So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
"Ikarus, focus"
"I'm tryinggg"
"If you don't focus, I'll make sure to give you another intense punishment"
"LOOK! I'm doing it now! Calm yo-self woman!"
In an empty part of the forest, the mage has been getting me to inject magic into a pinecone. I'm currently holding the cone in my human form focusing heavily on it.
That punishment she threatens is no joke, the few she's given me are horrible, hated every second of it. You know what she made me do as the punishment? She made me sit, facing a tree, for an entire hour!? Yes, an entire hour, not allowed to face away or even talk, it's like I'm a kid who's been put on the naughty step. It was humiliating, all that for a stupid breast joke.
I do sometimes think about leaving but I know she would just summon a net if I do that and probably reset the time. Stupid mage, no idea how it's considered intense though, just extremely boring.
It's maybe been a few weeks or a month since I've started learning magic and the sword and just like usual with my impatient self, everything is annoying.
To sum up what magic is, it's extremely frustrating. See, all my knowledge on magic comes from novels and mangas, the magic in this world doesn't use anything like that. The system doesn't help with it, saying a spell out loud does nothing and I know it's not the same but cultivation isn't really a thing either. Actually, it might be I don't have a clue if it exists.
As stupid as it sounds, trying to move magic around is a similar feeling to constipation, I know it's gross and dumb but it's the only thing I think I can compare it to. Don't look at me like that, I'm not disgusting!
Going back on topic, the pinecone I'm holding doesn't move or make a sound once I put some magic in it but the mage for some reason can detect there is some inside though.
"Since you're able to do that, let's advance onto the next stage"
"Oh God, how hard is this going to be?"
This last month has basically just been injecting magicka into various things without causing a massive fire like with what happened in the net, the next stage is going to be horrible I bet.
"*Hmph*... Very difficult, you'll very much enjoy the after effects though, Ikarus"
Did she just hmph and cross her arms at me? I can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not with what she said, this woman is oddly terrifying.
"What I want you to do next is focus all your magic inside your head, find the spot directly in the centre of your brain"
"That's impossible! It fights way too much to get back where it started!"
She is asking for a miracle, trying to move all of it will be exhausting as well.
"I did say it would be hard, do that and you'll master magic"
She's definitely just taking crap and teasing me. If that was her trying to encourage me, she definitely failed that speech check.
"I would also recommend you sit down cross legged and close your eyes for this, it's not a pleasurable experience"
"Fine fine, I'll do it, just be quiet, your voice is irritating"
Ignoring the death glare that was sent in my direction, I sit down and do as she says. Once I'm in my dark space inside my head, I get ready. That sounds weird, the dark space inside my head.
'Damn it Ikarus, focus!'
I start trying to move the fire burning deep inside me up into my head, the problem is, I have to move it all one go otherwise it will end up back to the beginning, this really sucks.
Fighting using every bit of all my internal strength, I can just about get it up to the bottom of my neck but I can't continue further.
"*Huff, huff, huff*"
I'm already drenched in sweat and visibly panting.
"Fascinating... try it again"
She seems like she's enjoying my pain, evil woman. That reminds me of an old song- Ah, stop getting distracted.
"*Huff* one second, *huff*"
Giving myself a minute to catch my breath, I then try again.
Forcing the fire back upwards, I realize I've hit an impossible point after a minute or so doing it again.
'Go higher, you stupid turd!'
This time, I've managed to get the fire to the upper part of my neck but it feels like there is something blocking the way, it's like trying to put a square peg into a round hole, it won't fit!
"*Huff, huff* Damn, *huff* it!"
"Ikarus, just one more time, you can do it"
"*Huff* Fine, evil, *huff* woman"
I must look like I've just come out of the ocean, I'm soaked in sweat now, this is infuriating. One last time and I'm done, I want to sleep now as well.
Doing the same thing again, I find the same spot I'm stuck on. I don't care if it won't fit, I will make it this time even if it kills me! Pushing up as hard as I can, I start feeling light headed but just as I feel like I'm about to pass out, the fire slips past and into my head heading towards my brain.
"Ikarus, you okay?"
I awaken flat down with the mage crouching alongside me, that was hell, still unsure on what the point of that was.
