
Rehab In Another World

Pony was once a drug addict, but after his dealer killed him, he's sent to a world like the ones he read when he was a child.

SenTPM · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 15

For that entire day, I was in a daze thinking of what I'd learned the day before. "Lowell! Are you even paying attention?" I looked up and met Ailuros' eyes. "Sorry, sir. I didn't get much sleep last night," I lied. I had gotten more than the needed eight hours. He sighed before motioning for me to stand up. I saw a glint in his eye before he turned. "You can use Earth magic, correct? make a dummy."

I moved my foot slightly before a dummy shot up from the ground. In my top left, I saw my MP drop from 120 to 100. "Good manipulation. I want everyone to watch what I'm about to do carefully." He unsheathed his sword and stood firm. His blade was straight, and then it curved toward the middle. A khopesh, Egyptian in nature. He took a deep breath before his feet moved. I could barely see his sword cleaving through my dummy. It takes me a few swings normally, and I enhance my swings with mana!

I could see a bead of sweat drip down from his forehead. "That skill is called columpio velocidad." I raised an eyebrow. Isn't that Spanish? Why would he be using that with Latin?

"It requires all of your mana in your body, so everyone fuel up." I took a few seconds to use [Mana Absorption], and soon I was back to 120.

"Balere, if you would make one for every person." I sighed, and walked in a line, making dummies as I walked. Before I could finish, I had to get back to full. Finally, I made one for everyone, including myself.

"Are you sure you're going to be able to do this?" Celesse asked me. "I'll be fine. My mana refills quickly," I said with my skill running. "Alright, everyone. Use this chant. Vulnus per inimicum, columpio velocidad!"

I heard everyone saying the chant while I mentally shrugged. I picked up my sword and envisioned what I saw. My sword glowed a little black, and I felt my sword take over my swing, cutting through the dummy completely. Unfortunately, my MP dropped from 110 to a gruesome 5. My body locked up as I gritted my teeth. [Mana Absorption] ran fast, soon unlocking me from my flesh prison.

I looked over and saw everyone's sword stuck in their dummies. Celesse was the only one, besides me, to cut cleanly through it. "Very good, you two. Celesse, how did you feel when you used the spell?" All eyes turned to her. "I felt like my body was on fire." He then turned to me. "I'm assuming you felt the same way?" I lied and nodded. It's safer to go along with whatever they say.

"Good, that means everything went correctly. I know you have me for swordsmanship, but allow me to give you a lesson in mana manipulation. If your mana works correctly, it should heat your body. It's all a part of the process. With this spell, it drives not only your man to overdrive but also your muscles and bones. You're gonna be sore in your arms, so for the next few days, we're going to be working on your legs." Everyone groaned.

I heard the bell ring, and everyone grabbed their bags. "Balere, could you stay behind? I want to talk to you about something

Everyone left, and I stayed behind. Ailuros pulled out a chair and sat on it the wrong way. "Why didn't you use the chant?" I knew this was going to come. I was about to speak, but he held up his hand. "I don't want an answer. I was actually going o ask you a different question: do you have horns?"

I reached up to my head and felt my horns. "Are they that noticeable?" I asked. "Well, they've grown out of your hair since yesterday." I felt them again, and sure enough, they were poking out. "it's a good thing the school makes you wear a hat. The only reason I noticed was that you wiped the sweat off of your brow earlier."

"These are gonna be annoying..." I groaned to myself. "Only a little bit. By the way, have you figured out the skill I was trying to show you?" I shook my head. "I don't even know where to begin with it."

"I thought as much. let me show you again." A chill shot up from my spine as the aura began pushing me down. It wasn't that bad, but it almost made me drop to my knees. "It's called Aura Pressure. I learned it from beasts out in the wild." I nodded. I could feel my mana cool my body as it ran throughout my body. I reached out to the straw that was the skill, and I grasped it.

A slight pressure began emanating from me as I saw something appear on my UI.

Skill [Aura Pressure] achieved!

[Aura Pressure]

~An Aura emanates from you that suffocates your enemy.

Progression: 5%~

"Your horns grew again," He pointed out. "They appear to do that every time I progress with my mana." He nods. "I'm not going to ask how, but can I assume you got your hands on a status card?" I nodded. "How'd you figure that out?" I asked. He swiftly explained, "Whenever you obtained the skill, there was a twinkle in your eye. Everyone who has a status card gets that at one point or another. Now go home, I have some business to attend to. Have a good weekend." I nodded before grabbing my bag and leaving.

I entered my home and saw an unfamiliar man at the table with my parents and Adela. "Uh, hello?" They all turned to me. "Oh, Balere. How was school?" My father asked me. "It was fine..." I stared at the unfamiliar man. he must have come here because of Adela, the timing is too perfect. The only person I know that knows Adela at his age is... "Delmor?" I asked. "See? I told you the kid remembered us!" Adela yelled, patting her husband's back.

"Delmor came here a few hours ago. He was telling us he wanted one of us to go to Wothya." I nodded and sat at the table. "I can go if you want." Mother and Father shot up. "But Balere—"

"He'll be fine. If the cart gets attacked again, he can help defend it, and if he gets lost again, he can probably find his way back," Dominic said, coming out of the twins' room with them following right behind.

"Plus, it's the weekend. I don't have school until Monday." Delmor turned to me. "Are you sure you're OK with going to Wothya with me? We'll be speaking with officials on this city's behalf."

I nodded. "I can do it. I'm awesome." My mother laughed at my comment. "Alright, I guess we can let you go. But if you come back with even a scratch on your head, I swear there'll be blood on the streets." Now it was my turn to laugh. "Let's go get you packed for the trip."

Lucille, Father, and I go to my room and begin packing. "This trip will only be for two days. You'll be back Monday morning, and then you can go to school." Lucille sighed. "I'm gonna miss you, Balere..." I crouched down to her height and ruffled her hair. "I'll only be gone for two days. There'll be nothing to miss."

We soon exited my room, and I carried my bag on my back. "Alright, we have to leave now if we want a room at the inn." I waved goodbye to my family members and got into a cart with Delmor.

"I haven't seen you since your first birthday. You've got super big." I smiled. "Just a bit." He smiled as the cart took off. "So, let me tell you about what's about to happen. We're going to be representatives for the city, and we're going to be speaking with a royal executive. Got it?" I nodded. "Good. I would recommend taking a nap." Right as he said that, I began feeling drowsy. Weird...

I opened my eyes to see blackness all around me. "This nightmare again..?" A light flew around me, coming from way up high, and stopping right in front of my face. "Balere Lowell, reincarnate from 'Earth'. it is very nice to meet you," A feminine voice said. I went stiff. There's something that knows I'm not from here. I shook my head. This is all in my head, of course, there isn't anyone who knows that.

"You would be wrong, boy. I know very well about your past, including things that not even you know. I came here to warn you about your future." I stayed silent, letting it speak. "The Fates have told me this warning: Fear not the tribulations, and stay focused on the end. W,e god,s are watching you with much interest, so I'm technically not allowed to be here."

"Who are you?" I asked. The light stayed silent before sighing. "You know me very well. Know that if no one is, I am by your side. I must go now but remember that. Farewell, boy."

I opened my eyes to see Delmor. "Ah, good, you're awake. Come on, we're at the hotel." He jumped out, and I quickly followed. If no one else is, I am by your side. What could that even mean? Not only that, but I had a prophecy read about me.

Delmor opened the door to our hotel room and collapsed onto his bed. "I think I'm going to go to bed," I said. "Sounds good. Just remember to wake up early in the morning for the meeting." I got under my covers, and I quickly fell asleep.