
Reincarnated as a succubus enchantress

Linda was a very seductive girl who liked to play with both man and woman one unfortunate day she lost her life to a lowly scum who could only lust over her body till he could only resort to raping her but before he knew it he had killer her in the process. Finding herself in a new world and unholy powers Linda vowed to make everyone payback for her unjust death in the new world

Super_user · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Fateful day

The most beautiful girl in school worshipped by everyone Linda was a girl who had it all a perfect body with an hour glass shape she liked the attention she got from everyone boys girls teachers all would look at her with lustful eyes. On the surface Linda looked innocent but she deep down she knew how to manipulate one's lust to the fullest and she loved it but she always felt something was lacking.

Feeling bored in today's English class she started playing with her hair not paying attention to anything however the teacher was having a hard time hiding a buldge that was growing in his pants due to being enchanted by her simple gestures, when Linda finally caught on she had a seductive look on her face and started to silently expose her cleavage till the teacher cut the class short to escape the very uncomfortable room, taking one last look at Linda he dashed out of the class as quickly as possible only to find himself in the gents toilet stocking his bulging dick trying to release some pent up energy. 

Not paying attention he was caught off guard when he felt a soft hand slowly going down from his stomach to his hard dick, "Who said you can get away with giving me a B on the last test?" she whispered slowly taking over and stocking his now throbing cock, "Nnnh" resting her boobs on his back she started scratching his balls and pre cum started dripping down "That was the best I could dooo agh, the heeeadmas... Aaaaagh would have been omg please stop", Linda laughed and pulled his face closer she was a slight short and thick girl with a soft skin big boobs, hips and a big ass, grabbing him by the chin she kissed him and he cam so hard he lost all strength in his legs and slumped down "Hmm that cute puppy huh you don't have to worry about him teach okay", making a cute face she smiled and slowly started to walk away. 

By the time she got back to class the finally bell rung and she just decided to go home but unbeknownst to her a very horny guy was following her when she got to her room he snuck in with out much time he plunged a knife into her chest and quickly plunged his cock in her pussy she could only let a soft scream as life started to fade from her body. 

Luckly where she stayed several guys would want to chance being with her would always be loitering around her room heard her scream and rushed in to see her lifeless being ravaged by a horny basterd but it was already too late.