
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Kỳ huyễn
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358 Chs

Chapter 202

"You dragged yourself here in that condition?" Curtis could tell at a glance that Vulen was not in the best condition right now.

General Vulen did not mind the state he was in. His body was in one piece so he could keep moving through the pain. The punishment he undertook from the queen was something that her servants endured normally. It was not the first time Vulen had been punished by Queen Lyra. After some time passed and Vulen was able to stand on his own again he immediately returned to his duty to the queen.

"You are close with my queen," General Vulen grit his teeth. Indeed he had heard the rumors about Curtis and Queen Lyra already. Knowing he had no right to monopolize her the only option he could do was bite back the boiling feelings inside him. He had to do what he intended when coming to see him. "I have something I must do for her, but to do that I need to ask you a favor."

"Why should I do a favor for you?" Curtis smirked at the thought. There was no reason for him to help General Vulen.

"My Queen-" Vulen started to explain.

"Stop!" Curtis shouted to stop his words before continuing. "I think you misunderstand. I do not care about her personal affairs. Unless it has something to do with me she can do whatever she wants on her own."

Curtis did not have any feelings for Queen Lyra. It did not matter to him what problems she had put herself in as long as he was not affected by it himself. Mutually using each other for benefits they had no intention to help each other from the beginning without gain.

"Your brother is involved." Vulen stated while the air in the throne room seemed to still.

"Leo?" Curtis's eyes flickered coldly. "What does he have to do with her?"

"He is traveling with the beast she wants me to deal with. Both your target and my queen's is together. If you help me with this one thing I will include your brother on my list of targets." General Vulen offered the most tempting deal he could for Curtis.

"... No." Curtis rejected the idea of it. "I just want you to keep an eye on him for me and report to me anything involving him. If I am to kill him I will do it with my own hands when the time comes and he's kneeling before me. I want him kept alive for now. However, I have yet to hear what it is you want from me, General Vulen."

"I want you to write a letter for me to meet with the King of Drethia directly." Vulen finally placed his request out before Curtis. Feeling a sense of blood thirst from Curtis as the man stood up and moved in front of him.

Curtis grabbed Vulen by the throat and glared into his face. His black wings bursting forth from his back as he held back the urge to kill Vulen instantly. "Do you have a death wish? Should I just kill you here and save you the trouble of going to Drethia? How do you know I can even write you a letter to meet with that king directly?"

"I know," Vulen struggled to speak as he felt Curtis's grip slowly loosening up on him so he could breathe again. "The God Chynir's closest pawn besides you is the Drethia King himself. A few years ago you left Cadirade to try and make contact with Drethia under guise of a chance at a deal of co-operation for the king. Most of your group at the time was wiped out during your travel. Though it was never a meeting to strike a deal for your father. You met with Chynir's pawn for a different reason.. My guess is at that time you made your original deal to serve the god through Drethia's King."

Curtis collapsed onto the throne and sighed. Covering his mouth with his hand as he thought to himself. The elf in front of him had already found out who it was that connected him with the god, Chynir. The King of Drethia was someone who ruled over a very hostile kingdom, the kingdom of vampires. A man that was very unpredictable and unafraid to walk directly up to his enemies with a smile.

"Do you really think he would even listen to a deal made by someone of your ranking? He barely met with me and I was a prince at the time." Curtis felt dumbfounded that General Vulen would even consider trying to make a deal with the Drethia King. He was not someone that was easy to meet unless he decided to meet you of his own volition.

"He will listen to me if I offer him a deal under authority of the Yiven King." General Vulen declared clearly so that his words could not be misheard. In Curtis's ears however he still felt like he had heard something strange.

"You have the authority to make a deal with the Drethia king under your kingdom's royal family?" Curtis felt like he couldn't believe such words.

Not even a prince would easily utter those words. To claim he can make an order on his own will as if he was the king of the Yiven Elves king himself.

In fact nobody knew who the Yiven King was. The King of the elves rarely attended social events leaving only a select few that new his real face. The elven king of Yiven allowed his army to move at the direct orders of General Vulen in order to serve the Queen of Ethiadan. Yet she had never met the king personally herself as well. All deals with Yiven were done through General Vulen as his proxy.

Where did General Vulen gain such authority? Why did his elves of Yiven in his army follow him with such high pride and respect? These were questions that many pondered. Answers to these questions were hard to be found. It was as if the Yiven royal family were intentionally hiding themselves from the view of the world while their kingdom thrived. It was a kingdom bent on secrecy.

"I can guarantee my word to both you and the Drethia King. I am here because I need that letter." Vulen knew that to meet with the Drethia King he without conflict he would need someone that man knew personally to guarantee him with their own words. That letter from Curtis would help him maintain his life when he met with the Drethia King personally.

"Very well," Curtis finally gave in. It would not harm him to help this once. At the end of the deal he was still gaining someone to spy on his brother.

It did not feel so bad to have the ice queen's loyal dog also wagging his tail in his direction. Smirking he waved his hand and Chete handed him a pen and paper. When the letter was finished he tossed it in Vulen's direction as he wished. "You better be worth this."

General Vulen gripped the letter in his hands as he watched Curtis rise from the throne of Cadirade. Heading to leave he couldn't help but feel a surge inside him. Vulen hated Curtis desperately. Everything about the man from his personality to the fact that General Vulen knew Curtis had hold of something important to Vulen that he himself knew was impossible for him to obtain.

Knowing well that what he felt was jealousy he did not allow it to overtake him and act rashly. He had to consider his position and the fact that it was impossible for him to change Queen Lyra's mind when she make a choice about something. Biting his tongue he listened as the sound of the throne room's door closed leaving him behind to stand there alone.