
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Kỳ huyễn
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358 Chs

Chapter 353

Sebastian reached out quickly and grabbed onto Vorbuk's wrist as he said, "Don't go there."

He would not allow this one to follow the others down to that stream. There was more to the water that passed through this land. It was impossible for him to say too much because it would give away that he was hiding much more from them. It was not time for Vorbuk to realize his true identity.

Vorbuk could see the complicated look in Sebastian's eyes that shook in worry. It was clear to him that he was holding back from saying more. Sebastian had always enjoyed keeping things from him in the past when he was a child. Is he still treating me as a child that he can control without explanation?

He had thought of Sebastian as something close to an elder brother when he was younger. There had been much that Sebastian had done for him. That was all in the past now.

"What is wrong with the water?" Vorbuk asked bluntly, "What do you know, Sebastian?"

Sebastian hesitated as he tried to consider his words carefully, "I do not know anything."

"You're lying." Vorbuk said instantly after hearing those words from him, "I have spent enough time with you in the past to know when you are being dishonest about something like this."

Averting his gaze, Sebastian tried to ponder his choices carefully before replying again, "Have you not taken a close look at this place?"

"... What?" Vorbuk glanced around at the land slowly as he remained silent. Everything from the rocky earth and dead trees to the strange flowers that bloomed on the land gave him an uneasy feeling. Though he could not understand why he felt so uncomfortable. It must have been because of how hauntingly it reminded him of a horror film from his previous life that he would watch on a long cold night when he was alone.

"This was a place of magic," Sebastian could see him getting lost in thought as he spoke up, "But also cruelty.."

Vorbuk flinched as he listened to words about the place that once tortured Aoki when he was still a child.

"Many things were done inside the magic tower but that was all destroyed by someone at some point.." Sebastian explained though they both knew that Aoki was involved in the destruction of the magic tower of Drethia, "When that happened the dark magic they used affected the land around the tower. Considering the things they may have used that water for and how close it is to the tower do you really think it would be unaffected by the towers destruction?"

Vorbuk's gaze remained on the dead trees as he asked, "You think the water is deadly?"

"Invalid," Sebastian said the word out of habit without realizing it as he spoke further, "It does not need to be purely deadly to cause damage."

That.. Why does the way he spoke just now feel strange? Vorbuk hesitated as he thought to himself that something felt strangely familiar to him. Even if he could not recall why he found the way Sebastian had spoke familiar.

Realizing he had no time to worry about it, Vorbuk asked Sebastian, "What do you mean it is dangerous but not deadly? What is wrong with the water?"

"What is going on with the water?" Prince Leo asked while walking over to see why Vorbuk was taking so long alone with Sebastian. While he was approaching he had overheard their discussion about the water near the magic tower.

Sebastian could feel the pressure from both of them urging him to explain what he knew about the tower further to them Even if he did not want to give away his identity he, Sebastian still worried about the child he had watched grow over the years. Perhaps Sebastian was more mortal then he realized himself because he did not want this child to die.

Does my personal feelings contradict my actions? Sebastian thought to himself.

Would you despise me if you realized the truth about who I am? Sebastian knew he was to blame for pulling Vorbuk into this world after abandoning him. He had taken this orphan child and taught him about the beauty of the world only to abandon him without a word. How would he react if he realized he was actually a god and the one who dragged him into this world?

It was impossible for him to not care about the child. However he had never given Vorbuk the truth about what he was. His interest in Vorbuk had never been purely to take care of a child.

If you learn the truth about me will you desire to take revenge for what I have put you through all this time? Sebastian was a god. He was the eldest god, Iemis, and he was raising Vorbuk to become stronger. He pretended to act like a system for Vorbuk's convenience in his mind however every direction was given by Sebastian.

The god needed Vorbuk for his own plan and he needed him to grow regardless of whether Vorbuk cared about Sebastian or not. He did not need his friendship. That was something that he found himself wanting on his own accord. Desiring at least a few more moments of time with the one who once looked up to him like family.

"Sebastian!" Vorbuk called out to him as he realized the answer was being held back by him.

Sebastian knew that he had to answer them and finally gave in to reply, "It was tainted by those who used this tower. The place once belonged to those who served the god, Chynir."

"Tainted how?" Vorbuk did not like how the conversation was going. How does Sebastian know so much about this place? How long has he been in this world? He began to ponder how odd Sebastian was becoming in his eyes.

Sebastian thought about it and replied flatly, "If you aren't careful of the water you may become affected by the dark mana that seeps out from the soil of this land. Leftover mana from the slaughter that happened here has tainted the land therefore tainting the water. It is enough to drive a mortal mad if they aren't careful."

"It affects the mind?" Vorbuk understood the explanation. Sensing a feint bit of irritation from Sebastian for explaining so much about what he knew. He could not understand why the man would want to hide the information he knew about the place. It felt like Sebastian was willing to sacrifice the others as long as Vorbuk had personally remained safe from the effects of the water.

It was too late to regret Sebastian's slow explanation about why he was worried about Vorbuk going near the water. The pirates that were determined to wash up had already made their way to the stream that stretched on below the ruins of the magic tower. If it affected them it did not cause them to react right away. Vorbuk could only look on and hope for the best of the situation.

What will we do if the pirates go crazy while we are resting here because of the water? No, perhaps it is best to keep them from the civilians. At least this place is secluded if something goes wrong while we are here. Vorbuk thought to himself. He did not want to get innocents involved if something happened during their time to rest.