
Rehab In Another World

Pony was once a drug addict, but after his dealer killed him, he's sent to a world like the ones he read when he was a child.

SenTPM · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 7

Balere ???

I woke up to the birds chirping, the sun shining on my face, and something heavy laying on top of me. My back hurts like hell... I raised my head and saw Pardalis sleeping on top of me. "Ah!" I jumped, making her fall off my bed. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" She yelled at me. 'Sorry!' I signed with haste.

I sighed and pressed my hands against my back, pushing it to stretch. "You worried us yesterday." I looked up at her and remembered the events that transpired yesterday. 'What happened after I passed out?' She sits back down on the bed. "We left and came back to the village. Laurence asked me to sleep here to keep an eye on you."

That explains why my clothes are still on. I stood up and went over to the closet. 'I will be at the field soon.' She rushed out as soon as I began taking off my shirt. She's seven and already acts like she knows what sex is. What a mood.

After changing clothes, I lept down to the field, where I saw Laurence and Pardalis talking. "There's our cockroach," He greeted with a smile. 'So, are we going to try and find out what type of magic I can use?' I asked excitedly. "Well, aren't you a smart cookie? Usually, we would look at the color of your mana and bring you a tutor of that variety, but you already know why we can't do that. For now, let's check your mana flow. Pardalis, do it with us for the experience."

They put their hands on my back and my mana began flowing. It feels different than other times. It might be because I can move it on my own, but now it cools off my body a lot. Laurence came in front of me with the results. Before he could say them, though, I began signing, 'Can mages manipulate ice?' He nodded. 'Do their bodies cool off when their mana flows?' He raised an eyebrow at me. "Mana usually warms up the body when it flows. Does yours cool you off?" I nodded.

He muttered to himself and turned away. "So instead of warming up, you cool down?" Pardalis asked me. 'I suppose.' Laurence turned around and grabbed my shoulders. "Don't tell anyone else about this. This only happens every thousand years," He told me in Latin. 'Is it that rare?' He nods. "Yes. Who knows what'll happen if anyone finds out."

"Can I be included in the conversation?" Pardalis asked. Laurence sighed and motioned for us to sit. "Can you explain to us how you awakened?" She nodded and cleared her throat. "It had felt like the wind called to me whenever I used mana, and it just sort of formed that way."

"Good enough. Most of the other explanations that we get are about the same. They all say something certain called to them, and then their mana formed that way." I nodded. I let my mana flow again and tuned out every noise except the sound of my breathing. I sat there and focussed for a few minutes, letting anything speak to me.

Finally, I sighed and looked up. "It's OK if you don't get it when you first start. I know you've learned everything else pretty fast, but just take your time with this." I nodded. "Alright, let's meditate for ten minutes, then you both will be dismissed."

I paced around my hut, hand on my chin. The wind called out to her? That sounds like a load of bull. I should have asked what it sounded like. If I had to guess, fire would sound bombastic and angry. Wind would be sharp and smooth. Water would be fluid and gentle. And earth would be rigid and somewhat gravelly.

I sighed and opened my eyes. What if my magic was just Elemental. I could control the four elements, and be above the others? Wouldn't that be nice?

I flopped onto my bed and raised my hand. Maybe if I treat it like ice, or with the cloud. I summoned a cloud in my hand. It's made of water particles, so if I could make the form into a liquid form... I began moving the particles of the cloud, and I gritted my teeth. It's surprisingly difficult to control atoms.

Finally, in front of my eyes, was a floating sphere of black water. I did it! I released the spell, and it turned into steam. I need to recover from my mana usage, but then I need to try something else.

I waited impatiently, walking back and forth, singing horribly, and jumping. Finally, when I felt that I was replenished, I left my hut and lept out of the village.

I made it to the river and stood in front of it. I gathered a bunch of sticks, and put rocks around them. I put my hand to them and concentrated. This one will be harder by a long shot, but I believe it can work.

I imagined all of the particles of oxygen and hydrogen in my head again, but this time, instead of joining together to make water, they began rubbing together in a quick motion.

I began sweating as I focussed until a spark appeared in my hand, and a dark flame appeared on my fingertips. I put it to the sticks, and they caught fire. I fell back and wipes away my sweat as I watched the dark flames dance, with a twinge of orange at the bottom.

I put my hand out again and was able to move water from the river to put out the fire. I laid flat on my back and laughed. I think those two are going to be the hardest, and that earth and wind will be easy. For wind, all I have to imagine is the air particles moving in the way I want. And for the earth, move the atoms of the ground to my will.

I grinned like a madman at my accomplishments. Take that, Rodrigo! I bet your ass couldn't do that, even if you wanted to!

I finally noticed the sky had turned orange and jumped up. I must have spent a while making that flame! I ran back to the village.

I entered my hut and groaned. These past few days were tiring. I looked down at my hands and bit my lip. I grabbed a walking stick that I used my first few days here and pointed it forward. I should learn how to use a weapon, too. I shouldn't have to rely solely on magic.

