
Reincarnated and employed as a Holy Judge

A man is sent to another world to help bring judgment. and change Note: This is kind of like my serious first novel. I know what I want to portray in terms of emotion but I find it hard to use words sometimes. Also, Mc is going to be Good and Bad. He is not a villain but just your normal blessed human living in another world. I'm starting to think I'm fu**ing up my synopsis. To summarize, try reading and tell me what you think. 1chp every 2 days

Aldorax · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Just some Info you might be confused about

In the world of Amber, there are only 3 continents.

The Human continent - Ruby - Surrounded by mountains and water, Volcano's and forests, Main source of economy are Restaurants, Blacksmiths and tailors, Schools, Taxes, Adventuring and churches.

The creatures continent - Kelpie - surrounded by large bodies of water. Their main source of economy is fishing, Taxes, transportation, renting islands and tourists.

The Angels continent - Eve - Surrounded by clouds, suspended very close to the Thermosphere. Mains source of money is trading, Selling of air beasts, Taxes, Medical facilities and tourists spots.


Ranks of talent in Amber

- Low rank: Low-Low, Mid-low, High Low

- Mid rank: Low-mid, Mid-mid, High mid

- High rank: low-High, Mid-high, High-High


Ranks of strength

- Lowest rank is F rank.

- Highest rank is S rank

To reach S rank is easy and at the same time hard. One need to be acknowledge by The Immortal to rank up.

The immortal: Someone who oversees the world. They are contracted with the world and act as the emissary on Amber. They have the highest power and only intervene in continental Destructive situations.

Humans are Blesses with

- Mid-Mid physical talent

- Mid-high mana talent

Creatures have varying talent. But the average is

- Mid-High physical talent

- High-mid mana talent


- high-mid physical talent

- high-high mana talent


Honestly tired of writing this. I'll drop more auxiliary chapters when needed but for now this is good enough

I'll Be using anime terms a lot since it fits well with my story.

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