
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Chapter 13

~~~Chapter 1:Godspeed


Kenzuo arrived on his house,he threw nothing on the sofa, Kenzuo was surprise to see that he didn't have his hoodie before he sighed and said.

"I forgot to get my hood back.Nah!forget about it,i can get it back,when i visit them next time."

He really forgot to get his hoodie from Chloe,but he didn't even think about it,since he have many hoodie and jacket that he just brought.He sat on the sofa,and waited for something, minutes have passed and it finally came.

[Ding! Host just completed a saving mission, Mission:save Chloe from getting raped!

Rewards:100 stats points]

[Ding! Host just completed a hidden mission:Save olga the dark high elf from getting raped.

Rewards: management (category: strength),Godspeed (HxH)]

Kenzuo was surprised,he didn't know that there's a hidden treasure with that dark elf,he just wanted saved the elf from getting raped by humans.But out of his expectation,his voluntarily move,gave him a new and kinda cool skill.

"Thank you,Olga-san!"

Kenzuo sincerely thank Olga in his heart,this kind of reward was cool,and he suddenly realized something.

"System,i still have many points right?"

[That's right host.]

"Alright, system give my status."

When Kenzuo said this,a blue hologram appeared infront of him,many numbers was written on it.Kenzuo was shocked as he look at the blue hologram.



L/N: Kenzuo


CHARM:33 (Human average adult have 6)

AGE:5 years



STAMINA:174 (Human average adult have 15)

SPEED:174 (Human average adult have 15)

STRENGTH:174(Human average adult have 15)

AGILITY:174 (Human average adult have 15)

SKILLS:Breaking the boundary, transformation skill,mana control, poison immunity, regenerate skill, paralyzing,Kage bunshin,earth bullets, basketball<intermediate>, primary-high school knowledge, observe,nen, godspeed,


INVENTORY:21,500 yen,1 gold coin,21 platinum coin,sun wukong mask

DUNGEON:(UNLOCKED)host can now enter at free will. ]

"What is this? i'm sure i can easily beat some devil?"

Kenzuo was still unsure on devil stats,so he still didn't how strong the devils are,but he didn't dare to underestimate them.He think for a while and then said.

"Give 135 each stats."

[The stats had already been distributed.]

When Aiko said that, Kenzuo can clearly felt that his strength improve by leaps,maybe he can even kill a goblin emperor with one to three punch.


Kenzuo yawn,he was tired but worth it,his smile never goes down the moment he received the rewards.

Kenzuo goes towards his room,he lay on the bed with a smile on his face,he really reaped an awesome skill this time.While he is thinking about his new skill, Kenzuo unknowingly fell asleep.

Just like this the night have passed very peacefully,it was already morning when Kenzuo wake up,the sun was already up.Kenzuo wake up with a smile on his face,he rubbed his eyes and then hop on the ground.

After that Kenzuo,goes straight to the bathroom and clean himself,after cleaning himself.

Kenzuo look at the mirror with a smile on his face,he was stunned by his cuteness,his cute face before was nowhere to be seen.His face was so cute,that even a cold hearted woman would melt on his charm.

Kenzuo do some poses,and when he got bored of it,he walked towards the refrigerator and get some snacks.

After Kenzuo done eating his snacks,he get a pair of sneakers and then his jacket,he wore both them.

He looked at the clock "8:40 A:M"

Without any further Kenzuo dash towards the door,he run out of the house in energetic manner.His running improve a lot,if before auntie's can look at Kenzuo face,but now it just glimpse of a shadow figure, Kenzuo had a smiled as he passed by every auntie.

The auntie's that Kenzuo passed by,was looking at him with amazed and shock expression.

"That kid was so fast!"

"You're right,maybe he can even beat some people in track and field."

Kenzuo was looking around,he needed to find a secluded place to test his new skill,he run for a while.Before he found a secret place, Kenzuo look around to make sure that there's no one around,and when he saw that there is no one around.

Kenzuo closed his eyes,and released his nen,his body was cover in blue flame.Kenzuo was kind surprised when he saw this, wasn't the nen supposed to be white?why blue?could it be that he's much stronger than normal nen user?

Kenzuo shaked off his head and clear his mind,he closed his eyes for a second,before he opened it again.This time everything changed, there's a lightning wrapping on his body.His blue eyes was revealing an undefeatable aura and his hair stood up in the air,he was like Killua.


Kenzuo said as he stared at the lighting that was around his body,his body was covered in blue aura,his cute little face was so excited that even make his cheeks blushed.

"I need to test this!"

Kenzuo shouted excitedly, before he disappeared on spot.

4:56 P:M

Kenzuo was sweating so hard,but he still show how happy he was,he was exhausted because he overused the godspeed.

"I think i need to get some ramen-ramen~"

Kenzuo said with a happy tone while walking, arriving on the shop, Kenzuo find a seat and order a ramen.

After filling his stomach, Kenzuo walk out of the ramen store with a satisfied look,the ramen was just like a medicine that gave him an instant recovery.

Kenzuo look at the setting sun,before he look at his watch,it was already"5:14 P:M"

Kenzuo was about to look infront,when suddenly he saw his figured on hit watch,changing into a monster.

Kenzuo immediately look at his watch,no mistake,he was just like a monster without eyes.His dug out eyes and ugly face,was like in horror movie, another ghost!

Kenzuo blinked his eyes and then shake his head,he didn't pay attention to it anymore and look infront of him, without a second his mind became blank.He wanted to ignored the ghost,but the ghost was already infront of him!he was speechless,this guy was huge.He didn't have eyes,and his body was large too,His face was scary.

The ghost was emitting a black gas, Kenzuo was still scared of ghost,so he forcefully turned his head.He needed to think an idea to make this ghost leave!

He looked at the park,and he can see a kid bullying a girl with white hair,he dashed forward and shouted while waving his hand.

"Yoh~my friends,sorry to keep you waiting!"

The kids stopped and looked at Kenzuo,they were confused,who are you?!

Kenzuo right eye was still looking at the Ghost,the ghost kept muttering "he couldn't see me."before he vanished.

Kenzuo stopped, before he looked at the kids who's bullying a girl.

"Hey!why are you bullying a girl?"

Kenzuo said before he dashed towards them,the kids were extremely confused,you just said that we are your friends?and now enemy?!wait!who are you?

"I'm sorry!"3x

The three boys was kneeling on the ground while apologizing,they were shredding in tears, Kenzuo slapped their butt 20x.

"I'll accept this apology,and you mustn't bully a girl in the future!nor boy, understand?you can go now."

Kenzuo didn't even look at them,and he was looking at his hand deeply,he look at the three boys who's running while catching their butt.Before he make a smile,this flustered the white haired girl, Kenzuo didn't see it.He stomped his feet and run fastly, leaving the white haired girl with amazed expression.

In the house,

Kenzuo was sitting on the sofa,while watching a bafney movie,his expression was bored.This movie was only for kid,and he's already a teen he suddenly thought something.Maybe he will buy a colored tv or something, Kenzuo smiled as he look at his fist.

"So the management was for controlling my strength,it was a useful skill."

Kenzuo stood up before he go on his room,he decided that he will visit tokyo tomorrow.

~~~Chapter end