
Reign of the Time Gap Queen

Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators series will continue on in this Novel. Time is at the brink of running out for Kai to find a safe place to hide Victoria from the Vampire Covenant as other threats begin to rise. Vampires from other dimensional worlds begin to lurk on Earth as they await the go-ahead to kill Victoria. Worry strikes Kai's mind and heart because he doesn't know if she'll get her votes, but even if she does, it's inevitable that vampires from every species will strike to kill his mate. With time slipping away, he and his friends also keep trying to search for Grandpa Vlad, the Collin Coven Headmaster because he needs his help to prepare for a rumored vampiric World War Three to transpire. Not to mention, it's time they all faced their biggest rivals who want to steal Victoria and Kai's sister-in-law Zoey to make their Coven the strongest. Can Kai take on these threats from other Alpha vampires that either want his mate for themselves or wish to kill her? Will Kai be able to transform Victoria into her true form as a vampiress or will her fate to live be demised too soon? While Kai and his friends are doing what it takes to ensure his pregnant mate survives long enough to turn her on the Brightest Blue Moon, Victoria still struggles to keep her time-gap gift under control. As the Brightest Blue Moon nears, her psychic time-gap gift to mentally travel to the past keeps getting stronger. At the same time, she's trying to prepare herself for motherhood to care for her immortal babies. Nothing gets any easier when she has a ton of maniac vampires and their Alphas trying to kill her. In her futile attempt to keep herself and her unborn vamp babies protected against these intelligent vampires, she learns quickly that it's nearly impossible. As usual, she fights for her survival. At the same time, she's drawn closer to Kai because of the blue moon, but a part of her heart is still snared by her first lover. Between their ups and downs as a fated couple, they always find a way to balance each other. The first novel called: "Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators" is still under editing and needs to be rewritten to fix some flaws I made with the FL, but it is completed. "DO NOT" let those flaws reflect on this novel because it will take time to fix them. This is my first time writing a series like this, so it's been a learning experience for me with writing a Fl. The story isn't all romance. This storyline runs deeper than that, and the vampires aren't weak. Also, it's only labeled as historical because the FL can mentally travel to past events in ancient times. This second Novel will be dark, gory, murderous, bloody, and steamy hot like the first one. You've been warned. Further warnings will be added as needed in certain chapters. I recommend reading the first novel before starting this one to avoid some confusion. If not, just let things play out in this novel as recaps will be added to grasp certain events and the vampires' way of life. Overall, the story will take a whole new direction, so you can read it as a standalone if you wish. I will leave reference chapters from the first novel for you to read if you want to glance at it. Enjoy the action and suspense with these bloodthirsty vampires and vampiresses. Feel free to follow me on Discord: sara88#4303

Sara_Weber_9938 · Lịch sử
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105 Chs

**Ch 75: Vows of Devotions

As Kai's friends disbanded to say farewell to their fathers, grandfathers, and elder brothers, Kai hurriedly approached his Dad and Grandpa with a pout forming on his lips. "You're leaving already?" Loneliness clouded his eyes. "But you've only returned!" he whimpered.

"I know we have only just gotten back, but you know the outcome would be unforgiving if the enemies were to reach us," Mr. Collin frowned as his strength magnified through his indefatigable spirit as a father devoted to protecting his family.

"I know, Dad," Kai sighed, shutting his eyes tightly to withhold his tears.

"Our visit may have been cut short, but we at least got to spend some time together," Mr. Collin replied, peering at him with a heartwarming smile.

Kai blinked once as the unbeknownst mighty warrior glowed within him. "Can I come with you?" he asked with a mettlesome chiming bravely like rays of shimmering light.

"You aren't old enough," Mr. Collin smiled warmly, and Kai pursed his lips, grimacing in disappointment.

"I want to help," Kai murmured, glimpsing away from his father as a hint of his intransigent mood was apparent.

Mr. Collin touched his shoulder. "You can help by looking after your mother and sister for me." He glanced at his wife behind Kai and faintly smiled at her as she wiped her tears away. "The vampiresses in the Coven need your help with the little ones," his father concluded, leaving an unshakeable ache of emotions lingering in Kai's heart.

"I understand," Kai muttered, briefly lowering his head in further despair as the weight on his heart was palpable.

"How about this? I will entrust you with the full responsibility of leadership with the vampiresses and the offspring in my clan," Mr. Collin declared, bestowing upon him a significant amount of responsibility that would be particularly challenging for any fifteen-year-old.

Nevertheless, Kai's eyes lit up with determination. "My friends and I won't let you down!" he vowed, and Mr. Collin proudly smiled at him.

"I know you won't," Mr. Collin beamed. "You are old enough to shoulder this responsibility for me and my warriors."

"I'll ensure everyone is cared for while you all leave for war," Kai guaranteed, gleaming with pride as he was determined to make his father proud.

