


Empire Hotel, Pandemonium City

Yorkside region

Capital of the Kingdom of Ashtarium

October 29th 6414


I sat in the middle of my room in the Empire Hotel, meditating as the green hue of light permeated my body. It had been weeks since I had met with Jack Blackbeard and he had given me his blood. Throughout the weeks, I had been cultivating as Jack had instructed, refining and strengthening my Soul core by saturating it with Essence. The blood Jack gave me was a Divine grade blood, his blood, a rare resource that can help enhance my Soul core's cultivation. Over the past days, the color of my soul core had gone from orange, to yellow and now it was settling in at the dark shade of green. The color of Expert rank shined brightly as I produced more Spirit energy. The blood Jack had given me was not much, though it was enough to saturate my soul with so much Spirit Essence fully. Spirit Essence was an intrinsic quality of the soul, responsible for producing Spirit energy. Spirit energy was the power that was produced by one's soul. As long as the soul was filled with spirit essence, the soul could continuously produce Spirit energy. And then with the Mana circuits in one's body, they could convert the Spirit energy into Mana. This was exactly what I was doing. After twenty minutes of meditation, I finally settled on the beginning phase of the Expert rank. I got up from the cushion I was sitting on and went to my restroom to take a shower after the sweat I had accumulated. I was nervous about what I had to do today. Last week, I got a message from Jack regarding my new assignment as his Ta'valur. It seems that my life was to be burdened by so many responsibilities. Luckily for me, it seems the task he had set forth to test me was also connected to my duties as the Director of R.E.T.U. Deal with the situation in Kettlia. That was the assignment Jack had given me. For what reason was he interested in the Region owned by the Lionheart Family? Ever since I had gotten the message, I had been asking myself that question. But I couldn't find an answer. I had booked a private airship that would take me to Kettlia, and the departure was this evening. I had yet to tell my family about my trip, and I knew it wasn't going to go down well with Father. If he knew I was trying to meet with the Lionhearts, there was a chance he might disown me or kill me. I wasn't so sure about my Father after Jack's revelation about him. So I had Steph come up with an excuse for me to be in Kettlia, though I didn't tell her why I had to be there. I freshened up and got out of the bathroom, quickly dressing up to get ready to go to the Palace. Yorkside was very festive, with loud music, decorations, and people plastered around for all to see. You could feel the mood that was familiar with what Remembrance Day held. This past two years had been hard for everyone in Yorkside after the death of most of the royal family. But now the new King had put a lot of effort into making this year normal. Remembrance Day was nothing compared to what Yuletide was like, but it held a different meaning to me because it was my cousin's favorite holiday. And now I was heading to the place where I had lost her. No one was waiting for me as I got out of the E-gate, the courtyard empty. I found myself by the Dining hall where the staff was busy jogging around with decorations for the Dining table, changing from one item to another. Standing in the middle of all the chaos, was my Mother. She turned around when she felt my presence, her eyes sparkled when she saw me. She was dressed in a pink dress, a shawl covering her upper body, and her brown hair covered by her pink fascinator. She had a small dog on her arm, petting its fur.

"Delilah," Mother called me by my former name. I felt a tick at the corner of my temple. Calm down. "My...your Soul core seems to have improved a lot. What are you...Expert rank now," Mother peered into my soul core with her Internal sense- an ability that came with being an Awakened. Internal sense was an ability that allowed one to be able to project their consciousness beyond their physical body. It was a form of Mana Manipulation that allowed one to expand the range of their senses.

"Yes, I just reached Expert rank this morning," I said.

"I didn't know you were that interested in Cultivating," Mother said. Mother was one of those Vampires who had no interest in the hard work of Cultivation. She was already blessed with Immortality, a powerful body, and Ability factor, so to her, there was no point in trying to put herself through the effort of ranking up. Her soul core was still at the Novice rank, yet even at the Novice rank, her soul core was at the brightest state of red. That was how fully saturated her soul was from all the feeding she had been indulged in. If she attempted to cultivate her soul, she would easily climb up the hierarchy like it was nothing.

"I'm gradually getting used to it," I lied. If I could be like my mother, I would. I would laze around, basking in my natural gifts, but I couldn't. All these damn responsibilities and duties were being shoved upon me, and I needed the strength to pull it off. "Mother, it's been two years, and you still can't remember my new name." I got out of the doorway to the room, while nodding at the staff as they bowed to me while leaving the room.

"What's a little bit of two years when Eternity is ours," Mother said. She dropped her pet and brought me into her bosom in a tight hug. 

