
Child Form 

Firstly, I was genuinely surprised when the human form of Yuki, the daughter of Inari, was like that of a ten year old child. But I was speechless when Yuki called me her father. 

She teleported herself to escape the matter, but I chased and caught her afterwards since I had planted a mark on her and dragged her into an isolated place. 

Right now, in the living area of our headquarters on the 30th Floor of the dungeon, I am having a conversation with Inari, who is sitting with her daughter, Yuki, on the same couch. 

Yuki has been dressed by Uriel and is currently wearing an elegant pink kimono. Uriel had finished measuring her sizes and sewn a set of loli-sized outfits just for her. 

There are some people here in this area aside from the three of us, namely, Czarina, Uriel, and Griffith. I sat with Czarina while Uriel and Griffith shared one.