
Regartha the Scarlet eyes

A young dragon was told that he's apart of an ancient clan who mysteriously disappears and the only way to find them is if he learns and master the six primary elements.

Kvng_Khatyal · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Regartha Act 10: Time to go

What are you doing here?!

Mysterious voice: How interesting. Such power. Such a glorious display of power. From such a young dragon. I can't believe I got to see such an amazing show, Wrath.

(sinister tone)- So… Wrath, hows' about you come over to my side?

Wrath: Just who the hell are you? Also that abomination is your creature isn't?

Mysterious (light chuckle): Why yes it is. My Gravestone is a creature created from hundreds of thousands of different creatures' corpses. As well as a few other things. I can teach you. All you have to do is come with me.

The mysterious guy from the flames had extended his hand towards him. Slow Wrath looked at both his Uncle then turned to Ashrua and Sapphire. All of them were showing a worry expression on their faces. Then he turned back towards the mysterious person and slowly walked towards them.


Silver groans softly, guns clicks

Ashura: STOP RIGHT THERE! Listen to me bro, I know you're angry at everything that has happened today. But please don't-

Wrath: SHUT UP!!!

Everyone in shock

-Say anything more and I will end you. And as for you it's obvious you need something from me. Unless I've misunderstood your subordinates' attack on the school.

Mysterious: Well does that mean you've been aware about this whole ordeal.

Wrath nods in agreement

-Ahh well please enlighten us… For how long dear child?

Wrath(smirk): Why ever since I first met Ancestor Asami, of course.

Everyone: What!!

Mysterious: Well now it seems that you're more keen than I thought. Ah well it is my fault sending her to the school, Asami's skills are more suited for combat than infiltration.

Wrath: Cut the shit! You and I both know you sent her souly to drive me to the point of destruction! Am I right?!

Mysterious smirk and laughs diabolically

Ashura: I guess we got our answer then.

Sapphire: So what do we do now?

Silver: Just sit back and hope for the best. However, whenever it comes to my nephew.(underbreath) I just hope his power holds up just long enough.

Mysterious(con, Laughs): I can't believe it, was Asami that predecible? (inhale and stop laughing) If that's the case then I must punish her.

Sapphire: How's she dead?!

Asami groaning trying to get up

Asami(weakly): Ma..ster pl-pl-please… help… me.

Mysterious man sighs with a smirk

-Of course my dear. I'm always here for you. Just close your eyes and I heal you in no time.

Asami(Weakly): Y- yes m- my master.

She closed her eyes then the man submerged in the flames and moved swiftly towards her.

Mysterious: Hmm I can tell these injuries will require a stronger method then just a simple healing spell so… Gravestone time to wake up my creation.

Wrath: What is he talking about?

Low rumbling

Sapphire: Oh no. Guys get out of h-

Before she could warn them somehow Gravestone came underground and grabbed Sapphire. Slowly crushing the life out of her. Everyone was so focused on finding a way to save Sapphire. They didn't notice that the mystery man had opened some kind of portal and threw Asami in it before closing it.

Mysterious: Gravestone, kill the girl and the rest of them. We'll get the boy next time. Ta-ta(echoing)

Mystery man disappears

Ground rumbling and breaking

Multiple Gravestone roaring

Wrath: What is this?!

Silver: Grave double. A pure earth ability, it's an extraordinarily rare power.

Ashura: How is that possible though? It's been like what three centuries?

Silver: Ruffling you kinda right Ashura. However–

Gravestones roars

Wrath: Inferno.!! Inferno.!! (Breathing heavy) Hey!!! Get off your asses and fight these bastards!!

Wrath keeps using his inferno ability to destroy the Gravestones. Sadly the more he destroys two more come in its place.

Wrath(Panting): Can't keep this up much longer… I need to end this before I change back.

Sapphire: Ancestor Silver there must be a way to help him?

Silver: There is, you see those blades in his hands?

Sapphire: Yeah?

Silver: Normally I wouldn't give you kids this but I have no choice. Take this-

Gravestones: He's weakening grab him!!!

