So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
"Petra... now that we're fiancés, I'm guessing this is your way of showing me how much of a pervert you are?"
"Heh Ikarus, had these hidden away for a while but never knew when to bring them up or if you'd be comfortable with it. Anything pike your curiosity or is it all a little much? We don't have to use anything and I'm happy to throw it all away as well if you don't like it"
What greets me on our lovely king-sized bed now in our fully decorated bedroom is quite the selection of things. We have the used stuff like the belt and phalluses but in addition to those, we have a much broader selection of phallus this time around and even... vibrators? I think that's what they are, no idea how you could even create something like that in this world but a couple look to be those smaller types that are connected to a remote and another that happens to be a massager looking thing. Oh, should probably mention the pilled up, soft looking rope as well.
We have been messing around a lot lately just down to boredom but to think Petra had a stash like this hidden away? I'm kinda disappointed she didn't introduce me to it beforehand... not like I'm going to say that out loud though. She's supposed to be the pervert in this relationship, not me!
At least I can understand why she's been a little more hands on today than usual, she was probably just worrying about bringing this sort of stuff up and just decided to show it all together doing it all in one go. If I'm being honest, I was expecting even more from her than just a bit of rope with that sort of thing. Like, where's the whips and chains already? I always thought Petra's had that sort of fetish yet all she's got is rope?
"No no, I always knew I was marrying a pervert. Erm... eh, fuck it, let's piss about with a little bit of bondage, then see what happens. Can always burn it off if it gets too much"
"Heh, it's not that kind of rope Ikarus but there should never be any need for that. We still have the decision of who's going to be one getting tied up though"
Is she seriously asking me that? Petra, who's entire existence seems to be about tormenting me, has now suddenly decided to think about deciding who does what?
"Let's be real Petra, we both know what role you want to take so don't lie to yourself"
"Heh, funny you should say that Ikarus. I've actually never been on that side of things, but the thought of being able to tease you that easily is pretty appealing"
Petra's never been the one tying up? Oh, maybe her pervious relationship was a little different than I was expecting then but I really don't want to think about the vampire Melinda right now. It's time for a little bit of perversion but beforehand, I need to set some ground rules. I love her and all but I'm not feeling up for a never ending edging session.
"Fair enough. If we're going to do this today, there's one big condition especially when I'm at your complete mercy. No stopping right when I'm at the edge, alright?"
"Heh, that spoils half the fun Ikarus, but if that's what it takes, okay. Beforehand, how about we get dressed up a little for this? I've got something new for you to wear as well..."
"Seriously Petra!? You get the sexy black lingerie we both know and love, and I get this frilly, cute orange shit!?"
"Heh, it suits you really well though Ikarus"
"I know! That's the freaking problem! *Sighhh*"
Petra's back in that black lingerie set I've seen plenty times before and me, I'm in something similar looking but with more frills, and is more orange and white looking. It's even got a tiny skirt with it! Why can't I be the sexy one too?
Anyways, I ignore my frustration and embarrassment from the outfit and make my way over to our bed trying to be sexy while walking. I'm better off just acting natural because my sexy always seems a little awkward.
"Heh, lie down flat for me, would you gorgeous?"
"Okay dokey then Petra... Hey, do you want me to call you mistress as well while we do this?"
I mean, I'm more making a joke but if she's into it, I'm really not that fussed. I've already called her that once when that stupid maid innocent happened, still can't believe I did that.
"Heh, and I'm the more perverted one then? We'll decide that in a second, let's get you nice and snug then"
Now completely flat on the bed, Petra grabs the length of rope, a knife and starts to work down below on my ankles.
She then lightly pushes my legs apart, focuses on one leg wrapping the rope around my ankle and finally tying it off to the bed post. Repeating the previous action on the other leg, now both legs are spread apart giving me no room to move. As if she hasn't been on the other side of this, her ropework is way too natural.
Having both my legs completely apart like this with no room to even wiggle is a pretty overwhelming thought if I'm being honest. It makes me feel a little vulnerable and... slightly turned on as well. I'm not really sure why though.
"Not too tight?"
"All good Petra"
"I'm going to do the same with your arms. If it's too tight or you want to get out, just say and I'll do it straight away Ikarus"
"Sure sure"
Petra then moves her way around the side of the bed to my arms and starts the tying process up here as well. She's so gentle doing this that I can barely feel the rope tugging into my wrist, it is pretty weird knowing that arm can no longer be used as she's finished attaching it the post now. At least I can still make a fist or flip the bird I guess.
Making her way back round again, it's now onto the final arm. This gets done just as quick as everything else so now, we're finished. Me, the phoenix in orange lingerie barely able to move my restrained limbs with Petra, the devilish bird dressed in that goddamn sexy, black lingerie. I'm slightly nervous what she has in store now, what wicked scenario is she going to whip up? I'm starting to get ahead of myself now it seems, and even more turned on.
