
Reincarnated as a Tutorial Villain

After Dying, Karan Find Himself in a body a familiar world. A world which he Played in a video game and a game in which he call himself a Pro Gamer. But in this familiar world he is a body of a character who any child of the age while playing can defeat. He is in a body of Maldrid Serpente, a character introduced in a game only to show the players, playing the game how to control your Game Character and his attack skills. The only clue he has in order to survive in the world which is chaotic is only to become strong and stay close to the main storyline. However, he soon finds out unlike in a game the life of the characters going around him is not according to the game plot but is based on a decision which a real life person takes.

DictatorChiku2851 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Death and Reincarnation

A life going perfect for an ordinary person like me. It can be described perfect in every way.

Now my graduation is completed, I should now look now prepare for competitive exams so I can get a well paid job.

I go out of my house to the local book store so I can buy the necessary books for exam preparation.

I reached the book store and my friend seeing me in his book store came towards me.

"Hey, how is it going karan." With a cheerful smile, my friend approached me

"Well everything's going great" I replied to him with a smile.

"So my friend how can I help you"

"Give me the books for the banking exams"

"So, preparing for banking"

"Yeah, I think it will be great choice"

My friend knowing my opinion for career select some books and started to pack them.

"You should take advice from your teacher about these books and if she suggests any other you could exchange them from me."

"I will keep it in mind. How much for these books."

"530 Rupees"

I gave him the money and we chatted with each other for few minutes and carrying my books I leave the bookstore.

I just came at the road and then saw a car driving rashly. A few metres at its back a police car was chasing it.

The police car increases its speed and hit at the other car's back.

The other car lost its balance. It got out of the road hurling towards me.

"Shit". Cursing my luck, I started to run out of instinct , screaming about the car coming towards me but I can't make it and the car hit me on the back. I fall face first feeling the intense pain on my back and before I know everything I can see all is the darkness.


"Ahhhhhhhhh" In a room a woman was screaming.

"My Lady's health is being affected we have to work fast." A older nurse orders loudly to other nurses who is in tension due to patient health.

"My Lady just one more time push." The older nurse says to a woman who was in great pain due to child birth.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" The preganant woman screams while giving one final push with great difficulty.

After some time all the woman hear the cry of the baby, the faces of the people in the room relaxed and the older nurse brings the baby to the arms of a pale but beautiful woman lying on an old - fashioned beautiful bed.

"Its a boy my lady." The older nurse says to the woman lying on the bed with a smile.

The mother with a pale face caress the baby.

"Madelyn" The mother with a pale face says it with extreme joy and smile on her face naming the baby at her final moments.

After, naming the baby her eyes get closed.

The older nurse seeing no response from the mother hurriedly checks her health by touch her nerves on the hand and neck.

"She has gone now" The older nurse says it with extreme sadness.

She picked up the baby from the mother arms and gave it to another nurse.

Suddenly the door was forced open at that time and the man came in running. His face was covered with sweat and his hair was a mess.

"Evelyn, I am here Evelyn." Says the man with great hurry and came running towards the woman lying on the bed.

The man holds her hands and caress it with care.

"Why isn't she responding, What happened to her and what about our child?" The man in a panic ask the questions to the nurses around her.

"Lord Gerhard, here is your child" The man takes the child from her arms with a smile on his face.

"My Lord , My lady passed away in child birth." The older nurse says it with her head keeping down.

"How" Gerhard questions the nurses with shocked face.

"My Lord at the time of child birth there were many problems due to that My Lady suffered many internal injuries." The older nurse says these words still keeping head down.

Gerhard puts his child on the crib and then goes directly to his dead wife. Gerhard sit beside her and gently strokes her hair.

"Did she have any last words"Gerhard ask the nurses without looking back.

"Madelyn, My Lady named the child. Those were her last words." The older nurse tells Gerhard.

"Madelyn" Gerhard looks back at the child who is sleeping in a crib with emotion on his face.

"Take care of Madelyn and leave this room." Gerhard turn back his face to her wife face and order the nurses.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" The child suddenly started to cry.

The nurses didn't say anything took crying Madelyn in their arms and leave the room.


Madelyn's POV

"Nooooooo" I say it loudly.

But the moment I open my eyes I see a face of a old woman and somehow I feel she was holding me.

"Hey woman put me down. I am not a baby. I am an adult how strong are you to carry me." I say it loudly but all I say was making no sense to her.

I tried to move my hands but I became shocked that I couldn't control my hands at all.

Then the older woman who was carrying me hands me over to a woman to a beautiful woman but having a pale face. I discovered something which shocked me to a core.

"I become a baby."

I always thought that when a man dies he gets reincarnated with no memories but here I am having the memory of my previous birth.

"Madelyn" The beautiful woman who I knew is my mother says this word which will obviously my name.

Suddenly then the women sleeps. The older nurse then came to me and she pich and gave to other women who was young in this room.

I see from the women arms that the older women was checking my mother carefully but I never was prepared for hear about her other words.

"She has gone now."The older woman says it with sadness in her eyes.

At that time suddenly there come a loud noise through the other side. I see a man that face was covered with sweat and he look like a person who was running for his life.

Then, the man straightly goes to my mother and after seeing no response from he question the women in the room for her wife and me.

The woman who was holding me gave me to the the man who was named "Gerhard". I instantly came to knew that he is my father.

I can see the happiness on his face while holding me but the other news about her wife shocked him. I can see his face getting emotional. He puts me on the crib and goes to his wife.

He asks about her wife last words which he came to know that she named me on her final moments.

"Madelyn" saying my name he looks at me one final moment.

At that time I also can feel his sense of loss. I started to remember about my mother and father.

"How they will be feeling right now about my death"

I can remember my relationship with mother and father. They both loved me very much.

For them I was their pride,their joy and now I have taken everything from them.

"I wish that I could have meet them one last time."

Knowing I am the cause of my previous birth parents suffering I can hold it in myself anymore.

I started to cry then the woman in room came and pick me and take me out of the room.

The woman after coming out of the room first feed me and then place me in the crib in another room. I suddenly fell exhausted and fell asleep.