
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Chapter 6

~~~Chapter 6:the goblin emperor?another piece of different coin?

Seeing that Kenzuo was already in his range,the goblin king raised his left hand and was about to Kenzuo little figure.And again Kenzuo immediately disappeared!just like before,the moment he was about to grabbed Kenzuo.It disappeared!

The goblin king look at his back,but nothing!where is he?he look to the right but nothing!the goblin king was now confused!he didn't know what was happening,is he imagining or something?

"Yoh! Looking for me?Earth bullet"

Kenzuo said,the goblin king look down and can see Kenzuo smiling at him!before a rock with a sharp end slowly appearing besides him.The rock that was appearing besides Kenzuo was atleast 20,it started to fly towards the goblin king at fast rate.The goblin king was flustered as he wave his wooden club,it destroyed the 4 earth bullets,but unfortunately the 16 earth bullets left.Actually hit him, there's many hole on his body.

"Still Alive?"

Kenzuo ask with a surprise,but when he push the goblin king.The goblin king body suddenly fell down,he sighed while the body of the goblin king.Started to vanished,when it vanished, Kenzuo look at the gold coin with a wide smile.

"This time it's a gold coin!"

Kenzuo said with excited expression,the gold coin was obviously have a higher price than a silver coin.He put it on his pocket,and asked the system for the coins that was dropped by a monster.

"Aiko,what is the coins in this dungeon and how much when it was exchange in yen?"

[The coin in this dungeon have,4 different coins:

A copper:you can exchange it on 1,000 yen.

A silver coin:you can exchange it on 10,000yen.

A gold coin:you can exchange it on 1,000,000yen.

A platinum:you can exchange it on 20,000,000 million yen.]


Kenzuo was catching his breath,this gold can be exchanged into a million,does that mean in just a minute he became a millionaire?this system really knows how to surprised him,he smiled that was about to reach his ears.


Kenzuo couldn't help but laugh heartily,he started to dream about leaving an easy life,along with his many wives.

"Huh?why did i thought of have many wives?(Because of me the author) i am only just imagining how the rich live."

A 1.7 meters shadow suddenly appeared beside Kenzuo, Kenzuo frowned as he turned his back and can see a goblin with 2 horns and 2 pointy ears.This goblin was different than the normal goblin or the goblin king,this one have a tail!

The mysterious goblin make a side punch, Kenzuo look at the fast fist that was about to reach him.He look at the fist,and cover his head with his two hands.


Kenzuo flew 6 meters away,and then hit the wall,Kenzuo spit out a blood.

"I didn't expect him to be ruthless!"

Kenzuo said while holding his left broken hand,it was recuperating,he look to the mysterious goblin.who was now gone!he look back and can see the mysterious goblin making a punching stance,this is not good for Kenzuo!

Kenzuo smirked and then open his eyes widely,the mysterious goblin punch Kenzuo.

Kenzuo flew 10 meters away,but he was still standing.An evil smile was hanging on his face, although he felt that he couldn't last any longer because of the pain,but he ignored it and remained standing.Anyway,the pain started to fade away little by little, what's to be afraid when he is basically an immortal?but still,it hurts!

"Just as i thought this "paralyzing" was an op skill."

Kenzuo said as he walk towards the mysterious goblin,he look at him with his eyes.

[Goblin emperor:Level 51

It was much stronger than the any goblins below the goblin king,this goblin have a brute strength that can hit the goblin king with 2 punches into death.]

when he's already infront of the goblin emperor,the goblin emperor body increases 2x.

"What is that?"

[Regenerate skill: flourishing<Abnormal status>Level 2

If the user health decreases abnormally,this skill will be activated.It can heal the user too]


"Don't try to use any skill anymore,my skill won't be broke so it's an op skil,yah understand?"

The emperor goblin just look at him fiercely, wanted to punch him to death but unfortunately he couldn't move no matter what he do.

[Paralyzing:Level 1. Rank type:Legend

This skill was enabling type,if the user wanted activated it will activated and if not then it will not activated,as long as the user just touched the enemy with it's clothes or skin.It will automatically paralyze the enemy!


Target limitation: unlimited(base on user mana or mana particles) ]

The goblin emperor was still struggling based on it's moving head with difficult,seeing this Kenzuo didn't want to make him suffer anymore,so he look at his both hands.He can move his hands now,so he jumped at the goblin emperor and started to beat him to death.

Kakakao!!!are you a bird?!

The emperor goblin last shout before he died, Kenzuo look at the emperor goblin corpse with a smile.

He was satisfied that he vent his pain,that he felt just now,by this emperor goblin.The goblin body started to vanished,while it's vanishing.A female voice rang on Kenzuo ears.


[Congratulations host!for defeating a goblin king!Kill 1 goblin king: completed

Rewards:1 gold coin, 20 stats points,and paralyzing.]


[Congratulations host!for defeating a goblin emperor!kill 1 goblin emperor: completed

Rewards:1 platinum coin,50 stats points,and recovery.]

Aiko voice continually rang out on Kenzuo mind, Kenzuo was shocked by this and look where the goblin emperor corpse before.And he can see shining platinum coin,he slapped himself as he took the platinum coin.


Feeling the burning heat on his cheeks, Kenzuo was now sure that he wasn't dreaming.This make him to have a tens of million money, that's right a money!

After a minute, Kenzuo was already calmed himself and decided to divide his remaining points.

"Systems how many points i have?"

[Host still have remaining:80 stats points]

Kenzuo recalled that he forgot to distribute his 10 stats points yesterday,he just nodded and contribute it on the same points.




L/N: Kenzuo


CHARM:8 (Human average adult have 6)

AGE:5 years



STAMINA:79 (Human average adult have 15)

SPEED:79 (Human average adult have 15)

STRENGTH:79(Human average adult have 15)

AGILITY:79 (Human average adult have 15)

SKILLS:Breaking the boundary, transformation skill,mana control, poison immunity, regenerate skill, paralyzing,Kage bunshin,earth bullets, basketball<intermediate>, primary-high school knowledge, observe.


INVENTORY:21,500 yen,1 gold coin,1 platinum coin

DUNGEON:(UNLOCKED)host can now enter at free will. ]

"Woah!i didn't expect that i gather many skill in short time,this exceed my imagination!"

Kenzuo said surprisingly,maybe he can take a devil on dxd now.


A shout startled Kenzuo,he look back and can see many goblin emperor about 10 goblin emperor.

He smiled wildly and there's a slight greed on his smile,but instead of being a greedy disgusting smile.His smile was actually different,it was a cute one that can make the woman wanted to pinched his cheeks.

"Kage Bunshin technique!"

Many Kenzuo appeared,the goblin emperor look at their leader who was in the right side,the leader was hesitating before he bit his lip and nodded.

[Goblin emperor:Level 56...]

[Goblin emperor:Level 51...]

"So the shout before was actually to call a back up,the goblin emperor leader was Level 56.I didn't think that a pie will fall from the sky!"

Kenzuo shouted in the crowd excitedly,then a series of bang rang on the middle of the forest.


~~~Chapter ends