Before doing anything else though, Petra leans in for a quick kiss and I obviously would never turn down such a thing... even if I physically couldn't right now. It's actually really overwhelming the position I'm in now, she could continuously torment me and I literally have no resistance other than nuking everything. I'm not even sure I could that to work right now or if some abilities work in this state but less of that thought right now Ikarus. You're only turning yourself on even further!
Being completely at her mercy while tied down in the shape of an X is really something I never thought I'd experience. I can't understand why the hell this alone turning me on so much though!? I'm not secretly submissive and into being tied up, I swear! Fuck's sake!
"Heh, great as always... you calling me mistress did bring up a good point Ikarus. How far do you want me to go with this?"
"Erm... What do you mean Petra?"
"What I mean my adorable and cute tied up little bird, is that, do you want me to give you a mistress treatment, or just keep things more loving? I'm a little unsure just how far you want this to go Ikarus"
Mistress treatment? Is she suggesting acting like a dominatrix or something? It could be kinda hot, but might it be even more overwhelming? I'm already helpless enough and I'm not sure how I'd react if Petra was to change her persona to be like that. I'd probably struggle to take the roleplaying seriously as well.
It's slightly funny really, this is obviously her being too thoughtful about all this. Here I am, completely tied up on the bed and her first thought is how I want things to go. It makes me feel like I've got more control over this situation than her... huh. I'm oddly surprised about it all.
"Let's just keep this more loving than going that direction, at least yet. I'm not sure I'm ready for you wielding a whip and wearing that shiny crap Petra... it might piss me off more if I accidently ended up liking it too much. Actually, disregarded the outfit bit, I could see that suiting you really well"
You know, that shiny black material that mistresses wear, I don't know what it's freaking called! I barely know about this sort of stuff... Oh, latex. I guess I do know what it's called then.
"Heh, that's how we'll do it then. I'll still try doing it a little bit though, just say if you don't like it, alright Ikarus?"
While I'm answering, Petra climbs up onto the bed and takes a seat on top of my stomach. Almost immediately, my fluster is only going to get worse especially consider what she's currently holding up in front of me. I didn't realize she picked up one of those wired looking vibrators already and that smile on her face, it's actually worrying.
"Heh, think you're really going to enjoy this Ikarus. You know what this is?"
"And do you know where this is going Ikarus?"
"I-Inside me?"
"Heh, good girl"
Petra responds while giving me a slight pat on the head and my arousal is only going to get worse from now on, I've even started stuttering!
She then twists herself around a little still on my stomach and I feel that tiny skirt start to lift up. I can tell she's purposely being slow exploring my panty region, how long it'll take
It thankfully doesn't take too long before Petra lifts the underwear up and starts to explore under it. Unfortunately, the only exploring she's willing to do is push that tiny vibrator into my growing wetness. It barely feels like it's even entered but it's definitely in there now.
Petra gives me a slight wink, then switches on the remote...
"Jesus C-Christ! Just how s-strong is that!?!"
Feeling that small vibrator buzzing inside me is way too strong. That's not necessarily a bad thing, just it is for me when everyone knows by now, I've got the endurance of a dude when it comes to sex.
"Ah, sorry about that Ikarus. Little better now?"
"Y-Yeah, thanks P-Petra"
Petra thankfully dials it down to a more reasonable setting and so I can enjoy this without immediately climaxing. It really is pleasantly nice, although, I doubt I'd be able to finish without this being on extremely high. It doesn't feel close to being enough right now.
The feeling of the vibration is slightly hard to describe. Unlike everything else, this seems to be a more numbing pleasure but that can also be extremely powerful as well. It's definitely something different.
"Heh, how does that feel Ikarus?"
Petra has started to fiddle with the remote slightly and keeps turning it up and down, this is an incredible pleasure yet only frustration can be obtained. My legs are even starting to quiver but no orgasm is close.
Urgh, this devil has even started to grope me with her free hand as well. Fuck me, this has suddenly gone great...
Almost like I've forgotten, I go to try and grope my other boob and realize straight away I'm still restrained. Whatever it is she's doing with that remote, all I want to do is touch myself right now and knowing I can't, is freaking turning me on even more!
"Heh, let's see how long we can keep this up. Don't worry Ikarus, it's not edging if you don't get close, right?"
Damn this evil woman! I don't care if I could tell she's making a joke, don't be screwing me over like this! It's like a special kind of torture feeling this turned on with such limited stimulation, ah! That changing buzzing is just... urgh...
Petra goes in for another kiss but this time it quickly turns French; she's still fiddling with the setting and groping even like this! The other boob needs touching as well!
