
reincarnated as a boy with ancient power

In a world shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, "Unfamiliar Beginnings" follows Dante, a teenager with an exceptional intellect and a fragile self-image. His life takes a nightmarish turn when he and his friends are captured by ruthless assailants who engage in grotesque and sinister acts. However, amidst this horror, Dante's consciousness awakens in an unknown world, stripped of his former existence. As he navigates unfamiliar terrain and discovers a mysterious tattoo on his chest, Dante embarks on a journey of self-discovery. shocking revelation that challenges his perception of reality. This chilling and thought-provoking tale delves into themes of survival, mystery, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Dante2409 · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Match 1 Showdown

Chapter 16:Match 1 Showdown

Zelto, the last standing member of Team 1, seethed with fury, his eyes locked on his opponents. The battlefield crackled with tension as the fierce 1v4 battle was about to unfold. Dante, Porus, Galen, and Sonia from Team 3 stood ready, each aware of the dangerous opponent before them.

Dante's voice cut through the air, carrying a warning laced with urgency. "Be careful now, he's gone berserk. Porus, make sure Sonia stays safe; she's crucial to our strategy right now."

Porus nodded solemnly, his determination evident. "Don't worry, I'll protect her."

As Dante's hands bled from his earlier injuries, Sonia's healing magic enveloped him, mending his wounds. Zelto's stance remained unyielding, his fury palpable as he waited for the perfect moment to strike.

Dante's voice echoed again, his words laced with pain. "Porus, now. Do it."

Porus summoned his barrier, channeling maximum power into its protection. Beru, already defeated and unconscious, lay as a reminder of the stakes. Zelto's form blurred as he propelled himself forward, his speed akin to lightning dancing across the battlefield. Dante's calm but determined voice resonated, "Galen, now!"

Galen's powers of ice manipulation manifested in a towering wall of frozen might. But Zelto was a force of nature, his fury propelling him through the ice barrier like a battering ram. The clash of power was like an earthquake, the ground trembling beneath the strain.

Zelto's charge continued, his target Dante. "If you're not going to fight me, I'll break that barrier and defeat you all!"

Dante's voice rang with challenge. "Do it, if you can."

With a ferocious roar, Zelto lunged at the barrier, his powerful kick meeting the barrier in an explosive collision. The sound was like bones cracking, a mixture of Zelto's fierce strike and Porus's barrier's resistance. The arena quaked as the impact reverberated.

Porus, his resolve unyielding, fought to maintain the barrier's strength, but Zelto's power was undeniable. The barrier cracked under the strain, and with a final, brutal kick, Zelto broke through, sending Porus flying. The impact of Porus's body slamming against the ground was audible, accompanied by a chilling thud.

Dante's instincts kicked in, and he shielded Sonia, ushering her towards Porus to heal him. Zelto, however, was relentless, his speed unmatchable. With a fierce punch as fast as light, he injured Dante, his knuckles meeting flesh with a bone-crushing impact.

Sonia's healing magic provided a reprieve, but Zelto's fury was unquenched. Galen intervened, his mastery over ice evident as he conjured a colossal ice wall. The freezing barrier loomed, an obstacle for Zelto to overcome. But Zelto's determination was unwavering. With a powerful roar, he charged again.

The impact of Zelto's attack against Galen's ice wall was thunderous, like a battering ram against a castle gate. The wall groaned under the pressure, but Zelto's raw strength shattered it, ice fragments scattering as he pressed forward. The sound of shattering ice was accompanied by the rush of wind as Zelto's form surged ahead.

Porus struggled to his feet, his injuries visible but his resolve unbroken. "I won't let you harm them," he growled, his voice tinged with determination.

Galen's powers swirled around him, a manifestation of his icy prowess. With his hands glowing in a dark blue hue, he took a fighting stance. "This ends now."

Galen unleashed a powerful frozen fist, the impact of which was like a glacier colliding with a mountain. The sound of the impact echoed, an intense mix of cracking ice and shattering bones. The shockwave that followed swept across the arena, leaving a trail of frozen mist in its wake.

Dante's sacrifice hadn't been in vain, as Galen's attack connected. The temperature dropped, and a light snowfall began to dust the arena. Zelto's form was encased in a frozen cocoon, his fury momentarily subdued.

Porus and Sonia worked in tandem. Sonia's healing magic mended Porus's wounds as he gathered his strength. With determination in his eyes, Porus delivered a powerful blow to Zelto. The sound of impact was like a cannon firing, bones and air colliding in a symphony of battle.

Galen's ice powers surged once more, freezing Zelto in place. The arena was hushed, and the gusts of wind carried the weight of the battle's intensity. Galen's hands glowed once more, the energy building within him.

With an echoing cry, Galen's fist connected with Zelto's face. The force of the blow shattered the ice around Zelto, a sonic boom of energy rippling outward. The sound was a mix of thunder and cracking ice, a testament to Galen's determination and strength.

As the echo of the impact faded, Zelto's form crumpled, his strength finally giving out. The arena was still, the frozen mist lingering in the air. The crowd erupted into cheers, the excitement and relief palpable.

The battle was won, but at a cost. Dante's injuries were visible, but the victory was undeniable. As the snow fell gently, the scene of triumph was painted against the backdrop of the arena. The team's sacrifice and unity had prevailed, setting the stage for even greater challenges and victories ahead.