
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Chapter 10

~~~Chapter 10: Irina Shidou

Kenzuo can see that the one who attack was grandpa Liam, Kenzuo look at his spread hand,his hand wasn't big enough to caught grandpa Liam big hand.If it wasn't for his strength,he would be send flying by this strong wind.Looking at grandpa Liam, who's smiling at him, Kenzuo already knew that this was some kind of sort to test him.

"I see now,so grandpa Liam want to test my strength?but grandpa Liam that was kind a little too much force,what if i am as strong as a human child?what will happen to me?"

Kenzuo said to grandpa Liam, grandpa Liam look at him and said with an old man smile.

"Then you'll die."


Kenzuo was dumbfounded, grandpa Liam said that casually?! besides why are you smiling?!are you not worried about going to prison?!

Seeing Kenzuo dumbfounded face, grandpa Liam laughed as he spoke.

"Don't worry it won't reach you, i'm just curious if it was just a fluke or not? it's seems that it wasn't just a fluke."

After grandpa Liam finished speaking,he look at Kenzuo with his eyes smiling!Looking at his eyes, Kenzuo felt that this man was cunning.It seems that this man was a tricky one,he needed to go home now!

Holding on the card, Kenzuo suddenly bid goodbye and shouted.

"Goodbye alice,grandpa Liam, ma'am alice.Lock on!"

When Kenzuo big a goodbye to Alice,Alice just unconsciously nodded.After that,his figured disappeared on the thin air,when Kenzuo disappeared.Alice looked at her grandpa,and asked curiously.

"Grandpa Liam,why did you do that to Little Kenzuo?"

Grandpa Liam look at her beautiful granddaughter,and didn't answer,he sat down to the sofa and spoke.

"Alice, you're already 17 this year right?you can marry him now."

"Wha-what are you talking about grandfather?"

Alice asked his grandfather, Kenzuo was about 5-6 years old and she was 17 years old.Besides she wasn't planning on marrying someone yet,and she wanted to be marry someone when she's already in legal age.

"Listen,i won't force you about the marriage.But you must atleast befriend with him."

Grandpa Liam said seriously,while looking at her granddaughter.On the side,Alice mom was listening to the conversation between the granddaughter and the grandfather,her father wants to marry Alice on a human child.

"This child,i wonder what did my father saw from him?maybe his unique element or something else."

Alice mom said with interest,this human kid have gave her many shocked.She was kinda looking forward,what will happened in the future if her daughter and that human kid got married.

Alice mom stood up,and then walk towards the kitchen.She still needed to prepare her father medicine.


Kenzuo open his eyes,the moment he opened his eyes,the first thing he saw was a girl with purple violey eyes.She has short chestnut hair,she have cute face,but still far away with Kenzuo face.

"Oh!are you moving now?"

The kid asked, Kenzuo look at her and then answered with a smile.

"Right!right,sorry about that."

He apologize,the girl look at him before she shakes her and look at him with an excited expression.

"No need to apologize,and you're so cute!"

the girl with purple eyes praise him with a cheerful tone, Kenzuo just look at her with a wry smile.

"Hello,i'm Kenzuo senzu,and your are?"

Kenzuo introduce himself as he extended his right hand, waiting for the girl to introduce herself.the girl with violet eyes look at his hand before she smile,and accepted his right hand.

"Irina, Irina Shidou."

Irina said while looking at Kenzuo right hand,when Kenzuo saw this,he became nervous.He knew that he can control his strength perfectly,but why is irina looking at it?

"Is there something wrong?"

Kenzuo asked Irina,Irina look at him and then said excitedly.

"No,it just that,your hand was so soft.It's even softer than my hands!wait, you're a boy?!!"

Kenzuo nodded as he look at Irina,Irina on the other hand was shocked.This pretty cute girl like,was a boy!

"You're kinda slow."

Kenzuo thought while looking at Irina, Irina recovered from her amazement.She looked at Kenzuo with a smile,this was her first time having a friend with a boy.

