

A meeting was arranged with all the court members with some noble men within and around the kingdom by the king in the court room.

In the court room, everybody was sitted anticipating the arrival of the king. when they heard the click of the door they stood up and bowed in honor of the King. Then the King proceeded and sat down on the throne staring at all the faces in the court room " sit" ordered King Xavier, after taking their sits he countinued " you all must have heard the reason behind this meeting " he glanced at one Mr. Robert and countinued speaking.

" It is high time , we find some one to rule over the kingdom as I am of age and very weak" " You still have the chance of getting a mistress" retorted Mr.Charles. Looking at him King Xavier replied " And I have repeated times without number that I am completely devoted to my wife whether dead or alive by having no mistress." " But Queen Abi has been long dead " shouted Mr.Harry a business tycoon.

" Silence " the King shouted and Mr. Harry sat down immediately , there was murmuring at every corner of the court room as the King was digging on his heels since the proposal was made." I would want everybody to go on a search for any of my possible relative " stated King Xavier " But if there is really a relative of the royal blood why would he stay away from the Kingdom since it is more than four decades after the invasion "Mr. Robert said thoughtfully.

As if ignoring him King Xavier said " There should be a search starting tomorrow for anybody related to the royal house male or female.It will be conducted within and around the kingdom, until a relative is found the search continues." At that everybody bowed their heads in respect to the King and there after they were dismissed.

King Xavier ordered Mr. Robert and Mr. Charles to wait behind, he had something to discuss with them. The dou sat quitely in the court room waiting for the King to speak up . After some minutes he finally decided to speak " when I die the search will go on only for a month, after which the court will make a decision on whom to rule Valen. " With that the King left the room leaving Mr Robert and Mr Charles dumbfounded as they had never heard of something like this.

Before dusk , the news has spread around the Villages that a search would be going on for a possible relative of the king.


" I had a search going on in the kingdom of Valen " said Andre " What is the search about " replied a young hand some man " It is for an heir to the throne ." Looking at Andre, Kai said " ok" .

The next day Kai told Andre that he would be taking on a trip to the Kingdom of Valen. Unable to let his friend go alone he decided to go with him to the Kingdom of Valen.

Kai was a young goodlooking Vampire with eyebrows, green eyes and inky black hair. He is tall with broad shoulders and a well built chest ,golden huge wings he inherited from his mother. He was ultterly handsome and eye catching as alot of girls drooled at the sight of him.