
Reigns Over Me

Hades was still staring at me. Unsurprisingly, there was an emotionless expression on his face. I turned to look at my mom. "We need to clear all these rumors" I told her. There was something going on and by the look on my mother's face, I knew that I was not going to like it. "What is it?" I asked sternly, crossing my arms over my chest. "Well" my mother started, not really knowing how to start. "This rumor seems to brighten Hades' reputation" Stella told me, sounding quite reluctant to tell me. "And what does it have to do with me?" I asked, my eyes moving to Hades. "Hades Reigns, getting married to Luna Jenkins, the only daughter of Kathy Jenkins" Stella said, very formally. "Despite the fame of your mother, you grew into a nice and generous woman" she said, making my eyes grow wide in surprise. "Your good reputation, will clean his" She continued. This time, my stares turned into glares. They wanted me to keep this act of getting marriage going so that Hades Reigns' reputation become clean. "And you agree to this?" I asked my mom who simply shrugged. "Sweetheart, it all depends on you. If you agree, then we'll keep it going. If not, you just tell us" my mother said softly. "Think about it" Stella said. "It's beneficial to both of us" she said quickly. "And why is his reputation so important?" I questioned. Hades had his eyes fixed on me. He seemed perplexed to why I was asking this question. "It simply is" he responded nonchalantly. I have to admit that he still intrigued me. "Then why did you ruined it?" I asked. This time, his eyes widened in surprise. "Luna" my mom scolded me again.

Lechna_Baram · Thành thị
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130 Chs

Chapter 93: Bond

"This sucks" Julien grumbled as he sat on my bed, watching me pack. I was making sure to leave a few clothes behind because I was definitely coming to stay here at times. Julien hated the fact that I was moving while my mother, on the other hand, thought that it was a great idea.

"They will be having a kid soon, Julien. That's the best thing for them. It will create a stability" My mother explained by packing one of my suitcases.

"It still sucks" he muttered, covering his face with a pillowcase.

"How did the conversation with Hannah go?" I asked him, just so that he would stop sulking and thus get his mind off the fact that I was going to move. It was hurting me too. I didn't want to leave my mother and Julien behind.

But I wanted to be with Hades everyday.

"She wants to have dinner so that we can sort things out" Julien said casually.

"And how do you feel about that?" I asked him. Ella walked in the room, glaring at Julien. She hasn't been speaking to Julien since she found out that Hannah was pregnant with his baby. She was seriously mad at Julien.

"Are you nearly done?" Ella asked me, sitting on the floor next to my mother. I nodded. I had only one suitcase left, and then I was done.

"I am pissed. I am angry that I was not even the first person she said that to" Julien sighed. "I was not good enough for her. That's why she went to Hades" He continued.

"Julien" My mother started. "When a woman is pregnant, it is only the well-being of the baby that matters" She explained.

"For her, Hades was a safe option" I added.

"Well, I never wanted to be a fucking option" Julien muttered.

"You should have thought about that before fucking her" Ella snapped. My mother facepalmed herself then turned to look at Ella.

"What is your problem?" My mother asked her seriously. I could sense that she was getting slightly irritated by the fact that Julien and Ella were both swearing in front of her. Knowing my mother, if they get it going, she was going to burst and it was going to be ugly.

"He impregnated the enemy" Ella pointed out accusingly.

"There is no enemy, Ella!" My mother exclaimed in disbelief. "Stop being so childish! Both of you" she muttered while shaking her head.

"What's done, is done" I said. I wanted to divert this conversation. "What you need to do now, is to think about your baby. That's what Hannah did. She was looking for a secure place to be able to grow her child" I explained.

"That was selfish" Julien shrugged.

"A mother would do anything even if it means being selfish" My mother added.

"At no point I have seen Luna being selfish" Julien pointed out. "She thought of everyone else's happiness before her own" he said. "She left Hades so that Hannah could be with him" I turned to look at him.

"I knew that I had your support" I told them truthfully. "I don't need Hades in my life to grow this beautiful baby. I want him in my life" I said.

"Hannah needs support too" My mother said.

"Since when are you guys team Hannah?" Ella asked in shock. I rolled my eyes then went to sit on the bed next to Julien. I was feeling tired. I wanted to rest a little bit.

"Whether we like it or not, Ella, Julien is the father of Hannah's unborn baby" I started slowly. My voice was so low. I rubbed my forehead, then leant my head against Julien's shoulder. "I will support her" I told her truthfully.

"That's the thing!" Ella snapped. "Because of his stupid mistake, we have no choice but to support Hannah. You don't even like her. Why did you even fuck her?" Ella questioned in disbelief. I clenched my jaws then unclenched.

"Ella" My mother started. "Who Julien fucks, is none of your concern" My eyes widened at her choice of word. "Just like who you're seeing, is none of his concern. Whether Julien likes her or not, is not the main priority here. It's the baby. The future of the baby is the main priority" My mother explained. "I would really like all of you to grow up and instead of insulting each other, you be there. Support. You can insult. But still support" My mother couldn't have said it better. Ella closed her eyes and sighed in defeat.

"What bothers me, is that Hannah doesn't see the worth of Julien" Ella whispered loud enough for us to hear. Julien peaked at her through the pillow. Her eyes were teary. "Let's be honest here" Ella said. "Why did Hannah choose Hades over Julien?" She asked.

"You're right on this" I agreed. "This was wrong" I said. Deep down, we all knew that the only reason Hannah chose Hades, was because of the status and the money.

"She doesn't want a nobody to be the father of her child" Julien sighed in defeat.

"That's the thing" My mother said as she stood up and walked to the other side of the bed. She sat next to Julien and smiled at him. "You're not a nobody. You are capable of such great things and don't forget that you're starting your path in the business soon" My mother said. "Hannah needs to see you for who you are and she needs to be reassured" she explained.

"Why is it always about her?" Ella asked in disbelief. "What about Julien? What does he need? What does he feel?" She was very protective of Julien. The bond that they shared was difficult to describe.

"Ella" Julien said and sat up. "I am starting to actually think that you care" he said, a grin forming on his face. Ella rolled her eyes, then threw a shirt in my suitcase.

"I care" she grumbled in annoyance.