"How's Azania and Chloe," I said as I hugged her back. Mother had spent the last two years, in the Azania Empire with my little sister, and I had barely seen or heard anything from both of them. Azania Empire was farther from Ashtarium, outside of the New continent, beyond the Salt Mountains in one of the five Old continents, and was ruled by the Orisha House of the Vampire race.

"Chloe's fantastic," Mother said. "She's wowed the whole court in Azania." I nodded, smiling at it. That sounded like my little sister. Chloe was a social butterfly and she was good at charming and making friends with everyone. I could just imagine her in the Azania court, wowing all the Royals and Nobles.

"What are you doing here," I said. I was not aware that she would be back anytime soon. Father had arranged for Chloe to stay abroad, and have her education there to foster a good relationship with the Orisha House. He wanted to make sure that our standing among the Seven Noble House was strong, and since Ruthven and Varnae were still allied with us, we needed one more. It would have been good if the Mircalla house had been loyal, but there was nothing we could do about it. The Orisha House was an old ally of our House, so Father had arranged for Chloe to go to school there. And Chloe had done a good enough job, that I suspected that Father might give her off to one of the twelve princes of the Empire.

"Chloe isn't happy with me right now," Mother said. 

"So you thought to leave our young girl behind and come here for Remembrance," Father had come into the room, dressed in a red royal tunic with froggings cast on it.

"Nehemiah, I told you for the sixth time, that Chloe doesn't need me," Mother said. "You.." She snapped at one of the staff that was bringing a tray of plates. "Not that one...bring in the Ruby plates," The staff member gulped and ran back out.

"Brunch should have started ages ago," Father said. He turned to me, his eyes raised as he analyzed my soul core. He said nothing about my sudden ascension but acknowledged my presence. I had finally taken care of the operation that should be occurring in Zellux any time soon, and Father had been happy with the strategy I had come up with. It felt weird, feeling good about Father being proud of me for my part to play in what was about to occur in the Mircalla lands...something I did not believe was the right move. The door opened and the Staff member was back with the right utensils and behind him, the chef was bringing in the trays of food. Father and Mother took their seats and I took one by Father's right side. 

"Where is Isaiah," I asked.

"Your brother is busy with work," Father said. "Unfortunately he can't make it"

"Is work getting to him," I said as I poured a glass of champagne for myself. It was the expensive one, the ones stocked up for special occasions.

"Speaking of work," Father said ignoring my question. "...Why am I just being informed of your travel plans," Here we go.

"The situation in Kettlia has gotten much more serious," I lied. The situation was still the same, the protest hadn't died out but it hadn't gotten serious yet. "The Peacekeeping forces down there aren't equipped or trained to handle the delicate situations,"

"You could authorize the Enforcers to act," Father said. "A little bit of slaughter here and there...and the humans will comply,"

"You can't just kill humans like it's nothing," Mother said.

"Why not? I'm the King," Father said."

"Because it would look bad with U.I.P.," I said. The United Institute of Peace was an international institute dedicated to forwarding peace and resolving conflicts around the world. One of their major stances was on Humanity's treatment in countries that allow for humans to be part of their citizenship. It had been founded and funded by my uncle, the late king, and before long, the organization had spread to countries like Lieden, the Jade Republic, and the Azania Empire. The institute was one of the reasons why our world has been at peace for the past centuries.

"Why should I care for them," Father said. "I'm trying to make Ashtarium what it should have always been. What my Father planned for it," I knew what he meant. It was the dream that has been at the heart of the Ashtarmel House since this land had been taken by us.

"What about Uncle's-"

"We should start digging into the food, don't you think so Darling," Mother pushed my voice away as she began to sort out the food on our plates. Father glanced at me, but it was just for a second then he concentrated on his food. We ate in silence for the whole meal, at least Father and I did. Mother was telling us tales about her stay in Azania. How the weather felt natural and better over there than it did here. Azania Empire was not protected by Domes like some countries, so the Eternal night was visible from the sky. I had heard different stories about the place, but the one thing in common about the Empire that I had heard was its resources and how vast it was. It wasn't a stretch to say that Azania was the richest nation in both the Old Continent and the New Continent. Mother spoke about her trips through the Nahari Jungle resorts where she saw all kinds of animals. It seemed she had fun and enjoyed her stay. I was happy for her. After brunch and the servants took the plates away, we went to the reading chambers for cups of tea and coffee. I didn't want to stay but Mother insisted. 

"I have plans for lunch, but I want to see you before I leave for it," Mother said. She probably planned on having her court ladies around for gossiping. "So what time are you leaving for Kettlia,"

"Evening," I said checking the time. "The airship has already been arranged, and I'm scheduled to arrive late in the night,"

"Why can't you just take an E-gate," Mother said. "That way you get to spend time with the family on Remembrance Day. And also what about the Royal Dinner party?"