Kenzuo look at the smiling Irina, before he wanted to bid a goodbye since he wanted to buy some hair tie and needles,he wanted to test his ancient chinese medicine skill.Anyway, what's there to worry about,they can still see each other again in the future.Just as he wanted to bid a farewell,a sound came to Kenzuo ears.

[Ding! Host just met a on highschool female heroine,meet "Irina Shidou": Completed

Rewards:Nen,20 stats points.]

"Nice!" Click!

Kenzuo said as he clicked his tongue,Irina look at Kenzuo strangely.


Irina asked, Kenzuo immediately realized that he said that out loud.He needed to find an excuse,and then bid a farewell.

"What a nice weather! isn't Irina?"


Irina just agree to him,seeing this, Kenzuo decided to bid a goodbye.

"Good bye, Irina!"

Kenzuo shouted, before he turned his head,and run.Irina was looking at his back with a question mark above her, what's with the hurry?

When Kenzuo felt that Irina was already far behind,he stopped and look back.Just as what he thought, Irina was nowhere to be seen,even the houses before.Kenzuo sighed before his face became so calm,it was terrifying calm.A second have passed, before his body disappeared on the middle of street.Nobody saw this,since there wasn't any people around that earlier.

Kenzuo was jumping on the roof like a ninja,his speed along with his agility.This make him as light as feather,but if he added some strength,the he might destroy the roof easily,with his little body.Even Kenzuo shadow couldn't be seen around because of his speed,when Kenzuo already saw the mall.He became faster,and find some secret spot.When he found a secret spot, Kenzuo immediately go down,after he got down on the roof.

Kenzuo walked out normally,he goes straight to the mall.Without getting a safety check, Kenzuo immediately go to the toilet and used the transformation skill to transform into handsome young man with long white hair and blue eyes.He was wearing a black tuxedo suit,his tie was black too.

When Kenzuo walk outside of the male toilet,many eyes stared at him.When he felt their gaze he felt chill on his spine,this gaze was like a predator looking at it's prey, waiting for the right time to attack.

Some boys was covering their girlfriend eyes,and they glared at him with deep hatred.

Kenzuo ignored them and he didn't waste any second as he started to find some store that was selling a good needle,he needed a needle that have 2 inch length.

After he brought some needle,Kenzuo next destination was the hair tie shop.

When he arrived the girls that was working on the shop, stopped and look at him.What is handsome young man doing innthis store?

They were dumbfounded because of Kenzuo sharp eyes and his handsome face that can be par with a model,he was like a prince charming based on his appearance.

When Kenzuo was already infront of the counter,he look at the dumbfounded girl before he knocked the counter with his finger and said.

"Can i have this?"

Kenzuo said while pointing on the black hair tie,they were awakened when Kenzuo spoke.

The counter girl infront of him immediately blush,she lowered her head and then took the hair tie.She gave it on Kenzuo, Kenzuo took the hair tie and asked.The girl inside or outside of the shop was looking at Kenzuo.

"How much is this?"

The counter girl blinked his eyes and said ethically.

"Sir,this can't be brought in single piece.You needed to buy a pack of it."

"I see,give me a pack of it."

Kenzuo said, before he put 200 yen on the counter.When the girl gave the box of hair tie to Kenzuo, Kenzuo took the box.

"Keep the change."

Kenzuo said before he turned around and walk away,the girl look at Kenzuo back in daze.

Kenzuo didn't even exited the shop, before he stopped and took a single piece of hair tie.He tied his long white hair with black hair tie,when he already tied his hair,the girls who was watching his action before was now looking at him with their wide eyes and their mouth was wide opened.

"He's pretty!"

Someone complimented while looking at Kenzuo,with her eyes was sizing his body up!

"He's handsome!"

Another girl said, Kenzuo didn't pay attention to his surrounding and walked outside of the shop calmly.

When he exited the shop, Kenzuo continued to walk walk around.While walking around Kenzuo can feel some gazes but he didn't pay attention to it,since he knew that it was a girl.

He was right and wrong,for right.The girls was looking at him and for the wrong was some boys was actually looking at him too!

~~~chapter end