All the Gravestones got a hold of Wrath holding him down as he continued losing hold of his connection.

Wrath: Can't…Hold…On…Much…Longer!!

Gravestone: You're ours now, dragon.

Ashura: Demonic field shot!!!

Gun shots, Gravestones groans

Wrath: W-What was…that?

Wrath has passed out from over exhaustion.

Wrath listening while being unconscious

Ashura: Sapphire quick grab him!!!

Sapphire: What about the others we can't leave them!!

Silver: Don't worry, they're all safe. Just get him out of there now!

Fade out, fade in

Silver: Hurry get behind me.

-Light Speed .

2 days have passed and Wrath has finally awakening.

Wrath (groans in pain): Fuck. I feel like I got beaten by 5 mountains at once.

Sapphire: Hmm? Oh guys he's awake!

Ashura: Geez bro you nearly gave us a heart attack.

Wrath: I'm sorry guys but what the hell happened?

Silver: Are you saying you don't remember what happened?

Wrath nod no

-I see well first let's get you something in your stomach. Then I'll explain everything.

Wrath and the others sat around the campfire while eating some soup. When Wrath was full enough he asked them what happened.

Sapphire: Well were should we start

At first they didn't know where to start so they decided to start when Wrath had suddenly changed. How he easily turned the tide of the battle defeating Ancestor Asami and Gravestone. Then the mysterious man who saved Asami and who also created Gravestone.

Wrath: Alright alright so from what I got that guy who created Gravestone is still out there and it seems he wants something that involves me in a way. But here's what I don't get. Why are we in the damn woods? Also WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE?!

Silver: Calm down Wrath.

Wrath growls softly

-Those bands on your wrist are your weapons. You see normally you would have gotten your weapons when on the day of your graduation. However…

Wrath: Gravestone's attack?

Silver: Yes. Because of him and how YOU were his target. I had no choice but to give it to you sooner than expected. Which helped gave you an advantage. Well at least one of you.

Everyone huh

Ashura: Yo teach, what do you mean by "one of you"?

Silver: There's a lot of things about my nephew I wanted to keep secret but seeing how it's just you two…

Wrath: Wait what happened to Racheal? Where is she?

Sapphire: We've lost track of her during the battle but most likely she's ok and got away safe and sound.

Wrath sighs in relief

Wrath: Well that's a relief, but what about the others that are still crystalized.

Silver: I've sent them to a realm in between realms.

Ashura: There's such a place?

Sapphire: Yes it's a high level spell that only 3 people in the entire world can do. But to think that you, Ancestor can do such a thing… it's… it's completely astounding.

Silver: Nahh it's nothing special.

Everyone staring

(Clear throat): Anyway Wrath do you remember anything about your fight with Asami and Gravestone?

Wrath: Hmm. (Gasp) I… I think so but tell me what was that?


Wrath: Uncle?!

Silver(sighs): That was your true power in a way.

Wrath: "in a way" What do you mean by that?

Silver: It's kinda hard to explain but what I can tell you. What I should have told you from the start is…

Sapphire, Wrath & Ashura: Iiiiissssss?

They lean in closer while give him a curious expression.

Everyone: Well?!

Silver(sighs): You're not my nephew Wrath.

Wrath: Wh-What are you talking about Unc?

Silver: How should I put this…

Ashura: Uhhh sorry for interrupting but we may have company.

Ashura had set up a warning thread to inform him if someone is approximately 10 meters from their location.

Wrath: I'll… Woah(Daze)

Ashura: Easy there bro, you're still too weak from that battle.

Wrath: I'm fine.(groans)

Sapphire: Just relax, we got this. I laid a bunch of trap spells.

Sapphire sat down and closed her eyes, summoning a magic-like table which seems to be made of gemstones.

-Here Ashura.

Ashura: Sweet. (Whisper spell) and done. Now let's have a little fun (chuckles evil)

Ashura began teasing the intruders. Hearing far screams. Ashura laughs in enjoyment and finally caught the culprit in his net. He went to get the prison and once everyone got a look it was none other than Rex.