
What sorcery is this?

As we were still trying to figure out what to do about the creature, we heard a screeching sound from outside.

We looked outside and saw the creature flying by, i looked at Timi and ran out the door, both of them trailing behind me.

We got outside the building and saw people running around to try and avoid the creature

Becca had a look of determination on her face, she removed the heels she was wearing. She turned to look at me and said,

"Stay here"

"What!! i am not staying here, i am going to stop that thing with you" I said.

"I am serious, this is not a game of hide and seek. This is real and you would just injure yourself. I would take care of this, Timi, take her home" she said and disappeared on the spot.

"Ok you heard her, come on let's go" Timi said.

I looked at him and packed my hair into a bun. I removed my wristwatch and threw inside a flower pot beside me.

"I am not going to hide like a princess in a tower, i am stopping that thing with or without you" I said.

"Repunzel did not hide in the tower because she was scared, she was locked there against her will" Timi said trying to clarify.

"Exactly!!"I screamed.

"What do you mean" he said

It took a while before he figured out what I meant and his face changed to a face of realization.

I looked around as i walked forward. I stopped to look back at Timi,

"Besides I don't take orders from Becca, I give her the orders." I said and ran towards the creature.

Becca tried to distract it by jumping on its back and pulled on its giant feathers as it soared in the air. I looked up to see something flying towards me, i squinted my eyes at it till it became visible. It was a car flying towards me.

I tried to do what i did back at the house to create the ball of lightning I used against the person that kidnapped me then but it wasn't working and the car was still coming at me with full speed.

I jumped out of the way and watched as the car smashed into my company's building. The creature tried to shake Becca off and in doing that, he bumped into several buildings causing parts of them to break from and fall to the ground.

I saw a little girl crying and ran towards her, I picked her up and entered the nearest building. I dropped her with the rest of the people who seeked shelter from whatever was going on outside.

"Come on, how hard is it to make a ball of lightning" I screamed.

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine it again and this time, it worked,the ball was glowing in my hands. I managed to hold it steady so it doesn't go off.

I looked up at the creature and waited for it to get close to me before throwing the ball at it. It hit him straight in the chest and it fell down to the ground before becoming unconscious.

Becca got off it and walked towards me with an anger written on her face.

"I thought i told you to go home that I would handle this" she shouted.

"I don't take orders from you." I said.

"Besides, you wouldn't have brought it down without my help." I clarified.

"So what!! you brought it down. Now what, oh great one" she said angrily.

Just then Timi got to where we were and stopped to catch his breath, I looked down at him.

"Are you okay,Timi" I asked.

'Yes, I just need to catch my breath. It wasn't easy trying to find you with all that is going on, you run way too fast." He replied.

He looked up,saw the creature and looked at Becca,

"You brought it down, nice job" he said and raised his hand for a high five with Becca

"She did not bring it down,I did. All she did was take a piggyback ride on its back." I sneered.

"Oh really, I could have stopped it by myself. You just had to show off like you always do."She said.

"Excuse me?" I replied angrily.

"The world does not revolve around you" She said.

The creature opened its eyes and tried to shake off the feeling of drowsiness that came over it. While Becca and i were arguing, Timi saw it and tried to call us.

"Guys! Guys!!, it is back" he screamed and moved backwards.

We looked back and watched as it stood up. It roared, the scream filled our ears and it took off to God knows where.

Everyone came out of where they where hiding and started taking pictures of everything around them.

"Look guys, you can continue your argument back at home. Right now, we have to leave." Timi said and dragged me away from the place.

We entered the company's building through the parking lot as the front was blocked by a car. We got into the office and thought of what to do next.

"We have to find out what type of creature that was and how we can stop it. Whatever you used against him Jason, that did not work, it only slowed him down." Timi said.

"Well to do that, we need someone that knows more about Supernatural world and the only person who might have an idea is Jerry." Becca pointed out.

"I know someone else who knows about this supernatural stuff, he studies it" I said.

"Where is he?" Timi asked.

"At this time, he is going to be at the library" I said looking down at my watch.

"Let us go then, no time to waste." She said.

Becca picked up her bag from the table and closed her laptop. We followed her out of the place.

We got to the city's library and walked entered, I looked around for a red haired guy with headphones plugged in.

I found him at the corner of the library with books around him, I smiled and walked towards him. I pulled the headphone off his ear, the force startled him and he looked at me from his seat.

"Hey Peter, how are you doing?" I asked.

"To what do I owe this visit, Jason" he said.

He stood up to hug me.

"Come on, I have been pretty busy these couple of days and I also survived been kidnapped" I said.

"I saw you on the news. It is a shame they couldn't find your kidnapper."Peter said.

"Yes a shame, anyway this is Timi and Becca, my friend and backstabber" I said and pointed at them.

Becca rolled her eyes when I tagged her as a backstabber.

"Hi, I am Peter" he said.

"I need your help on magical creatures, I know you know about them, I caught you one time searching for them and I even covered your ass when you took a book out of the library without signing it out." I said.

"Fine, what type of creature?" he asked.

"This type" Becca said and showed him a picture of the creature.

When did she have time to take a picture of it,I thought. Peter looked at it and a shocked expression washed over his face.

"I know this creature, it hasn't been seen in centuries. The last of its kind was put in prison, it is conjured up by magic mixed with demon blood. I seriously don't understand how it got to Keystone City, it shouldn't even exist." Peter explained.

"It is here now so how do we kill it?" I asked.

"It can't be killed easily. For it to die, it has to be stopped the same way it was created, by magic and demon blood" Peter said.

This is crazy.

"I wouldn't have believed magic existed in the first place if not for you but demon, how do we find a demon not to talk of demon blood."I shouted as i pointed at Peter.

The librarian banged her book on the table and looked at me with anger, I muttered sorry and turned towards the guys.

"What do we do now" Becca asked.

"Well we would need a weapon that has been fortified by magic and has demon blood on it with a magical person to wield it and right now,both tasks are impossible." Peter said

Becca sat down on the chair and ran her hands through her hair. I looked at Timi, he was looking dejected.

"We can't just give up, this creature is in the city because of me, I have to stop it" i said and looked at them.

"We are not giving up and we are stopping it together, Peter you said a weapon that has magic in it and probably demon blood right?" Becca asked.

"Yes that's correct" Peter said.

"Well, since we bought the museum, we have been collecting shipments of different artifacts from around the world and if i should remember correctly, a shipment should have arrived last week and part of what was brought would be an ancient sword found off the coast of Vienna Island,the sword of Terra." Becca said.

"Did you just say the sword of Terra, that sword belonged to one of the most powerful demon queen to have ever lived." Peter said astonished.

"I know,I did my homework." Becca said.

"Ok then, We break into the museum and steal it." Peter uttered

" Yes, because you can't just walk into the museum and take it without raising suspicions." Timi said.

"So I have to break into my own museum to steal something that would save the city." I said

"Yes, it would seem that way" Timi said.