"And now, mighty phoenix... you have full access to your magic, as long as you have the magic spare, you should have no problem making spells..."
'Wait a second, where's my fire gone? It's disappeared'
"...You've even done something even mages trying for decades can't easily achieve and this quickly as well, I'm extremely impressed"
She's still going on; I'm calling her out on this crap she's spewing.
"I know you're mocking me Leone, this isn't funny"
"Skeptical, are we? Try imagining up a fireball in your hand"
I get myself up of the ground while she's speaking and smiling towards me, I'm getting annoyed now.
"This is so stupid... your teasing is gett- ARGHHH! It's hot, shit shit it burns!"
While I was speaking, I give a loose thought to what she asked and a ball of fire was created in my hand like a small sun. The problem is that it's actually covering my entire hand burning me!
"Stupid Ikarus, I meant outside your hands, not inside them! Cancel it!"
I'm desperately trying to kill the fire smacking it with my free hand right now, it's not working!
"Use your mind to cancel it just like you did right now!"
"Erm erm erm!...*Phewww*"
I give off a massive phew once I cancel the fire I just summoned, even Leone got stressed out and looked relieved once I stopped it. Stupid fire.
My poor hand looks like it's been cooked as well now, it surprisingly doesn't hurt as much as I thought, probably because I've burnt the nerves off it.
"Don't complain mage, I have to check my status now since your teaching didn't take my stupidity into account"
'Was that a laughing hmph this time? Forget it, status'
[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 12]
[Health 2,500/2,500]
[Stamina 1,462/2,500]
[Magicka 422/1000]
'How did it do zero damage!?'
[<-User's- magic cannot damage herself>]
'Then why does my hand look like a barbeque? Forget it, how long till my next level up? I haven't levelled in a while'
[<-User- needs 0.27 wolf or 0.74 goat>]
'Aesa, just say I need a single creature, don't do that. I'm really close to levelling up huh'
I want to get this to the next level as quick as possible, need to invest more in magic. I wonder where I can find some EXP quickly.
"Mage, is there anything I can quickly kill around here without having to switch form?"
"You're going to Jekyll afterwards, correct? Check one of the rabbit traps behind the cabin if you want to test your magic. If you burn down the cabin doing it though, I will hurt you Ikarus"
That definitely wasn't nervous laughter I gave off, if she's threatening me, then I've got to be careful. She does it so calmly and reserved though, it's terrifying.
"Before you leave though, I need to give you some important magical information I've ignored telling you thus far, seemed pointless till now. There are four different types of magic; fire, water, lighting and wind. All have different effects and abilities as well as being extremely complicated to go in detail in so I won't bore you too much"
"Which type are you?"
I shouldn't have to ask what my magic is, I'm a freaking bird of fire after all. I am confused on what hers is because she does many things like summoning nets, conjuring fire, making water as well. Maybe she has two types of magic?
"It's complicated... I'll try and answer that in a second. Back continuing on what I was on about, there are only four, official types of magic but there are other subcategories like darkness, light and necromancy but they don't really count since there's not that much information about them"
Darkness and necromancy? I kind of wish I was an undying lich summoning hordes of the undead, that would be badass. Fire is still pretty cool though. She didn't answer my question though.
"As for me, my magic doesn't count since I use multiple types all from different categories. I didn't obtain my power by normal means, for example, enchanted nets are a lost magic that disappeared decades ago. It should be obvious what category you fall under, Ikarus"
"I'm not that stupid, I do wonder what I'm actually able to do with my fire though, I kinda feel like I'm going to be disappointed with whatever happens"
Then a small smile appears on the mage's face.
"Didn't you say you want to be a human flamethrower? Whatever that looks like, try it. And summon the fire outside your hands, not inside"
"You said that wouldn't work though? Ah, I'll try it anyway"
Putting my still barbequed hand flat out straight, I imagine a continuous stream of fire flowing outside my hand, it works without even trying.
"Arg- hahahahaha... this is brilliant!"
Okay, I take back everything I ever said about magic sucking, this is freaking amazing. My arm is literally a flamethrower slinging fire ahead of me, who cares about the small range, this is epic!