Of course, my moans are going to be muffled. I can't contain myself around this woman! It turns out, I'm happy to admit I now like bondage.
Petra stops the kiss and I finally can witness the redness in her face taking over, not that I even care though. I'm still being tortured by vibrating pleasure right now and it's a great sort of torture. I'm so freaking turned on now, I bet this is what it feel like drinking that love potion.
"Heh, you're putting on a lovely show tonight Ikarus so I'll be really kind. You definitely are going to enjoy this"
And that's when Petra gets off me and grabs something I witnessed earlier. That massager looking vibrator, kinda in the shape of a wan-, oh! I remember the name of that on Earth, it's a magic wand! It's not suspect why I know that; this isn't the first relationship me and Petra have been in before after all. One of my exes had something like that... Ikarus, you're such a fucking idiot! Don't let your mind wonder right now!
Anyways, Petra gets back on me and changes up her position moving back a little. Getting herself really comfortable taking a painfully slow amount of time, then places the massager under her perfectly positioned against the top of my forbidden fruit. Giving me one last wink and grin, the switch turns on..
"F-Fuck! Oh my freaking God!"
"Heh, it's nice, isn't it Ikarus?"
Nice!?! I could literally cum in seconds with this, why the fuck is this so powerful!? Luckily, she's turned down a little but damn, the shakes are already coming in full force and I'm not going to last long like this...
It doesn't help she's returned to fondling my covered breasts again, fuck this Petra! I'm going to cum any second now...
"Ikarus, hold it in for me... please?"
"W-What? You w-want m-me to hold it i-in?"
Trying to communicate with that intense buzzing between your legs and also with one inside you is definitely a horrid battle. It's baffling how Petra can remain so composed with that thing attacking her as well but she does look like she may be getting closer as well.
"Yes, you'll understand in a moment"
"F-Fine... I'm struggling though P-Petra"
I'm now right at the edge and everything is starting to get torturous, I really, really need to cum right now! This might be worse than edging or what she was just doing, how the hell do I hold it in!?
"C-Can I please c-cum Petra?"
I feel like my entire body is starting to uncontrollably shake and the pleasure is only getting stronger, let me finish Petra!
"Not yet Ikarus, just hold on a bit longer"
"P-Petra pleaseee, I can't hold this a-any longer!"
"Little longer Ikarus, you can do it. I'll even countdown"
Despite this torture I'm currently withstanding, I've somehow managed to find the strength to keep it in and I have no idea where this power has come from. Every part of my body desperately wants to climax yet I can just somehow stop it... oh God, I don't have that power, it's getting too much again...
"Urgh... I-I can't h-hold on!"
"D-Damn it!"
"I-I'm going to cry!"
"One... now Ikarus"
"ARGH!! Fuckkk! Urgh..."
Just before the orgasmic waves crash through me, Petra turns both vibrators up causing them to send me violently over the edge losing all control over the climax. Even in this blissful but violent state I'm riding through fighting against the rope, I can easily understand what Petra was going for just by looking at her shaking on top of me as well.
Obviously, she was trying to get us to finish in sync and that's worked incredibly... urgh... The buildup was worth it just by how strong it's ended but, this orgasm is getting painful now just by how much I'm still turned on, these vibrators are killing me...
"*Huff huff*... Petra, help *huff*"
"W-What? Ah s-sorry Ikarus"
Damn, even she's stuttering now, that must've been that intense for her as well, this sensation is too much.
Thankfully, she's switched off the vibrator so I can catch my breath for a second. Breathing isn't being helped since she's partially collapsed on top of me as well but having Petra exhausted looking like that, is only turning me on again.
"*Huff*, damn... you really should've brought them out sooner Petra. I'm more than happy to be a pervert with you if that's the result"
"Heh, yeah... you fancy going again Ikarus?"
"Heh, I've got to make the most of this. Never know when I'll entrap my little bird again"
It's actually pretty scary how easily she comes out with lines like that, it makes me wonder if it's more roleplay or her being completely honest. Eh, I think that's the entire point of what she does, her teasing is supposed to be ominous...
"Funny... let's go again then. I'm not sure if I'll have the strength to hold it in like that again though"
"Heh, that's fine Ikarus. How about we keep this up for half an hour or so and see how we feel after?"
'Half an hour!? Damn, I can't keep up with my horny fiancé it seems...'
Ah screw it, it does seem a waste considering all the work it took dressing up like this and being tied down. Might as well make the most out of this experience and cum as much as possible, right? I'm definitely going to be feeling this tomorrow though...
Something I failed to take into account, is that those vibrators don't discriminate or even let off in the slightest. In the space of ten minutes, I hit that sweet climax three more times...
*Huff huff*, n-no more *huff*, Petra *huff*, c-can't take anymore *huff*"
"Heh *huff*... w-we'll stop now..."