

Come with me, to a world even I don't know that well. Maybe we can unravel some mysteries or...we can just try to stay alive. No one said that this was going to be easy.

MerAki · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

My Name?

The young boy slowly took a few steps closer to the mirror and examined his face. His hair was dark black, moderately long, and considerably roughed up. His skin tone was light brown, at least that's what you could assume. It seemed a bit paler than natural, lacking nutrition. His bright brown eyes were the only part of his face that did not look ill. He looked young, but at the same time, he looked as though he had one foot in the grave.

As he stared into the mirror, he realized three things. The first thing that occurred to him was that he had no clue who he was. The second was that he had no idea where he was. The third was that he had taken off his hospital gown, leaving him completely naked. And cold. The boy remembered that he had seen some clothes on the furniture on the right side of the room. After he washed his hand under the sink, he walked out of the bathroom. It was at this time he started feeling needle-like pain from his feet. He sat back on his hospital bed.

He looked at the creature again to make sure it didn't come back to life. He then took a look at his feet and saw the cause of his pain. There were tiny glass shards wedged in between the skin of his feet. Really? he thought as he looked over at the window, which was still wide open. The boy took some time to remove the glass shards from his feet, each stinging more than the last. After he had removed most of the glass shards, he proceeded to take the blanket off the medical bed and cover up the window by carefully using the body of the monster he had just put down as a path through the broken glass.

The boy then rummaged through the furniture and litter on the right side of the room for some clothes. He found some oversized jeans and an equally oversized shirt. It did not matter to him who the clothes belonged to or why they were there, it was cold, so he hastily put them on. He noticed a clipboard with papers on top of a small bedside stand next to the medical bed. He went over to the bedside stand and lifted the clipboard, and read:

------------ Date -----------

Month: 6 | Day: 13 | Year: 2021

--------- Patient Info ---------

First Name: Rei | Last Name: Hykua

DOB: 12/26/2008 | Age: 13

Height: 5'0 | Weight: 90 lb

---------Patient Issue---------

The patient fell from a great height.

Status: Coma

---------Patient Family---------


And the rest was torn up and impossible to read. Rei, the boy thought. "My name is Rei," he mumbled to himself as a slight breeze blew through his DIY blanket curtain. He spent the rest of that day looking around the small medical room. His senses started slowly coming back to him. He felt his stomach begin to rumble as he looked around the room for something to eat. He thought about going outside, but the fear of what he had seen out there scared him. So much so that he shook his head at the thought and started desperately looking around.

He searched for hours. Eventually, he did notice something. There was a black box under the medical bed. He fell onto his knees and took the box out from under the bed. Please be food. Please be food. He thought as he took the lid off of the box, but before Rei could get a good look at the box, he realized it had become quite dark in the room. He looked back at the window where his DIY curtain was now waving in the wind.

It had become night, and he hadn't even noticed. As he stared through the gaps the curtain made as it fluttered in the wind, he could see creatures he couldn't explain walking across the destroyed and abandoned streets. Things that couldn't physically be capable of moving were moving, and what was more horrifying was the fact they seemed like they were moving with..., intention. Rei jumped up, with the box still in his hands, and ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He curled up into a corner of the bathroom. It was dark, he couldn't see much, but he could hear horrifying screams and screeches from outside worse than what he heard in the day. Rei's hand had entirely soaked his hospital gown in blood. Even though his hand was in pain, he held onto that black box firmly. Until his eyes slowly got heavier, and the darkness became darker as his mind started to fade.

"I wish to see my greatest fears so that I may overcome them"

Have a good day, please like and comment to let me know you want more!

Thanks for reading.

MerAkicreators' thoughts