"Do you think you can help your Grandma with the Coven for me?" Vlad asked, entrusting him with a greater significant challenge. To be tasked with watching over the whole Coven is a burden for any teenager. However, Kai took this vow upon himself as akin to that of a true leader in which he will grow to be.

"My cousins and I can handle that," Kai affirmed eagerly with determination, reflecting in his gaze.

"I see greatness in you," Vlad praised, and it was evident that Kai shared a closer bond with his grandfather compared to his cousins. Surprisingly, they didn't seem jealous. Instead, they were too preoccupied with saying goodbye to their fathers and older brothers. Meanwhile, Serena's heart overflowed with gratitude for Kai's willing assistance. I couldn't fathom the depth of the loneliness she faced in her responsibility to lead the vampiresses and the offspring to safety while Vlad endured the war. Though, I'm confident Kai's extra help fortified her battered spirit.

"Victoria!" Kai's voice called out to me from the present, but I remained silent to avoid being heard by his younger self. "Come to my voice."

Where my time gap had mentally transported me here to the past, the surroundings faded before my eyesight. Upon my return to the present time frame, I found I was still at the sink with my hand on the faucet where I had grasped it, but the water was now turned off.

"Easy, you're alright," Kai gently soothed me, his hands clutching my backside as I swayed from dizziness.

Blood dripped into the sink from my nose, so he handed me a few tissues from the box on the marble countertop.

"Are you alright?" Kai inquired, examining my face through the mirror.

"I'm good," I confirmed, cleaning the blood from my nose and then tossing the tissues into the trash can.

"Maybe we should cancel the meeting," Kai suggested. Weariness flushed his complexion, and worry quickened the beat of his heart.

Before he could take his phone out, I grabbed his hand, turning towards him. "No, I promise I'm fine. This meeting is too important for the Coven." I affirmed, pursing my lips into a smile.

"You are important to me," Kai affirmed, brushing his fingers through my hair. "Don't ever forget that."

Despite the sharpness in his words, he solemnly underlined his love for me.

"I know, but this is bigger than us. We must do what is best for the Coven. It's what your grandparents would want. It was just a nosebleed," I proclaimed in a mere whisper, and admiration filled his gaze.

"You've come a long way. You are becoming the queen I need by my side," Kai expressed with the radiance of his love as his gaze dotted onto me.

"I love you, and I promise to be all that I can as a vampiress for the Coven," I vowed.

"Once I transform you into a vampiress, you'll be more than you can imagine. Most importantly,

you'll be free from Orlando's snare to fully love me as it should have always been," Kai softly uttered as his heart pressed with deep sadness.

The fact that our hearts couldn't fully connect because of Orlando's snare killed him, and I, for one, couldn't bear seeing him carry so much heartache and guilt because it killed me as well.

"The grip of Orlando's snare on that fragment of my heart may torment us, but it will not conquer us as destined mates. Unlike before, he no longer blinds my eyes from the truth. You and our unborn babies are my world, Kai, and my love for you is undying," I asserted, aiming to make my thriving devotion clear to him.

Half of my heart isn't clouded by Orlando's spell, and Kai seems to forget that part. That unsnared piece of my heart is in utter love with my husband.

Despite his ensnare strangling the light out of my heart, my profound love for Kai will always prevail to conquer whatever Orlando throws at me. As a vampiress, I will incinerate the chains of Orlando's interlocked tapestry from my heart and set myself free.

Kai was drawn speechless on what to say about my remark. A faint loving smile curved his lips as the love in his eyes flickered brighter than a light sparkling through a crystal.

Full-hearted passion outpours from our hearts upon my words, and my lips latch into a tender kiss with his. Time stopped by every second as our infused lips melted together. For the mere duration, Kai and I had taken this time to delight ourselves with the adoration we shared as we parted our lips and entangled our tongues into a tender motion.

A reference for the loyal readers from the first novel read below;

Ch 326: Harsh Words

This chapter you just read is a reflection of

Victoria's character growth from the first novel in chapter 323. From how Victoria first started in the first novel to this moment in the second novel I can only hope that you read her character changes and the strength she is gathering as the clan queen Kai needs by his side.

Let me know how you think I am doing on her character changes.

Also, I hope everyone is getting a better idea as to why Victoria was so blind to Orlando "in the first novel" is all because of that snare on her heart "which isn't explained in the first novel." Better information about her false love for Orlando was always plotted to come later in the series. I'll admit that it may not have been a good idea to write it like that, but it's just another lesson I am learning to create better future books.

Adding to that, I've been stretching the length with chapters and taking extra care to do these changes with Victoria and add good details, which is also why chapters have been delayed so I can make sure the chapters come out better. Let me know if you like how the writing is turning out.

Thanks for the powerstones! My next post should be on Friday or Saturday. If not, I'll post one on Sunday.

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