
Reincarnated As a Farmer But Overpowered

Hiroki Yamamoto, a weary office worker, is unexpectedly transported to a medieval-fantasy world as a farmer. To his surprise, he's overpowered with incredible magical abilities. Hiroki transforms his farm, gains fame as the "Magical Farmer," and builds a harem of skilled women. When dark forces threaten, he must use his powers to protect his village, leading to epic battles and uncovering ancient secrets. This is a story of magic, action, romance, and Hiroki's journey to fulfill his destiny and save his new world.

RSisekai · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Shadows of the Past

The harvest festival had come and gone, leaving the village of Mistwood basking in the afterglow of celebration. It was a time of joy and abundance, a testament to the incredible powers I had harnessed as the Magical Farmer. But beneath the festivities and the grateful smiles of the villagers, a shadow of uncertainty loomed.

The night after the festival, I lay awake in my modest cottage, my thoughts racing. The warmth of Elara, my skilled mage companion, beside me did little to ease the growing unease within my heart. The villagers had showered me with admiration, believing that my arrival and powers were prophesied to save Vaeloria from an impending darkness. It was a heavy burden to bear.

Elara stirred beside me, her emerald eyes flickering open. She propped herself up on her elbow and gazed at me with concern. "Hiroki, what troubles you? You've been restless for nights."

I sighed, the weight of my thoughts pressing down on me. "Elara, it's the villagers. They've placed their hopes and fears on me, believing that I'm some kind of savior. But what if I can't live up to their expectations? What if I'm not the hero they believe me to be?"

Elara's fingers gently traced my cheek, her touch soothing. "Hiroki, you've already achieved remarkable feats with your powers. You've turned Mistwood into a thriving village, and your abilities are unlike anything this realm has seen. But I understand your concerns. We need answers, and we need to understand the truth about your arrival in this world."

I nodded, grateful for Elara's understanding. The sense of responsibility weighed heavily on me, and the uncertainty about the dark forces gathering in the shadows gnawed at my thoughts.

The following day, as the sun bathed Mistwood in a warm, golden light, Elara and I delved into the village's small library. The shelves were lined with dusty tomes, some dating back centuries. We were in search of any mention of prophecies, ancient lore, or hidden knowledge that might shed light on the dark forces rumored to be gathering.

Elara's nimble fingers traced the spines of old books, her eyes scanning the titles. "There must be something here, Hiroki, something that can give us answers."

I joined the search, pulling out one aged volume after another, flipping through yellowed pages filled with faded ink. Hours turned into days as we combed through the archives, determined to unravel the mysteries of Vaeloria.

One evening, as the last rays of sunlight streamed through the library's windows, Elara called out excitedly. "Hiroki, I think I've found something!"

I rushed to her side, my heart quickening with anticipation. The book she held in her hands was old and weathered, its pages filled with archaic symbols and text.

Elara pointed to a passage with a trembling finger. "This could be it. The prophecy we've been searching for"

The words described a time of darkness when malevolent forces would threaten the very existence of Vaeloria. It spoke of a savior, one who would be reborn with unmatched power, marked by a unique symbol on their body. The prophecy hinted at the savior's role in defeating the darkness and restoring balance to the realm.

As I read the words, a chill ran down my spine. The description eerily matched my own experiences. I lifted my shirt to reveal a mysterious symbol on my chest—a mark that had appeared shortly after my reincarnation.

Elara's eyes widened as she saw the symbol. "Hiroki, it's the same as in the prophecy. You are the chosen one, the savior of Vaeloria."

I couldn't deny the evidence before me, but the weight of the revelation was almost too much to bear. I had come to this world as an ordinary office worker, and now I was faced with a destiny that was far beyond anything I could have imagined.

With our newfound knowledge of the prophecy, our determination to confront the looming threat grew stronger. It was clear that the dark forces gathering in the shadows were connected to my arrival in this world, and uncovering the truth was essential to protecting Vaeloria.

We continued to train and prepare, honing our magical abilities and strengthening our bonds. The village had rallied behind us, providing resources, support, and a sense of unity that was essential for the challenges that lay ahead.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and cast a fiery glow across the village, I gathered my harem and the village elders in the town square. It was time to share our findings and our resolve.

Elara stood by my side, her voice carrying through the crowd. "People of Mistwood, we have uncovered an ancient prophecy that speaks of a time of darkness and the arrival of a savior with unmatched power. That savior is Hiroki, the Magical Farmer."

The crowd gasped, with murmurs of awe and uncertainty rippling through the villagers.

I stepped forward, my heart pounding with determination. "I may have come to this world as an ordinary man, but I have embraced the responsibilities that destiny has thrust upon me. We will confront the darkness that threatens Vaeloria, but we cannot do it alone. We need your support and unity to face the challenges ahead."

The village elders stepped forward, their expressions grave but resolute. "Hiroki, you have earned our trust and gratitude. We stand with you and will provide whatever assistance you require to protect our realm."

The sense of unity and purpose that filled the square was palpable. Mistwood had become more than just a village; it was a community bound by a shared destiny. We had set a course to uncover the truth of my reincarnation and confront the shadows of the past.

In the days that followed, we prepared for our journey into the heart of Vaeloria. Ancient texts pointed to a hidden temple deep within the mystical Forest of Whispers as a source of knowledge about the darkness that threatened the realm.

With my harem and the villagers' blessings, we set out toward the forest, our path illuminated by the radiant magic we had cultivated.

. The journey would be fraught with challenges, but we were determined to face them head-on, driven by a destiny that had intertwined our lives with the fate of Vaeloria.

As we ventured deeper into the unknown, the shadows of the past loomed ever larger, and the true extent of my overpowered abilities was yet to be tested. The answers we sought and the fate of the realm awaited us in the heart of the Forest of Whispers.

Our journey had just begun, and the pages of destiny turned before us, revealing a path filled with trials, mysteries, and the ever-present threat of darkness.