
An old man's Story

"This stupid summoning!!!" A blonde, fat boy said, holding his head high. He looked down at the summoning circle, in the midst of it a 'Disgusting F rank Bow'.

"I will not deal with this! Dad will have to buy me a better one!" The boy said to a gray-haired man near him. "Alright, Young-Master... I shall put in the request... But don't you think, for now, you should keep the bow, even if just to show your father why you need a new bow?" The old man suggested.

"Hmf! I would never touch such a disgusting object!" The boy harshly objected. "You know what? You keep it, you stupid idiot. Maybe you could kill yourself with it!" The boy laughed at the older man, whilst the man just looked down sadly. "Yes, young master..."

He picked up the bow, and followed the young master to the carriage. He then went to the front of the carriage, set the bow beside him, picked up the reins, and started to drive off towards the young master's manor.

'Aughalah....' Basmon Moaned. He had heard everything earlier, but his head was still spinning. Even though he didn't have a head. The summoning had caused extreme nausea and confusion.

After a bit, he decided to reach out and talk to the older man, as it seemed he would be the one to bind to him.

'Hey... What's your name? I'm Basmon!' He asked the older man, after reaching out with his mana.

"Wha-WHA-???" The older man yelled, jerking the reins. The horses jumped, and it took a couple of minutes to calm them again. After doing so, the old man started to look around for who had spoken to him.

'Hey, Old man. I spoke to you. I'm the bow...'

"WHAT?" The man yelled, looking strangely at the bow. He let the horses walk by themselfs, and picked up the bow. His hands moved all over the bow, wondering what had happened.

'Hey... Can you stop? That feels weird!' Basmon requested.

The old man, still confused, nodded. It seems he still had enough common sense as to not alert the noble behind them.

'Wonderful. Do you know how to talk telepathically?' Basmon asked.

The old man shook his head, then whispered to the bow; "Humans can't manipulate mana like that."

'You can't? Aw... Alright, then lets talk once you can talk..." Basmon replied, now waiting to get to the manor.

"Young Master! We are here!" The old man shouted, opening the door to the carriage, letting the boy walk out. As they walked in, the boy's foot 'Slipped' and got in the way of the old man. The old man tumbled down into a rose bush, cutting up his face.

"Bwahhahahahahah!!! You stupid retard!!!!" The Boy said, laughing so hard tears fell from his eyes.

"I am sorry, young master, for being inadequate..." The man apologized, bowing.

'What a scumbag!!! How does this man deal with this?' Basmon wondered to himself. The old man then walked into the mansion, if you could even call it that. It swamped even the American White House. He walked in with Basmon and the boy. He set Basmon down in a tiny room under a gargantuan stairwell.

*In the main living area

"Crash!!!" A glass was slammed against the floor.

"Young Master! That was a 2 gold coin glass! A commoner could survive for 2 years on that!" The old man exclaimed.

"SHUT UP! IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOUR TEA IS UTTER RUBISH!" The boy screamed, breaking another glass.

"Please!!! I'm sorry!" The man said, trying to clean up the mess of glass and tea.

"BAMM!" The front door slammed open, and a huge, 7-foot man walked in. He was extremely muscular and bulk.

"Daddy! Our stupid Butler spilled tea!" The boy yelled to his father.

"Bu-Tha-ts not true! He broke the glass!" The old man said, trying to defend himself.

"Are YOU BLAMING MY DEAR OLLIE? YOU CLEAN THIS UP, AND -4 GOLD COINS ON YOUR SALARY!!!" The huge man yelled, slapping the older man, who flew across the room.

"Agah..." He moaned. The 2 other people left the room, leaving the man to clean up.

*6 Hours later, In the older man's room

'What took you so long?' Basmon asked. Actually, he knew, and had seen it all hiding, but as disgusted as he was there was nothing he could do.

"Nothing, Sir... May I ask who you are?" The old man asked.

'Hmm? I'm Basmon... What's your name?'

"Nice to meet you... My name is Clarke..."

'Nice to meet you, Clarke!!!' Basmon replied, upbeat.

"Thank you... May I ask how you can talk, as an item?"

'What do you mean? I thought all items could?' Basmon said, confused.

"Hmm... Do you not know? Only in the items world. Generally, during the summoning process, most items lose their sentience." He replied.

'Oh... I guess there are exceptions?' Basmon said, making a stupid excuse. He was pretty sure it was the system that had saved him, but it explained the nausea.

"For real... Thats interesting, I guess." Clarke said.

"Do you mind if I ask why you keep working for these scumbags?" Basmon asked, as it was clear they were scumbags even without the 'Extra Info' He had gotten whilst invisible.

"Oh... Well..." The older man seemed hesitant to talk about it, and slightly scared.

'It's alright if you don't want to say...' Basmon said quietly.

"No... I guess it makes no sense, still feeling loyalty here... After they kill Madam Anna..." He stated slowly.

'What? What do you mean?' Basmon asked in shock.

"When I was younger, I was the main servant of the 1st child, and only child, of this household. We grew up together, and we had planned to get married after falling in love. The family head, on the other hand, did not approve of the marriage. In the end, we ran off, and she got pregnant. She ended up dying due to complications of being chased while giving birth... But then, this clan capture the young master, my child, and made him the successor of this huge clan. Anne's last wish was that I protect our child, so I try to stay near him at all times... He doesn't even know I am his father... " The man cut off, tears running down his cheeks.

"It's ok... you can stop." Basmon said, and let the old man, Charles, lay down to sleep.

After he sensed the old man had gone to sleep, he slipped outside of the door to explore the mansion. As a bow, he guessed it would be a lot easier to explore. He decided tomorrow morning he would make Charles bind to him.

After getting lost an uncountable amount of times, even with his superb sense of direction, he finally found what he was looking for. The treasury. Of course. Who would complain about free money?

Now, the way the defense for the treasury was set up, any change in temperature or any movements outside would cause the alarm to go off. In modern times, that's nothing much, but in this situation, this was insanely impressive.

Luckily for Basmon, he had invisibility and was an item that didn't give off enough heat to trigger the alarms. The door was left open, with 2 huge mechanical guards guarding it. He quickly slipped inside and looked around.

Everywhere there were countless piles of gold, jewels, items, everything.

'W... What the f---' Basmon looked around in shock. There was so much wealth. Although, to be honest, he should have expected it based on the mansion. Sadly, most of this he could do nothing with. He was just looking for something he could use. Finally, after a while, he found a quiver item in the back of the room. It was an epic tier item that was A-ranked. Its two ability's it had were infinite arrows, and being collapsable.

Basmon also confirmed what Clarke had said about items here not having sentience. He didn't really need the quiver, so he decided to give it to Clarke so he could use him without using up mana. After deciding nothing else would be of use, he went to leave.

The first thing he did was collapse the quiver, and then turn both of them invisible. This cost a lot more mana, so he needed to be fast. He went to the side of the wall, in the shadows, and quietly and slowly left to return to Clarke.

Basmon got back to Clarke's room and quickly hid the collapsed quiver under Clarke's bed. He then went to the training room to train with the spectral body. About 4 hours later, Basmon came back and started to wait for Clarke to get up.

From what Basmon understood, to bind the human or living creature had to drip a bit of blood onto the item, and the item had to accept it. The item and the living creature could both break off the bond, but generally unless both sides agree they would both have repercussions from doing it. He decided he would help Clarke and aid him in his revenge on this disgusting family...

Side Quest Ideas? Also please leave a review!!!

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Also, I can now gain power stones! Please vote for me! Thanks!

Also, please point out mistakes!

Bjorn_Stormwavecreators' thoughts