"Ikarus has found the special weapon from the mystery box and is now mowing down hordes and hordes of zombies, all the other players are calling Ikarus vile slurs because she's stealing all their kills! Muhahahaha!"
I'm imagining I'm inside a World War two zombie game, I'm never going to grow up if I get cool shit like this.
Then my fun gets ruined by my nagging robotic wife and my fire stopping.
[<-User's- magicka has hit 0]
"Damn it, why do bad things always happen to good people? I was using this power for good, not evil"
"You're... strange Ikarus"
"Tell me something I don't know"
The lord giveth and the lord taketh away, I guess.
Back at the cabin, I'm checking the rabbit traps to see if anything has been caught. Thankfully, two of the several traps have rabbits in.
"You hungry Ikarus?"
Damn it, captain Jekyll! He's going to give me a heart attack! I didn't hear him approach me in the slightest.
"I guess so, that's not the reason I'm doing this"
"I'll cook you and Leone some rabbit stew after our training if you want to stay longer, maybe try some food that humans have cooked?"
Rabbit stew? It's got to be better than that wolf I cooked... Ah, screw it, I'll stay later tonight then, it's not like my parents don't know where I am. They could probably see the cabin from the cave from the right position or angle.
"Fine but let me kill it before we eat it, blame the voice inside my head"
I get up leaving the traps and follow the guard back to the front of the cabin. Once we get there, he throws me a wooden sword, I catch it and he starts speaking again.
"We're going to do something a little different today, you're going to defend my attacks this time. I will be holding back a lot but I want you to take this as a life-or-death situation, use any means you want as well as the sword to fight"
I can kick? Sweet... something new again as well? Is this my lucky day or something?
"Leone told me you've become a master magician so that means I've got to step up my game"
Well, I haven't though. With full magic, I doubt I can use my flamethrower for even close to a minute, need to invest in magic a lot now.
"Make sure you put all your efforts in to fighting the captain, Ikarus. You'll regret it if you don't try your hardest"
Once again, the nasty woman is watching and commenting on our sparring session. I've got to try even harder now knowing she's watching, the captain is relatively nice compared to the woman, he doesn't give any punishments unlike the mage.
'Stop complaining to myself and focus, her methods clearly works'
"Like I just said Ikarus, I'm going to attack you this time. Try and hold out as long as you can"
As soon as the captain finished, he charges towards me with his wooden sword in hand swinging for my neck. I just about manage to block it with my sword but the attack throws me back a bit.
'Argh, this guy is dangerous'
[<-User- focus>]
'I know, I know!'
He then follows up his attack with a swing aiming towards my hip, I can't dodge so I've got to block this one like the previous. Successfully blocking it, I try to move and counter but before I have the chance, he headbutts me.
(Jekyll) "Ikarus, focus!"
That headbutt hurt but I'm still standing and ready to continue. The captain then does something unexpected; he stabs his sword towards me, the thing that I got told of for.
Without even thinking about it, I jump backwards dodging the attack and plan to speak my mind.
"Heyy, that-"
Before I even have a chance to complain, his sword swipes for my neck again. This time however, I decide to take a risk and duck really low under the swing instead of blocking, this surprises him slightly and using his surprise, I swing my sword into his leg while still ducking, I've actually managed to score an attack on him.
It's pointless though, he doesn't even flinch from the hit and instantly counters by hitting me in the face with his knee. This knocks me to the ground and he puts his sword to my neck
"Your loss"
"I call for a draw, I got your leg first"
"It's the captain's win, Ikarus"
Oi, shut it Leone, you're so annoying.
"That you did... I'm impressed, your perception is better than I thought. You saw that stabbing attack incoming"
While speaking, he grabs my hand and helps me get up of the floor, it's clear it was my loss but if we we're actually fighting for real, I would have taken his leg to the afterlife with me. Thinking about it, I wonder what human even tastes like? Scrap that thought cause the thought of it is making me sick.
"I'll sort a bath for you two since you're both covered in sweat. You can start the stew while Ikarus goes to bathe first, Jekyll"
"Okay then Leone"
Is Leone actually being nice all of sudden? Oh, I bet that might be it, she's sweet on the captain so she's trying to appear nice to me in front of him, I've gotten her figured out. Aww, even the old like to love, I'm probably talking crap though.
