
Chapter 21: Stubborn Blacksmiths

Hijiri entered in disguise into the Shio Weapons shop, the front shop of the Shio Blacksmith Clan. Once entered he looked around himself: the weapons were well-made, with good craftmanship, but nothing that suggested the skills necessary for the constructions of what would become the Seven Blades of the Mist.

Once he neared the counter a woman greeted him saying: "Good day! How can I help you? Are you here for something specific?"

Hijiri, disguised like a regular ninja of the Land of the Waves, gave her a scroll and replied: "I need a meeting with your clan leader. Give him that scroll and he will agree to see me."

The woman was a bit perplexed and made the gesture of opening the scroll.

Hijiri stopped her: "I would suggest that only the leader opens it. If what is written gets out it could create problems for both of me and your clan."

(Woman): "Fine, I will relay the message."

She passed through a back door and soon another woman entered to deal with the customers in her place.

15 minutes later the woman returned and said: "The clan leader has agreed to meet with you. follow me."

They exited the shop, through the front door this time, and, after a little walk, they arrived at a big wooden door.

After the guards identified the woman they let them through. As they walked to reach the main house, Hijiri activated his byakugan. He watched the blacksmith on the surface doing their jobs: smelting metal, hammering, and sharpening. It seemed like a normal blacksmith clan.

But behind the main house, a cave complex hid the clan's secrets.

Watching carefully Hijiri recognized three rooms.

The first was a weapon storage where there were 5 familiar swords. The Executioner's Blade, Kiba, Nuibari, Kubotowari, and Shibuki. As for Hiramekarei and Samehada, they were probably still not created.

The second room was a forging room. Inside there was a seal formation, with an unknown function, centered around a furnace. Other than that there were what seemed typical blacksmith tools.

The last room was a library with a few scrolls.

As Hijiri finished watching all of this, he arrived before the clan leader's meeting room.

At the center of the room, there was the clan leader, a middle-aged man with a strong build and sharp eyes. Behind him were seated the elders of the family who were of the same age group as the clan leader.

The clan leader seeing Hijiri entering said: "Your message said that you wanted to discuss a deal with our clan on behalf of the Mighty Healer of the Land of the Water. I hope what you said rings true. I, Shio Raizo, don't know like liars and I won't allow people to easily take advantage of our little clan."

(Hijiri): "Don't worry leader, I am not a charlatan. The reason I can speak for the Mighty Healer is because I am him."

At this point, Hijiri canceled his transformation, except for the eyes to conceal the byakugan.

The clan leader and the elders were surprised by such a skillful transformation. Raizo, recovered from the little shock, said more amiably: "Mighty Healer, we welcome you to our humble home. How can we be of service?"

(Hijiri): "I am here mostly on a whim. I heard you possess a lightning chakra metal that is incredibly conductive. Many don't know but I am very skilled in lightning release techniques and I was wondering if could have a look. If you agree, I will help you by searching, buying, and delivering rare ores and materials. Of course for a favor"

(Raizo): "What favor are you talking about?"

(Hijiri): "I want to learn all that your clan has to offer. You will also have my full support."

Raizo was taken aback by his offer. But soon he realized that he was caught in a pinch. For a normal blacksmithing clan this was indeed a great offer. The problem was that they didn't have the ore anymore because it had been already smelted in a pair of swords: Kiba.

Now he had two options. Refuse the offer and possibly offend and arouse the suspicion of an influential figure. Or agree but he will have to share the clan's biggest secret with an outsider.

In the end, he took the third option that while could arouse suspicion, it would not be much.

(Raizo): "We would like to help you but unfortunately that ore has been stolen from us. Regarding learning our ways, it's not impossible but I fear that our meager blacksmithing skills wouldn't reach your standards."

(Hijiri): "It's a pity. If you somehow recover that ore, I will be staying at the White Droplet Inn for a week."

Said so, Hijiri turned around and left the premises. He booked a room at the White Droplet Inn and waited.


Dawn of the eighth day.

(Hijiri): 'They didn't even bother to negotiate. Well in one way or another, I will have what I wanted.'