
Fake Chapter 7.7

This isn't a real chapter, be warned!!!


"Hey you… yeah you, the reader who has managed to slug through seven pages and likes snooping into my, the mighty non-chubby Ikarus's life. I should probably try and be nice to you, you lot keep my foul mouth running. Pun intended, hehe"


"That's right Minos, I think? You see, the author is a grumpy son of a bitch who to keep me and Minos speaking needs a quota- wait a second, you stupid author, make up your damn mind! Don't tell me to say something and then change your mind, idiot!"


"Quiet Minos, I'm talking. I'm now being told the author doesn't need a quota, he just says that the more collections and power stones he gets, the quicker stuff gets made and released. I know reader, it's pathetic, isn't it? Desperately asking for that crap, I'm surprised he's not asking me to tell you to like and subscribe and all that shit as well. Ah, now the little man is telling me to shut it, what's he gonna do? Cut me off?"


"You've made Minos sad as well now, author-kun, he's also forcing me to say one last thing before he starts abusing me again. This novel will always be free and never contracted, obviously cause he's not confidant enough in his work. Really? He's now aggressively telling me it's a personal choice against the powers that be on this site. Yeah, keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep better at night, dumb author. I'm only speaking the truth, author-kun, threating to cut me off again won't work, you can't silence the truth…"

<You really are a strange one, little one>

<Who are you talking to Ikarus?>


---Actual author-kun here now, not that stupid bird spreading misinformation. My intention is to try and guarantee at least 4-5 chapters a week but I want to aim for 7+, that's why I'm asking for stones and collections, just more of a motivator then anything else. Also, the people who have already given me stones and added this to your collection, you guys are freaking legends!!! For those who haven't, you can very easily join the freaking legend list *wink wink*---

---The thing Ikarus was definitely right on is that this will always be NON contracted, I'd rather people know this early on so that if this novel end's up getting slightly popular, it will always be free to read---


If you got through all this, I did warn you this isn't a real chapter ;) The next one is very much extremely 100% real though.