
Reincarnated as a Wolf God.

Gold, A 12-Year Old who was killed brutally, Reincarnated in a Cultivation World where Dragons, Elves, Angles, Demons, Globlins Etc. All the creatures he thought existed in children's storybooks or web novels, Were genuinely real. Moverover! He was reincarnated as a wolf god! Well at least not for now but in the future he will be one for sure! Follow his journey in this amazing world! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please support my novel, You can go read it in Royal Road as well! ------------> https://www.royalroad.com/profile/352713

SpritVoidWolf · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

2: New Skill & First fight & Magic?

As the howls grew closer, my heart pounded with a mix of fear and adrenaline. I braced myself for the onslaught, muscles coiled and senses heightened. A pack of 15 wolves emerged from the shadows, their silver fur shimmering under the white moonlight. Their red eyes locked onto me with high intensity, a predatory hunger burning within.

With a savage growl, the pack lunged forward, teeth bared and claws slashing through the air. I met their assault head-on, a whirlwind of fury and instinct. My fangs clashed with theirs, sparks of pain and fury erupting with each impact. The forest became a battleground, filled with the primal symphony of snarls, growls, and the thundering of paws.

I leaped and dodged, evading their snapping jaws and launching calculated counterattacks. But their numbers were overwhelming, and their coordinated assault pushed me to the brink. Their fangs tore into my flesh, drawing crimson rivers down my fur. Every swipe of their claws left searing trails of pain across my body.

With each maneuver, I retaliated, Like I was a wolf for eons, striking back with calculated precision. My claws extended like daggers, slashing through the air with a ferocity borne of desperation and adrenaline. Yet, their numbers seemed endless, their relentless onslaught unyielding.

Their fangs tore into my flesh, biting deep into sinew and bone, while their claws raked across my body, leaving searing trails of pain in their wake. I could feel the warmth of my own blood pooling beneath me, staining the forest floor. The weight of exhaustion settled upon my weary limbs, threatening to sap my strength.

"You are pretty good little wolf..." I heard a voice and turned around, I saw another wolf with purple fur and a slash across his eye.

"Who are you!?" I shouted at him while struggling to stand, The other 15 wolves had wounded me badly.

"Me? I am the alpha wolf, Who is nothing compared to this nature, But for weak I am the demon, I have killed many, Women, Men and even children..."

My eyes widened and I lunged at him he dodged at slashed at me, but I barely dodged it.

"How could you kill children!!??" I shouted at him with my eyes widened and breathing hardly.

"In this world, Only the strongest prevail, And weak die... Survival Of The fittest is the truth in the wild..."

I was angry, How could someone kill children, I lunged at him to bite his neck, but he dodged and tackled my head, I was badly wounded and was struggling badly.

Yet, within the depths of my struggle, a surge of raw power coursed through my veins. A primal instinct took over, A urge to survive, guiding my movements with an otherworldly precision. I unleashed a devastating strike towards the last remaining wolf, pouring every ounce of strength into the blow.

At that moment, time seemed to slow. A brilliant blue paw, radiating with pulsating energy and adorned with two elongated claws, emerged from the slash. The impact was tremendous, sending shockwaves through the forest and rattling the very core of the earth. The last wolf was flung back, its body crumpling to the ground, unconscious and defeated.

I stood there, heaving breaths echoing in the stillness, my own wounds throbbing with pain. The fallen pack retreated, their fierce gazes filled with a mix of fear and respect. The battle had taken its toll, but a surge of triumph surged through me. I had survived against overwhelming odds, my body now a canvas of scars and blood.

As I approached the fallen wolf, its breath shallow and body battered, I marveled at the scene before me. Its wounds mirrored the marks of my claws, evidence of the power that had surged through me in that critical moment. It was a realization that left me exhilarated and humbled.

In the depths of my mind, a voice whispered, it was barely audible but my instincts knew that this voice was more powerful than anything. {Skill: Newbie Claw unlocked} it murmured, sending shivers down my spine. This newfound skill, from what the voice told me, this surge of power, was nothing like I ever experienced.

"Guess a bad thing leads to a good one huh? *Chuckle*" I said to myself and chuckled in amusement.

Licking my wounds, a surge of vitality surged through my veins, accelerating the healing process. The scars began to fade, replaced by renewed strength and resilience. The exhilaration of the battle still coursed through my veins, fueling my desire to explore this mysterious realm I was reborn in and uncover the secrets that awaited me.

However, There was one thing I was still confused about, That attack... Was surely not possible and not explainable with the help of science, The only thing which could explain it was magic, But which magic, Qi? Mana? Magicules? Chakra? I am to sure but it is surely magic. But right now? I just want to rest...


"Give me a fucking moment of peace!!"