
Regartha the Scarlet eyes

A young dragon was told that he's apart of an ancient clan who mysteriously disappears and the only way to find them is if he learns and master the six primary elements.

Kvng_Khatyal · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Regartha Act 6: The Seal of Wrath pt.2 There’s no way out!!!

Narrator: Last time

Wrath has lifted the infirmary. When no one is looking. Then out of nowhere the strange beast known as Gravestone has returned to finish what it started.

Wrath: This is completely stupid. Thinking I'll do anything for those weak ass losers.

Gravestone roars in the distance

Wrath: Huh? That was unusual but also familiar. In some strange way.

Wrath just ignored the strange roar and kept walking to what it seems to be the school's library. While Sapphire and the others from her group had gone in the secret passage. While Ashura and them stayed at the nursery to watch over those who are still crystallized by Gravestone.

Sapphire: We better get going, that monster is going to be here any minute.

Silver: She's right. Get going now.

Sapphire's Team: Right!

Multiple footsteps receding

With that Ashura looked at the medicine cabinets.

Jack: Just what the hell are you doing, demon?

Ashura: Hmm. Ahh here it is. What about? There we go.

Jack(groans angrily): HEYYY!!!

Racheal: Keep your voice down.

Ashura groans silently

Ashura threw some medicine at everyone but Ancestor Silver.

Ashura: Hold on to those medicine's. Drop them AND I'LL END YOU.

Everyone except Silver groans

Silver: Ashura what do you…(gasp) wait are you?

Ashura: You got it. (Sinner laughs) This bastard will regret attacking us.

Continues laughing sinsterly

Racheal: Ahh? Ancestor can you please enlighten us about what the hell is going on?

Jack: For once I agree with this whore. What do you two got planned?

Ashura's mood changed in an instant as he got the last few medicines he needed from the shelf. He walked towards Racheal and Jack. Once he was close enough he tossed up the medicines he had in his hands. Then without hesitation he punched Jack in the face as hard as he could. With that he managed to catch both his and Jack's medicines and walked away.

Ashura: Alright and with that over with let's get these traps set up.

Meanwhile Sapphire's team are halfway through the secret passage. Ancestor Asami pulled out a map of the full passage from in between her boobs.

Asami: Let's stop right here for the moment.

Rex: Why?

Asami: We need to come up with a way of knowing where Wrath is located.

Sapphire: That's a good question. It's not like…

Sapphire leaned back on the walk. However the wall she leans on has a big piece of crystal. Her eyes began glowing. It was like she was somehow connecting to it. Able to see through the other crystal's and she spotted Wrath in the library.

Sapphire gasp sharply and breathes heavily

Rex: What the fuck is wrong you?!

Sapphire(breathe heavily): I know… I know…

Rex: You finally figured out why you're such a whore. Congrats (laughs)

Asami got close to Rex and smacked him upside his head.

Asami: Sapphire take a deep breath. And tell us what you know.

Sapphire(deep breaths): I know where Wrath is.

Asami: Are you sure?

Sapphire: Yes I don't know how but when I touched that crystal. It was like I was connected to all the crystals in the entire school.

Asami: hmm. Very well let's go to the library.

Sapphire and Rex: Right. Fine.

Trusting Sapphire's unusualness into wishing they head straight for the library.

Meanwhile Wrath was looking for something. Then suddenly…

Bookshelf sliding open

Wrath: What the…

Without a moment's hesitation Wrath began gathering any sort of heat near him.

I don't know who you are but if you try me I'll burn you to ash.

Sapphire: Easy there lizard bitch.

Wrath: Sapphire? What the… how the fuck are you here?!

Asami: There's a lot to explain. For now I would like to know what you are doing here?

Wrath(scoffs): Like I'll tell you. You are nothing but trash Ancestor Aslut.

Ancestor Asami's face blushed red when Wrath called her a slut.

Asami(Clear throat): Wrath please if you're going to say something so…

Wrath: Oh would you shut the fuck up and help me.

Sapphire: What are you looking for?

Wrath: The Book of the Monsters

Rex(Laughs): You're kidding right? Right?!

Wrath looked at Rex annoyingly. He then turned back to the bookshelves to find the book.

Sapphire: Hey I think I found it!

Everyone except Rex ran towards where Sapphire is at.

Asami: Really?

Wrath: That's good. So where is it?

Sapphire: Up there.

She pointed it up to the book on the highest shelf. Sapphire was about to fly up to get it. But…

Wrath huffs, wings flapping

Sapphire: Wrath?! What are you??

Wrath was about to grab the book but. It flew away without any kind of warning.

Wrath: Get back here you damn book!

Wings flapped

Sapphire: Out of my way! I got it!

Wrath (Huff): Have fun.

Sapphire took off and tried to get the book. While she was doing that Wrath whispered a spell. A magic seal began appearing under his feet.

Wrath: Now… crimson cage.

Meanwhile back at the infirmary.

Jack: You want to say that again!?

Ashura: Yeah. But rather than say it again. I can just SHOW IT.

Silver: Ok. That's enough, you two.

Racheal (annoyed sigh, to herself): Boys are nothing but children. Every single last one of you. Well except for… No no, I can't let my feelings get the best of me. I have to focus and keep these morons from killing each other. (out loud) Would you please. STOP ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF BABIES!! Did you both forget what's at steak here?

Rachael pointed towards all the creatures that had been turned into crystals. Silver placed his hands down to his sides when he looked at the boy's faces. They both were scared, horrified, and above all full of anger.

Silver: Raceal is right boys. The abomination or whatever it is. Is trying to destroy everything and everyone with no hesitation.

Ashura: We already know Ancestor, that's why we won't let any more destruction.

Jack: We're going to kill that bastard.

With those words Silver, Ashura, Jack, and Racheal had got back on working on the traps. Time is running out for everyone. As Gravestone continued making its way to the infirmary.