Ah yeah, I'm pretty certain Leone is really old. She only looks like she's in her twenties but she has way too much knowledge and her level is way too high, I haven't asked about it since she'll probably put me in time out or something stupid for being rude.
The captain Jekyll does look old though. You know what? I might try being a matchmaker and pair these two up. They're a bit old to have kids but they could still have an interesting life together. They could go for walks in the park, do crosswords together, share each other's reading glasses, that woul-
[<-User- is forgetting something>]
As the system tells me this cutting of my wondering mind, captain Jekyll is heading to the rabbit traps, my memory comes back to me.
"Wait a second captain! I want to kill one, remember?"
'Why did that rabbit have to be insanely cute!?'
I did still have to kill it unfortunately, looking at its little eyes before having to do what I needed to do, all I wanted to do was give it a hug and name it as well as pet it.
'Ah damn it! Stupid cute little bunny! Status, need to distract my guilty conscience'
[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 13]
[Health 2,500/2,500]
[Stamina 598/2,500]
[Magicka 234/1,000]
[You currently have 500 unused points]
'Now the question is, do I stick with magicka or try and increase stamina even more? It might help my training and the like'
[<-User already knows the answer>]
'You're right Aesa, I'm going magicka'
[<Points have now been distributed>]
'Good, good'
I'm currently sitting on a sofa in the cozy little living room in this shack after bathing myself, the captain is currently in the bath while the mage is tending the stew. I would offer to help but I already know I'm useless at cooking.
This little cabin is actually really cozy though despite it only having three rooms, The first is the main one having the kitchen, living and dining all together. The second is the bedroom that has two single beds in and the third is the spare room that is used mostly for storage and the bath tub. There is an outhouse out back which I've already had to use multiple times, it's horrible though. Never underestimate a modern toilet. And toilet paper.
Other than the stove being stone and the furs sitting upon the sofa, everything is wooden since there isn't much else you can build with in the middle of the forest. I'm pretty sure this world would be roughly in medieval period compared to Earth's history so everything looking like this makes sense, I guess.
"Stew's done!"
"Oh, perfect timing"
The mage calls out while the captain comes in shirtless drying his hair with a towel. His body is extremely athletic looking.
'That... isn't fair'
The captain's body is beyond peak alpha male status! The number of muscles he has isn't fair! As much as I like my female body, having a body in that shape would be a dream, I'm so jealous looking at that.
I need to start working out... oh, who am I kidding? I'm not doing that; this training is too much as it is.
'Wait a second... I just saw Leone blush looking at the captain, I fucking knew it!'
The captain puts on a shirt and then goes to the dining table while I follow him over there. The mage brings three bowls of the stew over and we all sit down together.
Ah good, these two don't say grace or anything like that, they've both already started eating.
"Oh, sorry Ikarus, do you want me to show you how to use a spoon? I know you've probably never used one"
Is this mage actually being nice or is she still trying to appear nice for the captain? I don't know if I can let this go.
"No no, I can figure it out"
I get a spoon full of stew and put it in my mouth, the taste of it surprises me slightly.
"That's... quite nice actually. Hell of a lot better than raw rabbit"
I don't feel bad for that rabbit anymore. Cute or not, meat shouldn't taste that good. Guilty conscience gone.
Halfway through the meal, I just can't let something go. There's definitely a sly grin forming on my face as well.
"Hehe... Leone, I saw that"
"What did you see Ikarus?"
"Your face lit up when the captain came in"
It was at this moment; I knew I fucked up.
A fake smile appeared on the mage's face and an evil aura as strong as mother's surrounded her.
"Oh, Ikarus, you stupid, stupid bird... Clearly, my punishment methods aren't strong enough. I can only apologize for being so soft on you. I will improve, that I promise."
Immediately upon hearing this, sweat starts to appear on my forehead. I've crossed a line too far and said something which might end my existence.
'System, please stop me before I say something stupid again, I just can't help myself!'
[<Negative. -User- must learn>]
What makes this even worse is that I don't even think the captain was even listening to the conversation, damn this woman and damn the Aesa system!