
Chapter 1: So I'm dead and will be reincarnated into another world as a dragon? Neat

I woke up from my sleep, or so i thought so. Because don't know why, suddenly, I can't open my eyes or moving my body.

I started to panic and tried my best to move. Then suddenly a screen appeared in front of me.

[Select race to be born]

[ Baby Dragon (D-) ] or [ Little Dragon (D) ]

I was startled and after a while saw this screen. I calmed down and started analyzing the situation.

I am now paralyzed and can't move my body, even speaking and opening my eyes is impossible, and suddenly a screen like in the dating games appeared in front of me.

Now there might be two possibilities that I can think of with my Otaku brain

First: I miraculouly died and am now faced with my choice of reincarnation.

Second: I was kidnapped and now am forced to experience a crazy game of some secret organization.

There are some other possibilities like I'm still dreaming and about to wake up or I'm having a big hallucination.

But tell the truth. I hope the first one, why? Because reincarnation is every Otaku's dream in this world and I won't let that chance slip away

Now then, usually there's something like AI to assist me in making choices, will it come out if I call it?

"Hey, is anyone here?"

Then suddenly the screen in front of me changed

[ Affirmation, the voice of the world is here]

So it's here

"Who are you? Why am I here? What is the voice of the world? Also, what are these options?"

Hearing my question, the screen started changing again

[Understood, proceed to answer the questions in order]

[As I said before, I am the voice of the world.]

[About the second question, you're dead, when someone dies their soul will be reincarnated and have a new life. But since the number of souls in your world was overloaded. So you would be reincarnated in another world]

[About the third question, The voice of the world is a system that maintains the functioning and balance of the all the world in all things, whether supernatural or scientific.]

[As for the last question, this is the choice of the species you will be born in]

Hearing the answer I wanted, I didn't feel any happy either

'So I'm really dead, Huh? Am I not as sad as I thought? Well, I don't have a family to worry about either. It's better to accept it anyway'

Get rid of those useless thoughts. I decided to focus on something more important now

'So at its simplest, the voice of the world is a supercomputer that manages the multiverse and I am a profile that needs to be transferred to another CPU? But based on the last answer, Look like I'm prepared to become a dragon huh? Neat'

' I should have asked him more about these opqtions as well.

I stopped thinking and asked it immediately

"Hey, what's with these species options ? Explain more about them"

[ Understood, proceed to explain the species]

[ Baby Dragon: a small species of dragon, their meat is very soft and firm, one of the most famous cooking ingredients in the world that only royalty can eat. Although their fighting power is limited, they have the greatest potential in the world due to being able to evolve into almost any dragon species]

[ Little Dragon: A medium-sized dragon with strong physical strength and powerful fire breath. Even among those of the same rank, it is quite outstanding]

When I saw this introduction, I was speechless. Little Dragon is fine but Baby Dragon? This is purely a boon in the game, weak but also gives a lot of money. Although its potential is tremendous but you have to survived long enough to grow or it is completely wasted

And what's with Little and Baby? I should ask more just to be sure

"What's the difference between Baby and Little in their names? "

[ Baby is a development branch, possessing the ability to level up quickly with a lower level limit than the other branches, so it evolves faster]

[Little is also a development branch, possessing high stats and abilities but it evolution branch is lock and can't evol into any other species]

"Level? So I'm about to reincarnate into a fantasy game-type world huh?"

Hearing the concept of levels reminded him of popular fantasy games when he was alive. Ah, the nostalgic

But now that doesn't matter. The important thing now is that he has to choose, a choice that determines his other world life and he already has the answer.

"I choose to be a Baby Dragon"

That's right, after careful consideration, he decided to become a Baby Dragon. The reason why? Because its potential is more important. Although Little Dragon possesses higher power but the highest limit of it is too low that it lost it value.No matter how strong it is, it doesn't matter if it's easily surpassed. Not to mention he wants to live a long and satisfying life, and those things won't come true if he dies because of the fact that he can't get stronger anymore.

[ Species selected. Do you have any more questions?]

"Ah yes, if I go to another world can I have any skill like status appraisal?"

[ Answer, maybe because people who are reincarnated from other worlds, into monsters, usually don't have common sense and knowledge to survive, so they will get 2 skills namely Revelation and Appraisal to survive]

[ Is there anything else you would like to ask?]

" No, everything is fine, let's proceed with the reincarnation."

[ It's clear, proceed to reincarnation and good luck, reincarnator]

And with that, a ray of light entered my eyes and erased this lingering darkness