
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Kỳ huyễn
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358 Chs

Chapter 112

The following day late into the afternoon the Cista Banquet was held. Words from the following night were flashing through Vorbuk's mind. After having a long talk with Ashley he had determined that he did not hold much information that he could use on the Guardian's mark.

"Master, as much as I wish I could be of use to you in that aspect, I can not. I do not know the truth behind the mark. One thing I can tell you is that in this life of mine I did once cross paths with the previous guardian when they were alive.. I can tell you that it stems from the eldest god known to history. Only the one who has gained favor of the first god can carry the mark." Ashley's words replayed over in Vorbuk's mind repeatedly as he sat on the balcony of the banquet room.

Watching as various nobles arrived for the banquet he sat there in silence. His red eyes gazing down from balcony as they entered one by one. From behind he could hear someone approaching him on the balcony.

"If you sit out here without the prince you may be mistaken for a stray mutt." Bredret said coolly as he stepped onto the balcony with a drink in his hand. They had not been at the banquet long and the dragon had already begun to drink the liquor available to the nobles that came.

"Are you worried I might get hauled away by the guards?" The wolf huffed as he felt tempted to laugh at Bredret's words.

"Who's worried about you? I just saw the prince asking where you ran off to on your own again." Bredret's brow twitched. He did not like the idea of someone thinking of him in such a way. Dragons were proud creatures who normally kept their solitude. They did not live for others and even hardly got along with their own race.

Yea, you try and pretend you didn't walk out here on your own accord. Vorbuk smiled because he knew Bredret was only trying to make excuses for himself.

"Are you sure you don't want to help me with my mana control?" Vorbuk brought the topic up to the dragon once more as he had in the past.

"I'm too busy to teach you how to control your mana." Bredret chugged down the drink in his hand as if he was chugging a glass of water. It gave him a warm feeling in his chest on the way down. The warmth was comforting but at the same time the tension he felt from Vorbuk's request made that comfort crumble.

"What could you possibly be busy doing? You're always around the group and we all know you don't have anything you do besides-!" Vorbuk stopped himself before he could finish his words. He wanted to complain and say the only thing the dragon did was drink alcohol constantly.

"I am busy breathing." Bredret exhaled as if he was exhausted. "It takes up too much of my time so I'm afraid there is no time left to help you with your own matter."

This bastard! Vorbuk could not keep himself from swearing at the dragon in the back of his mind. After all the time they had spent together in the group while traveling he was still getting rejected when he asked for help from the man. He was not sure what he was expecting by asking for him to help him advance his mana's progress further. There wasn't even much sense in feeling surprised at his request being turned down when it came to asking Bredret of all people.

Bredret could see the disappointment on the wolf's face. The wolf's ears drooped as his eyes never once looked in his direction. Something in Bredret's chest felt tight. It felt as if he had kicked a puppy by rejecting his request for help. As a dragon he had never had others who depended on him. His race did not normally involve themselves with other races that often because the gods did not allow them to interfere with mortal affairs. He had already broken that rule once in his life and it had ended in tragedy for him. His beloved, Celeste, was the first and only person he ever wanted to allow close to him.

"... Although," Bredret broke the silence once more with a slight pause. "I guess I could make just a bit of time to help you. You can find me later after this and I will help you."

The wolf paused as he felt stunned by the dragon's words. Bredret was actually considering helping him. It was not because he wanted to let someone close to him. He was simply worried that he would have to witness Vorbuk foolishly losing his life over something he found insignificant at the moment.

"Ah! Thank you! Should I call you teacher, Bredret?" Vorbuk teased slightly. Joy was overflowing from him at the thought of someone of Bredret's skill helping him advance. There was no doubt in his mind that with his help he would probably be able to advance his mana in no time. It was the main thing that ensured his survival in this world and was difficult for him to manage without knowledge from someone who was more advanced.

"Call me something like that and I will throw you from this balcony myself." Bredret's throat gave a faint rumbling sound as he found the thought of it bothersome.

They could hear the nobles inside talking, eating, drinking, even sharing dances together. It would not be long before the king arrived to the banquet as well.

"I shall head back inside and look for the prince." Vorbuk stood up and started to head back inside. If he stood around with Bredret for much longer he worried the dragon would really go through with tossing him from the balcony. Patience was not something Bredret had a lot of when it came to how he treated others.

Bredret did not speak another word to Vorbuk as he walked inside. Following up behind the wolf he slowly went back as well. It was uncertain to even himself why he was taking interest in the people who were part of their group. Something about it bothered him but he could not figure out what it was. When they struggled with something it bothered him and when someone got hurt he felt a sense of ache in his chest that he could not put a label on.

Am I simply getting too old for this crap? Have I spent too many years around humans? Why am I getting worried about them? Bredret thought to himself as he watched the wolf quickly rushing over to the prince, Leo.

At Bredret's side he could see the spirit of his beloved, Celeste, smiling sweetly at him as if to reassure his flustered mind. There was nothing her smile could not soothe for him when he felt frustrated. Yet this time her sweet and gentle smile could not completely ease his tension. The dragon could not understand why he was worried he may be starting to care too deeply for the others around him.