Elizabeth Einzfield. A girl born with a silver spoon but wanted nothing to do with wealth. Her curves and ample chest made men fall for her. But she was just a teenager that just wanted to be normal and hang out with others in the 21st century. After being killed by an unknown fire, Elizabeth is transported to a new world. One that uses Elements and Powers to determine the ranks. Only the strongest will survive, they do not care for your appearance. However, Elizabeth was not just some girl you could mess around.
He was stunned at first, seeing that I was using my bare hands to deflect the blades. But in reality, I had increased my hands' defense to be as strong as a weapon—Specifically, as strong as my longsword. So one punch from fists is equivalent to the swing of my sword. And Bryan knew it.
Sure, it was a slight cheat, but there's bound to be some physical enhancements being a Mage. And besides, Bryan has been using that for quite some time. No way an average human could pull those jumps off. And his one kick could have destroyed the entire forest if he wanted to.
After giving him a sharp blow in the chest using my knee, Bryan was forced upwards, and I changed positions swiftly once more. The blade was still in the air, but I caught it just in time to hit his back with the pommel.
The impact of him hitting the ground was large enough to create a crater. As I turned my blade to stab him, Bryan tugged onto the chain, recalling the scythe. I turned my wrist just in time to block the attack.
"Hey, I think that's enough. You've done well," whispered Bryan, giving a small smile.
I realized I had been holding my breath for the entire duel. And that I was going to be dead if Bryan hadn't stopped himself. My blade might block one scythe, but I noticed that the other one was dangerously close to my chest. There was no way out of that.
He made the blades vanish and sat up to embrace me. I was panting heavily, having to feel the pain and fatigue all at once. And no way... Even after enhancing everything I've got, he was still able to sit up as a baby had just pushed him.
Not only that, Bryan was carrying me, bridal-style, out of the arena and to the shade of the trees. He laid me down, slumping onto the trunk of an old tree. I recalled my sword and armor back while Bryan sat beside me to inspect his weapons.
"I'd have to give you, though. I did not expect most of the stunts you pulled off back there. It would be sincerely beneficial to all the Pillars if you were to join our ranks. And in terms of the command of a blade, I have no doubt you are perfect for the role of Swordsman Pillar."
My eyes sparkled as my ear perked up upon that information. I turned to face the Slayer with a hopeful look.
"Are you sure? You don't look the least bit hurt at all! And I put my all into those attacks... You're still able to carry me while I'm gasping for air now! But, of course, if you are the least experienced Mage within the Barren Pillars..."
"No offense on that, but it would mean I wouldn't stand a chance against Mavislin..." I replied sadly.
"I wouldn't say that you won't stand a chance against her. Sure, you're going to die if it was a real battle, but the term was to survive. With your speed and agility, it should be alright in her books. After all, if the standards were so high, why would she have underlings in the first place?"
He has got the point there... If she truly set the bar that high, I highly doubt that she would have a team to command in the first place. And if she were going for strength, she wouldn't have to hire anyone but herself to do the job. Her Elemental Energy was off the charts when we met.
"Notice. Mavislin Roydon is the only one out of the six to establish her Ark before the Arks began. Though the concept wasn't created until much later, Mavislin had already had a list of members that she'd recruit once the Arks were established. Her Ark is known as the youngest Ark."
"It is noted that the requirements to enter the Barren Pillars differ greatly compared to the rest of the Arks. She focuses more on effort, personality, and teamwork rather than pure strength," explained the Words Of the World.
I see, so she is a more compassionate and family-type leader. I had a manager like her once, super understanding everyone's feelings and commitments. It was a shame that someone had vastly different plans for her. She forgot to care for herself before caring for the rest.
"I'm worried that I won't hold out long enough for her to accept me into the Arks. But, I sincerely want to join the ranks. It would be better to have a home base than wander around. And to have a team working with me, though we've got our differences," I said, looking at Bryan.