's company, and a minute later as I am about to get to the door, a mob of people with guns and RPGs starts to run and shoot at me, I dodge the bullets and missiles with ease and I sense someone watching me from a long distance. A sniper shoots at my head and I again dodge the bullets, but then I feel several people hiding and waiting to attack me through my advanced spacial awareness, so I decide to stop holding myself back and go on a rampage. I use all the strength my body can employ to eliminate all the people trying to kill me, then I kill all those who I can sense hiding and waiting to strike, and finally, I kill the sniper who has been taking shots at me. After a minute of walking through my parent's building, I make it into their office and tell them about all the weird stuff that's been happening to me and they say that we should probably leave America for a while since someone might be targeting me so I can't succeed their business. I sense something is off and notice the smell of ammonium nitrate and thermite, so I immediately grab both of my parents and jump out of the window of their office and manage to fall 50 floors down and then stab my legs into the concrete wall to slow our fall, we continued to slowly drift down until we reached a complete stop at the bottom. We immediately went to one of our private planes near the office and after a minute of getting there and boarding, we finally took off.

After a minute on board, we noticed a lot of unusual turbulence and I decided to check with the cabin and noticed that there was no pilot in sight, being the educated individual that I am took control of the plane and started to fly it myself, while doing so I was thinking about the fact that the world seems to be trying it's best to kill me and my family. Another minute had passed and I saw another plane heading directly for us and knowing my current luck, instead of trying to avoid the plane, I instead got both my parents and jumped out just to be safe.

After parachuting out of the plane with my parents, we land on the island we own for spacial exploration and outer space development, we go in and we find that our employees are all freaking out. We ask what is going on and they explain that there's a world extinction-level event happening all of a sudden and that the world has essentially become like the movie 2012.

I quickly decided to have everyone on site board the space exploration shuttle, which was made for 10'000 people, not including the crew. We were ready to leave in about 15 minutes and once the ship was all ready and prepared and all tests and procedures were handled, we set off for space. It only took us about 15 minutes to leave Earth's atmosphere and about 10 minutes later, we saw the Earth had blown up and that asteroids and meteors were headed straight for us. While everyone was distracted by the solemness and grief they felt from knowing that the Earth had been decimated, I knew I had to act fast and take control of the shuttle to maneuver it through these incoming planetary projectiles. Once I got to the cockpit of the shuttle, the navigator gave me the reigns, and I intentionally and consciously entered a hyper-focused state, in doing so I took in all possibilities and expertly and easily passed through every projectile heading towards the shuttle.

<P.O.V Shift>

(Higher entity)

The human I am perceiving is truly incredible, the test to see how long he could survive against increasingly insurmountable odds set up by The Absolute System, he had surpassed what was supposed to be possible for any human to have ever existed as well as any human who will ever exist. I don't think The Absolute System has a high enough ranking to categorize him, there are set limits and he has surpassed them, he survived the destruction of his planet, and the aftermath of said destruction, then went on to survive the collapse of his solar system, his galaxy, and so on, even surviving the destruction of his universe, all while helping everyone on his ship survive as well, I then heard a chime, and The Absolute System had decided it had gotten all the information it needed to construct an evaluation and with that, the story of Mortelian Apocalyius Morpheus Everlast was finally beginning.