"The boy is working," Father said. "He doesn't have to stay if he is obligated to go to kettlia," Mother and I turned to Father, my eyebrows were raised at him. 

"I thought you didn't approve of me going there," I said.

"I never said I didn't," Father said. "I only asked if you needed to go there to do your job," Father finished his tea in a single drop and stood up. "If you insist that you need to be there, then I can't stop you. We all have our duties to attend to. As for me, I have mine." And then he was gone, leaving us without another word. Mother hissed, anger flaring in her eyes."And just like that he walks away without telling me anything," She said. I sipped my tea, not wanting to be involved in whatever drama that was going on between them. I knew the real reason why Mother had gone with Chloe to Azania. Their relationship was not as perfect as she wanted everyone to believe. After I was done with my tea, I waited for like a minute before I excused myself though Mother didn't seem to care. She was at her uni, talking and planning whatever she wanted for the Dinner party tonight for Remembrance Day. I paused for a second to stare at Mother in the doorway. She had forgotten about me, her attention solely on her device. Mother could be so fickle sometimes, that it baffled me as to why she wanted children. I thought back to my childhood, of how much involved she had been in both me and Chloe's growing up. As the sister-in-law to the King, she had access and privileges that most Mothers didn't, so she never really had to bother taking care of us, not when there were servants to do the job for her. She had been involved a little when it came to birthday stuff but what I mostly remembered from my childhood was the presence of my uncle. Even as a king, and a busy one at that, he didn't only make time for Ariella, he had made time for me as well, and even Chloe. I remember the gifts he would send me, the stories he would tell us, and what kind of Vampires he hoped we would all become. He had been more of a Father to me than even my own Father. Which was why I had no problem going to Perium. Father wanted to get rid of King Rafael's legacy, but I won't let it happen. That bastard Jack had picked up on it somehow which was why he had given this strange request to me. I don't know what he wanted me to do in Kettlia, but I was eager to find out why.

Traveling by Airship was a lot different than walking through an E-gate. For one, we had to wait for take-off which took a while. I was seated in my seat, with a glass of wine, and listening to the pilot as he gave instructions on how to safely wear seatbelts and what to do on an airship. I mildly paid attention to him, my focus mainly on Steph who was seated across from me. She had been quiet throughout our drive to the airport, not saying a word, which had nerved me somehow. When I had given her instructions to clear my day and prepare a ship for me, she hadn't questioned me or asked why I wanted to go to Perium. Or why I decided to travel by air instead of using an E-gate. She had simply gone ahead and did as I requested on the condition that I took her with me. I didn't object because for some reason I didn't mind her coming with me. Since I was heading to human territory, it might be nice to have her on my side. While I looked at her, she turned her head from the window and turned to face me.

"Have you ridden an airship before, your grace," She said. I hiccupped as the vehicle began to move.

"No," I said. Which was true. What was the point of traveling by air, when one had access to an instant transportation device like the E-gate? As a royal, I had unlimited access to use the gate without payment, unlike regular citizens, and it wasn't like I had traveled a lot when I was young. King Rafael had barely let Ella leave the Palace and talk much about leaving the country, and as I loved Ella, I never wanted to be separated from her for a long time. The farthest I had gone was to the Kingdom of Xibalba and New Arcadia which were in the Southern hemisphere of the New continent, and that was when I had been young. I barely remembered anything about it. This would be my first time traveling through the air. This was an opportunity to view the Eternal night that had plagued the world for six millennia.

"You must have ridden a ton back in your days in the military," I said. Her eyes widened at it but she said nothing as the ship picked up speed. I had tightened my seatbelt so that should be good. The hand that held the wine shook as the ship picked up momentum. Bastard. You can't freak out right now. 

"Nervous," Steph asked. Her right eyebrow was raised higher than the other one like she was teasing me.

"Not really," I said. But my hand begged to differ. I used my other hand to close the window as the ship finally took off the yard and into the sky.

"The Dome window is about to open," Steph said. The Dome windows were little space within the Dome that allowed for airships to move in and out of the Dome for aerial transportation. The windows hadn't always been a part of the Dome back in Grandfather's days but when Uncle Raf had become King, he had made sure to install them as he allowed aerial travel within the Kingdom. He had mainly done it for the humans, as a way to give them a chance to get from one Region to the other, instead of traveling through radiated lands or getting attacked by the monsters out there.

"How long does it take to get to Kettlia from Yorkside," I said.

"At our speed, it should take no less than 8 hours," Steph said. "I did as you instructed and informed only those with A-1 clearance. They should be waiting for us by the airport when we arrive."