"I'm not sure that stick will be a very effective weapon." I threw the stick across the room, and I turned to see Elder Garnett. 'Elder, I am sorry for not noticing you.' He put up a hand to stop me. "It's fine, child. I just so happened to stop by, and I saw you. Do you have any experience with any weapon?"

I used a fake sword for my theatre class in middle school, but that was it. 'Not really. I know a little bit, though.' He nodded and took the stick from my hands. He made a few slight thrusts, and I felt the power behind them. "Then I suppose we'll have to train you in swordsmanship, too."

I bowed to a perfect 90° angle and clapped my hands together. 'I would be honored if you could teach me.' I heard him laugh before putting his hand on my head. "I suppose I could."

I smiled at him. "Come visit me in my hut after your lessons with Laurence, and we can go over the basics." He stepped back outside. Good, I can start with that, and then I'll be even stronger! I jumped onto my bed and crawled underneath the sheets.

The next morning, I woke up the earliest I ever had. By the time I was fully dressed, I saw Laurence hop down to the field.

I quickly stepped out and stretched. "You're already awake?" I looked up and saw Pardalis. "Yeah, I was just excited today. Come one." I jumped down to the field.

"Damn, you're up early. That makes it easier for me." Pardalis and I sat down and crossed our legs. "I'm going to teach you both a basic spell. It leans more toward wind magic, but it is very simple."

He flicked his wrist, and I could barely make out the translucent blade flying. "Oh, that looks easy!" She flicked her wrist, but nothing happened. "Just because your affinity is to wind doesn't mean it'll be as easy as that."

I ignored their chatter and began flicking my hand. I should use this as testing for wind. Just imagine the particles moving to your demand. I flicked it, and a slight black blade fluttered a few inches. "Very good, Balere." I looked up and saw them. Pardalis flicked her wrist and a giant blade flew out of her hand. HOLY SHIT! The blade of wind cut the grass of the field in half.

Maybe... I flicked it again, making sure there was more to it this time. A larger, black blade shot across the field. While not as big as Pardalis', it was much faster. "Maybe you're a wind mage." I looked up at them. 'I doubt it. I just learn fast.'

We did it a few more times until we ran depleted our mana output. I breathed heavily before looking up at Laurence. 'What type of mage are you?' He raised an eyebrow. "I prefer not to use my magic. Why, do you wish to see it?" I nodded slowly. He sighed and stood up straight. I saw him pull a knife out of his pocket, and he raised his left hand. A flame appeared in his hand, and he stabbed himself in the leg.

The flame quickly disappeared, and he bandaged himself. 'Why did you just stab yourself?' I signed in confusion. "My type of flame magic makes me have thoughts. Thoughts I'd rather not share." I nodded and turned to Pardalis. 'When the wind spoke to you, what did it sound like?' She looked up and her face scrunched up. "I can't put it into words. It was just a gentle, welcoming voice, I guess..."

I stretched and looked up at Laurence. 'Are we done for today, then?' I asked. "Yeah, I guess." I looked at him and pulled him away. 'Elder Garnett told me that he would teach me swordsmanship after my training with you. Can you come with me?' He nods. "Sure. It isn't every day the elder takes a disciple of his own." He turns to Pardalis. "Balere and I are going to the elder's hut. We'll see you tomorrow." She continued to huff and put up a thumbs up.

Laurence and I hopped up to the elder's hut, and we saw him alone with two wooden swords. 'Do you mind if Laurence stays?' He shook his head and smiled. "I welcome him. Here, take this." He handed me the shorter of the swords that seemed it was perfect for my size. "Let us go over the basics."

We stood side by side. "Since your dominant hand is your right, put your left foot behind the rest, and have it point forward." I learned this in class. I quickly did so and raised my sword in front of me. "Good. Now, there are six main points on the body: The left side of the head, along with the right, left and right of the torso, and the left and right of the upper legs."

"You or your opponent can either slash or thrust at any of these six points. For a slash, you would need to block. For a thrust, you would parry it. Like so," He said before demonstrating each move. He moved in front of me. He thrusted his sword slowly to the left side of my head. "What would you do?" I parried it away from my head. "And if I did this?" He slashed at my right side, which I blocked.

"I'm going to randomly thrust or slash at each point, and you either have to block or parry." He went through and did this multiple times to make sure I understood it.

Finally, after I had built up a sweat, he stopped. "I think that's enough for today." I nodded and handed him the wooden sword. "Please, keep it. It will be of use to you, I'm sure." I nodded again and bowed before exiting.

"You were amazing in there." I turned to Laurence. 'Really?' He looked down at me. "You seemed to grasp it very quickly, and you also reacted within a short amount of time. Not just everyone can do that." I shook my head. 'Goodnight Laurence.' I jumped out of the village again.

I made it back to the river and saw my rock pile. I just have to manipulate the mana to move the rocks upward. Just like the cloud, Balere, just like the cloud. I stood with both feet planted firmly on the ground.

I quickly saw the rocks begin to quiver. I pushed harder and felt my mana begin depleting. One of the rocks floated up, and the other five soon followed. The only strange thing was that as soon as they began floating, they turned dark like the fire, water, and wind.

They dropped as soon as I fell to one knee. I am so awesome!

Now we're finally getting somewhere.

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