
Reincarnated as a Demon Lord

Daiki runs as fast as he could while bleeding from his mouth, nose, and ear trying to escape through the narrow passage away from the werewolves but just to be blocked by some werewolves. Daiki was now surrounded by the pack of werewolves. He finally pulls out the blade from his pouch

Sofianna_ · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: I Lost to Her

It was time to know who the better fighter is. Hinata brings out her sickle while Akio brings out his sword.

"Wow Hina nice sickle you got there," Akio said with a grin on his face. "Save the compliment till after I kick your ass," said Hinata with a smirk

As they both face off, Akio leaps in the air trying to hit Hinata but his attack was blocked by Hinata's sickle. He uses reflexes to his advantage which helped him to slash Hinata multiple times. Then Akio stops Hinata.

Akio just knew she was going too easy for him because she was a top ranker and she had raided a lot of high floors by herself so it was too good to be true.

Akio then tells Hinata to be serious with him as he knew she was going easy on him. "So you figured that out hehe," she said with an evil grin. Hinata and Akio decide to go all out on themselves.

They both charge at each other. Just before Akio could slash Hinata she disappeared.

Before Akio could say a word, he was slashed on his right shoulder. Akio noticed the blood coming out of the injured shoulder was purple which made him panic as he could not use his right arm again.

While panicking he felt his left leg being disabled as he saw purple blood coming out of the slashed area on his left leg.

Immediately he opened his eyes he saw Hinata pointing her sickle to his neck which frightened Akio.

"You win Hinata You win," he said while panting. As those words ended the duel. Hinata whispered to Akio"Just so you know I was still going easy on you but I like you kid" she said with a smile.

"What a witch are you kidding me? really" he said in frustration. Hikari comes to help Akio up. "See you around Hikari I got to go run some errands," said Hinata.

Hikari could only laugh while Akio mumbled out of frustration.