"What's the situation in Periun," I said.

"Nothing has changed," She said. "There are people with tents outside the Mayor's building." Count Orlock was the newly appointed mayor of Periun, a Vampire aristocrat who had been placed in the city by Father- one of his attempts to take control of the territory of Kettlia.

"Protestors," I said.

"Yes," Steph said. I sighed taking a sip of my wine. The bill that Father wanted to introduce hadn't even been passed yet, and still, the humans had gotten up in protest against the idea itself. How the information had been leaked to the public, I didn't know.

"Let's just hope that protestors are all that we have to deal with," I said.

"Are you referring to the Lightsword brigade," Steph said. Hearing the name of the infamous gang that had risen recently, I couldn't help but frown. They were a group of humans who had banded together to resist the changes that Periun was going through. After the increase in protests in the streets, I approved the request for backup from the Royal Enforcers whose job was to maintain order in the city. The Royal enforcers were not known for holding back, and unfortunately, their presence led to the creation of the gang. I had read reports of my people being attacked during their daily patrols at night, most of the attacks had resulted in some major injuries but it hadn't been anything serious. Father had written them off as just annoying pests, but the people of Periun City saw them as more than that. And it didn't help that all of them happened to be Cultivators.

"How many attacks have there been since the Count of Periun passed the curfew," I asked.

"There has been a ten percent increase in Lightsword activity, especially in the major urban areas," Steph said.

"With the council meeting happening the day after Remembrance to vote on whether to pass the Identifier bill or not, I have a bad feeling about them," I said. Father was insistent on passing the identification bill to gauge how many of his citizens were humans. He had to prepare just in case the humans did try to rebel against him. Which they were doing right now, but Father didn't see their recent actions as something to take note of. I couldn't help but notice that Father's actions were slowly resembling those of the Berlin Empire. Was Jack right? Did Father truly hate and despise the humans that he was willing to burn down the goodwill that King Rafael had created with the humans for generations? I couldn't let that happen. I clenched my jaw knowing I was playing right into Jack's hand. But now that I was aware of certain things, I had no choice but to go along with his games. I opened the window I had closed just in time to catch a glimpse of a hole opening within the painted blue sky. And then we were plunged into darkness.

The Eternal Night. A worldwide phenomenon that went against the natural order of the world. An occurrence so unnatural that it was able to plague the world since it occurred. The clouds of darkness that covered the sky for millennia since the Long War ended. A war between two races that had nearly destroyed the world. The Eternal Night had brought that war to a close, bringing the enemy to its ruin. History didn't remember the enemy, as their culture and name were stripped for perpetuity. I closed the window again, tired of the ominous view. I wasn't the type to reminisce about history nor did I care for it. That was Ella's hobby. Right now what I needed to focus on was to figure out how to deal with the situation in Kettlia and how to deal with the Lionheart family like Jack wanted. I sighed, pressing my fingers to my temple as I thought of various scenarios that could happen when we landed. The worst that could happen was if my meeting with the Grand Council didn't go as I wanted it to. Maybe...but there was also the situation with the Lightsword brigade. My request to the Lionheart family for an audience with the Grand Duke hadn't gone as I expected. Instead, the Grand Council of Kettlia had replied and insisted on a meeting with me, the second Prince of the Kingdom. To not let Father be suspicious, I had made it seem like the situation in Periun required my presence. In a way, my presence could make things worse, but if I wanted to meet with the Grand Council, I had to go through Periun City. Which meant I would come across Count Orlock. It wouldn't surprise me if Count Orlock was in Father's pocket. As such I would have to pay a visit to the Peacekeeper's building in Downtown Periun. As a pretense to make sure word didn't get back to Father.

"What are you thinking of," Steph said.

"What?" I muttered.

"It's just I've never seen you concentrate so badly before," Steph said. "I wondered what was going through your mind,"

"The last Remembrance I had with my cousin," I said. 

"The late princess," Steph said. I smiled, thinking about Ella and her love for this day. She was the type to go all in, roleplaying as famous characters from the past civilization. 

"If she was still alive, I wouldn't be going through this," I said.

"Your grace, what do you expect to find on this journey of yours," Steph asked. I took my fingers off my temple, pondering the question that Steph had asked. What did I expect to find? I intend to understand the game that Jack was playing. He had forced me to acknowledge something I didn't even want to consider... pulled me away from the justice I had been seeking from Eduardo Gomez. And now I was on my way to meet with Father's enemy behind his back. And all of this was for her. It was to settle the gut-wrenching feeling that I was still grappling with even two years after my cousin's death. Instead of answering Steph, I closed my eyes, trying my best to close my mind off the worries that were plaguing it.