Elizabeth Einzfield. A girl born with a silver spoon but wanted nothing to do with wealth. Her curves and ample chest made men fall for her. But she was just a teenager that just wanted to be normal and hang out with others in the 21st century. After being killed by an unknown fire, Elizabeth is transported to a new world. One that uses Elements and Powers to determine the ranks. Only the strongest will survive, they do not care for your appearance. However, Elizabeth was not just some girl you could mess around.
"Stop that! I'm here because of my post and station! And besides, I'm not here to help you guys in the fight. I'm only here because I need to lead you all to my post, which is the best area to deal with the Beast! I'm not fighting alongside you, so stop ruining my hair! I just washed it yesterday!"
Oh... The kid sparked another question and problem in my head. I haven't bathed for a while now. Maybe I could use the water from the Coast to do so when I'm trying to put down the ocean problem. Other than that, I remembered who this kid was supposed to be.
"Ahem, I'm here to meet Lady Elizabeth Einzfield of the Barren Pillars, ranked First Seat Swordsman. I would assume it would be the lady in blue dress and leather armor with long brown hair?" asked the Knight, pointing towards me.
"Yes, that would be me. And who are you?"
"I am Sir Kayneth Velvet of the Glorybringers of the Knights of Dawn. I have been called to aid in your Mission against the storm heading to the Teuton Domain. But I won't be ready to fight in a war, so don't expect much from me. So now, let's head to my place before the storm comes."
With that, Sir Velvet turned around and headed for the other opening while we followed suit. I was on the fence about whether to trust this fellow, but if raiyen knew him, then that means the petite guy works for the Arks. Besides, if he was indeed an enemy, Duncan could finish him off efficiently.
Despite being a Glorybringer, his stats as a Mage are meager, with such a small bar for Elemental Strength. Okay, the kid's got agility and defense on his side, but it dwarfs mine considerably. Although, of course, he might have done some underhand stuff to get into the Arks...
Not to mention being under one of the strictest teachers in the whole organization. Either that or the guy's Original Spell must be some destructive force. Or else I can't think of a reason why Baldwin would-
"Are you done insulting me yet? I didn't become a Glorybringer by underhand methods, nor did I bribe the Head Knight. He wouldn't share a smoke with me during the previous festival, so he isn't the type to get friendly with others. I got the rank because I am a Mage."
"And unlike a being from another realm or Universe, I am born here as a son of two Mages that hate Magecraft; that's why my powers are lacking. So pardon me for being the weak branch," scolded Sir Velvet as we reached the exit.
Ah, so this kid's a telepath and a hot-tempered one. When we came out of the tunnels, it was like 6 am on a school Monday, foggy but still brighter than the dark caverns of the tunnels. We followed the Knight to a tall tower and began our first task of defeating the Storm Beast.
"What's your plan to quell the Beast? Or are you planning to catch it to become your pet?" asked Raiyen.
"I don't like pets... Especially of the water kind since I had a pet fish that died after my two-week stay at the hospital. They are hassle on me unless they are dead and served on a plate in front of me..." I replied, thinking about my first pet and breakfast for today.
"Don't tell me you are planning to use that monster as our breakfast..." asked Bryan, horrified.
"Hey, wait! Who said that the storm was a Beast?! I was not told of that revelation..." said Sir Velvet, looking at us in confusion.
I blinked several times before answering the two men's questions.
"Well, if I survive the Beast long enough to cook it for this morning's meal, I will eat it after we take cover into the next series of tunnels. And second, the storm that is heading here is a sea serpent raised from the dead by the Corrupted One."
Bryan looked disgusted, while Sir Velvet was trembling in fear as we reached the top of the tower. The group stayed behind while I slowly walked to the furthest edge to get a proper view of the entire West Coast and the sea beyond it.
The tower we were on must be at least as tall as a lighthouse in modern times. Though the fog was quite heavy, I had no trouble finding the meddlesome monster, thanks to Vania's skills. We had an estimated 10 Tocks before the Beast came into contact with the Coast.
"Notice. You are now activating the Main Quest of 'Defeating The Midgard Serpent.' Are you sure about this?" asked Vania, with a pop-out coming into my vision.