[Mission: Terrorize the 'South Medical Center' of Mathema City. Including all the 6 floors. Elimination of all residents is not required. Do whatever you want. Just don't get caught!]
Difficulty: Medium
Reward: 25,000 TPs + Terror Mystery Box. Lvl. Spooky.
Punishment: All variable stats decrease by 10
Deadline: 6 hours.]
Scanning the information of the mission after selecting it, Aisam looked around as he stood atop the roof of a building, and his eyes spotted his target building from miles away.
There was 2 hours away from dusk as it was gradually becoming darker.
"This looks fine." Aisam smiled amusingly.
"Now's the time to execute my 'Identity Establishment' plan."
Aisam wanted to establish and increase the popularity of his organization and identities which the higher-ups of the academy and the cathedral insistently tried to suppress.