
No Choice

"You see me through, huh? I guess you will find it eventually, but it's sooner than expected." 

Iris said those words with a face void of expressions, so I could not read her properly. But there was one thing I could be sure of: I definitely caught her hiding her real identity. However, I still loved her, and I actually did not know what to do. 

"Iris, you are truly concealing something. What will you do next? Will you disclose the information I am seeking?"

"Isolating me here and purposefully baiting me with your tricks... I see. You set me up, aren't you?" 

"It doesn't matter. I am sorry, but I have to do this. I know it's hard to believe, but no matter who or what you are, I will accept who you are because I really love you, Iris. I just want to know who you really are. So please..." 

What I just said was genuine, and it all came from my heart. It was true that I trapped her in his situation, but I was eager to learn more about her.