
Reincarnated and employed as a Holy Judge

A man is sent to another world to help bring judgment. and change Note: This is kind of like my serious first novel. I know what I want to portray in terms of emotion but I find it hard to use words sometimes. Also, Mc is going to be Good and Bad. He is not a villain but just your normal blessed human living in another world. I'm starting to think I'm fu**ing up my synopsis. To summarize, try reading and tell me what you think. 1chp every 2 days

Aldorax · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 - Receiving Grace

As I opened my eyes, I was assaulted by a red sky with black cross shape looking clouds. in seconds, they turned blue and kept alternating colors every 5 seconds.

"Am I in purgatory?" This couldn't be heaven due to the way the environment looked and at the same time, it couldn't be hell as there are no flames or demons around.

I stood up from the ground and saw water dripping from my body. Looking down, all I could was the ground having a weird pattern of circles on which water was on extending far beyond what my eyes could see. Looking around, there was only the sky and the ground and also, me.

[ A.N: The water on the ground is like how the floor will look if you poured a bucket of water in your room, but a few cm more, so Mc could put his hand on the ground and it would reach halfway above his hand. ]

Picking a random direction, I started moving. As I did not have anything to see and use as a guide, I just kept walking. after what felt like 4 hours or so, I noticed something different about the water on the ground. It wasn't noticeable if one did not pay attention to it.

The water was converging to a point, So following the flow, I arrived at what looked like an altar with a circular gutter surrounding it. On the altar were A golden cup, A book, and, a letter.

"What is this?" I walked towards the altar.

Inside the cup was a transparent liquid with a golden-red shine to it. The book looked ancient if I should say with some gloves on top of the book. While, the letter looked normal, excluding the blood-red stamp on it.

Picking the book up since that was the only thing that could tell me what was happening to me. I tried to pick the book up, keyword tried as the book did not even move an inch. I tried using all my strength to open the book but it was futile.

I then looked toward the glove on the book and seeing as there was nothing else to do I guessed that I had to wear the glove. Wearing the gloves, I felt a tingle in my body, as though I was having goosebumps.

After this, I picked the book up and saw that I could. Opening the first page I was met with an instruction page.


{ Book of judgment / Book of Worship }

This is the book given by ****** also known as Legadax in Your previous world. Due to your worship and mentality, you have been chosen by Legadax to bring punishment to people who deserve it.

To use the book, rink the liquid next to the book. It holds the blood of Legadax. Doing so will give you the capacity to use the book to its full extent. You will also get the ability to open the book without using gloves, although, recommended to use the gloves so that you get a boost.


"Wow, I always knew Legadax was real. To think that in death I would be involved with something related to him, this is bliss."

Without wasting time, I took the cup in my hand and gulped the blood down at once. It tasted like molten metal but mango flavor which was weird.

After drinking the blood, I licked the whole cup clean. "Can't have any drop being wasted now can I". Just after thinking that, I got drowsy and become unconscious. As I was unconscious, I saw myself on a throne. With a book in my hand. I was a king of sorts. I lived through the life in my mind. I went and conquered land, I saved people and sheltered them, I fought wars, I made riches, and I had a harem of 5000 ladies although that did not end well, but, that is for another day.

After that vision, I had another where I was a priest, I was thrown away because I went against the head priest In the church I was administered to and I had nowhere to go. Rumors spread that I was a worshipper of demons and caused the common folk to hate and some even hunt me. I later managed to reach a power level where I received the blessing of the god of wind and proved my innocence, but what had been done could not be changed. I had left the innocent me behind. I killed all the fake priests and liberated the church and gave food, shelter, and healing to the needy.

My third vision was as a little boy thrown into the world to never have peace and rest because I was marked a hero. I had lost my family in an accident but I grew strong easily, learned how to use many weapons, and fought monsters for years. I became so strong I had to limit my power to not destroy cities I passed through because of a slip-up. I did my best to fight because of the people. I wanted to bring help and peace to the world as I had no other motivation. "For the world, For the world" those were what I said every day I woke up. I was becoming depressed and tired. But all that changed when I found out the ones who made me fight for humanity where the ones that killed my family.

They had found out about my hero title before me and were pissed off that a commoner like me could become someone great and not them. So they went to my village in secret and spread monster-attracting perfume around. It made monsters rage for days without rest and then die. So monsters ran over our village and destroyed everything and killed everyone. Some women were raped, and some were tortured brutally for no reason.

After finding that out I went on a killing spree both monsters and humans combined. Then later down the years, I started to realize things.

I then saw that monsters were never the ones who attacked first, but due to the trauma of my family dying to them, I had stopped trying to learn anything about their personal lives and origins. I was broken and finally killed myself.

After seeing all these visions, I went back to being a dark place, with liquid on the ground and changing skies and I knew it was a different place from where I was first brought when I died.

Appearing in front of me were the people I lived as in all the visions I saw. They all smiled at me and said

"Be kind to your people, protect them and fight for them. love your wives and make time for them. Never regret because as a king, every action you make, must have been thought through. Be arrogant and never bow your head for you are a king. They are your servants."....Said the king

"Worship and pray. Never forget your origins. Do not forgive the ones who do wrong but listen to their reason if possible. Be smart. Care for the common folk. Do not hold grudges. Settle it or forget it."....said the priest

"I don't have much to tell you but be strong. Stronger than your friends, family, and fellow beings. Never let rage take away reasoning. Be observant and make decisions after listening to your heart and mind. They will always guild you. Put yourself before anyone. If you die, then hope will be lost ...Said the hero

"We Agnar the conqueror, Samael the Monique of life, and Kenshi the hero, give our blessing to you. As you have learned and lived and seen our life. May our blessing be your Grace. Stand tall and strong and do not disappoint Legadax. When you die, may we meet in the garden and feast and drink.

After that, they dissolved and entered my body and I felt all their experience blend into me. I had their memories but not their emotion. I was still me.

"Thank you for the help. May you dine and dance in the Gardens until we meet again"

Then I bowed even though the king told me not to bow, I had to as it was the best way to show my respect to them

When I was done I noticed I was back at the altar where I got my book and was laying on the ground. I stood up and saw the place looked different. The water on the ground was gone. The cup had been replaced with a cross pendant and sandglass earrings. The book was now floating a few cm above my hands. The glows had turned into claws. The only thing that stayed the same was the letter.

I also noticed that my body had changed and that I was an extra foot taller. I used to be 5'4, but now I was around 6'4, I would need to get a measuring method to know my accurate height. I noticed I had no shirt on and was clothes that looked like Aladdin but without shirts. They were gold in color and I had no footwear.

I picked everything on the altar up, wore the pendant, and pierced my ear with the earring. I felt tingles as I did that but not as much as when I drank the blood. My book suddenly rose and opened to a page where words started appearing.


You have gotten enough experience to go to the new world. Your body has been changed into a demi-god. You are a king, a healer, and a hero. From the experience, they have something in common, they were the ones who did the judging. You have become a judge. Take the letter in your hands and place them on the book


I did as I was instructed. The book started shining and a big square door rose from the ground with edges flickering looking like lightning.


Walk through and begin your journey.

Live as you deem fit

I am with you,

My child

Writter: Legadax AKA **********


I smiled after seeing that. I then closed the book

"Time to begin"

Then I walked through the door.....


The next chapter will be Arriving in Amber