
Chapter 12: Combat Training

Sure! Here's the translation:


Bakugo: What?

Rimuru: Thanks for the meal *licking his lower lip*

Izumi: Incredible *astonished*

Rimuru: Alright, Izumi. Let's fight together.

Izumi: Sure.

Bakugo: Do you both think you can beat me? Damn nerd and effeminate guy.

Rimuru: I told you to stop calling me that *charging at Bakugo along with Izumi*

Rimuru charges at Bakugo and dodges an explosion from Bakugo, hitting him in the stomach and causing him to spit out saliva.

Bakugo: Why don't you hit me with all your strength? Are you underestimating me? And you, Deku, it was fun tricking me. You always had a quirk.

Rimuru: I'm not underestimating you. If I were, you wouldn't even be able to touch me. I'm just giving you a fair fight so you can have a proper battle. Besides, I want to fight the other one.

A while later

With Lida

Lida *leaving*: That Bakugo is heading straight for Tempest and Izumi without a direct plan.

Yoru: I'm going too. To help Bakugo, stay here and guard the bomb in case someone comes.

Yoru: (I need to find out who the OFA bearer is, although that Rimuru Tempest gives me a very bad feeling. Luckily, with my quirk and the one AFO gave me, I can search for the OFA bearer and stay here undercover.)

Yoru: (With my Spirit Tracking quirk and my second quirk, Sinister Radiance, finding the OFA for my master will be very easy.)

Uraraka: *seeing Yoru leave*: (Okay, now only Lida remains.)

Lida: I need to find a way to separate Tempest from Izumi.

Uraraka: (He's talking about Rimuru and Izumi.)

Lida: Only I can be with Izumi. We're meant to be together.

Uraraka *angry*: (Damn!...)*takes a deep breath*(Calm down Ochako, just finish the exercise and then go kick Lida in the balls.)

Back to the present

Rimuru *seeing Yoru arrive*: Speak of the devil.

Yoru: (Searching for OFA) *seeing Izumi glowing and then turning to see Rimuru* (Searching for power source) *cannot and is stunned by what he sees* (Why, when I try to search for his power source, does it block me and show a dragon, a big pig, and some kind of fire spirit?) *trembling* (This guy is more dangerous than he looks.)

Rimuru: Hey, are you going to fight or just keep staring at me?

<Warning: User Yoru has attempted to search for information through the soul, causing power of individuals Veldora, Ifrit, and Orc Lord block connection.>

Rimuru: (I see. By the way, I don't have Veldora's soul, do I?)

<Correct, you do not have Veldora's soul. The previous situation is akin to creating a soul through magic, so can't just put it into body and expect act like him.>

Rimuru: I see.

Yoru: Shadow Burst *firing bursts of shadows*

Rimuru would easily dodge the shadow bursts, but his hair would get slightly singed, which would annoy him a bit. He would still charge at Yoru while dodging his attacks, hitting his stomach, then elbowing his back, and finishing with a hammer blow to his back. But Yoru would then emerge from the shadow of a wall behind Rimuru and try to strike him, which wouldn't work because Rimuru would block the blow with his forearm and then kick Yoru, sending him flying into the wall. Despite resisting, Yoru would charge at Rimuru, landing blows that Rimuru would dodge.

Uraraka: {Later, I plan to kick you for what you said about Izumi and Rimuru. Anyway, guys, I'm sorry, but Lida spotted me for lowering my guard.}

Izumi: {Don't worry, Uraraka.}

Rimuru: {What did he say about us?}

Uraraka: {We'll talk about that later. How are you doing? Have you beaten them?}

Yoru: Stop talking through the communicator while fighting. Are you underestimating me?

Rimuru: {Well, I'm fighting, or rather dodging Yoru's attacks while talking.}

Izumi: {I'm with Kacchan. Thanks to Rimuru, the earlier explosion didn't escalate.}

Bakugo: {Are you underestimating me so much that I don't even deserve your attention? STOP IGNORING ME DEKU.}

Izumi: {Uraraka, I have a plan. I'm currently a few floors below you, but in the same position. What we'll do is I'll launch an attack upward, and you hold onto a pillar nearby and activate your quirk when it breaks. Then, you can bat the debris toward Lida and take advantage of the distraction to go for the bomb.}

Yoru: So? Do you have a plan?

Rimuru: Yes, and I'm not needed anymore, so we can continue the fight.

Rimuru would land blows that Yoru, trying to dodge, would receive on other parts of his body, such as his arms or legs, which annoyed him and made him tired of holding back his power.

Yoru: Stop holding back and fight seriously.

Rimuru: Alright, as you say.

Rimuru would position himself next to Yoru with a speed he couldn't see and kicked him into the wall, rendering him unconscious.

Rimuru: Done.

With Izumi

At that moment, Bakugo would launch an attack, and Izumi would block it and launch an attack upward, then pass out, allowing Uraraka to use her quirk when the pillar broke. She would strike the debris and jump toward the bomb, winning the exercise.

AM: The heroes win.

A while later

AM: Now, let's evaluate who was the MVP. Does anyone know?

Momo: Yes, it was Tempest.

AM: Why?

Momo: Because Bakugo rushed into the fight without a plan, only for personal reasons, causing a huge explosion that could have destroyed the building and put the bomb in danger. Izumi did something similar by destroying the building they were supposed to protect and acted out of personal reasons with Bakugo. Then, there's Uraraka, whose attack was very reckless, and she let her guard down, which allowed Lida to spot her. This leaves us with Yoru, Lida, and Tempest. Lida adapted best to his role and devised a way to counter Uraraka's quirk. Tempest not only protected the building and his teammate from Bakugo's massive explosion but also took on Yoru, proving he could have ended it with a single kick, as demonstrated. Lastly, Yoru, in an attempt to hit Tempest, became desperate, and his movements became more predictable, which Tempest took advantage of to continue dodging.

I apologize for not uploading the chapter earlier, but I had some personal issues that prevented me from posting chapters, let alone writing. However, I'm back now, so I will start uploading chapters again once a week.

Alex_11223344creators' thoughts