
chapter 2: forest

a portal opens, out of him a humanoid being with 4 fox tails and 2 fox ears with snow white hair wearing a black yukata along with light blue snowflakes drawn on it would also wear a black mask with red eyes and white colored whiskers and mouth

daniel: so this is my new body? I didn't think i would be a kyubi

daniel: according to what he said now I can use the ice element

I started walking through the forest aimlessly, the whole place was full of animals and plants

When I turned to look back I could only see a trail of destruction caused by the ice and it seemed that everything I touched was frozen.

daniel: i have to be more careful

daniel(mind): whats this square in the corner of my vision?

daniel touched the square with curiosity

system: opening status

name: daniel/retsu shinoyima

title: newborn god

class/specie: god/kitsune


lv: 1

hp: 500/500

mp: 700/700

speed: 25

strength : 15

defense: 30

intelligence: 20

power: 30

weapon: none

items equiped: none

skills: zettairedo (absolute zero): full control over ice and environment by freezing it.

frezzing touch: when you touch something it freezes

universe/world: unknown

blood lines: none

relation ships: none

daniel(mind): this reminds me of some video games, these are my stats huh?

daniel(mind): my name is retsu shinoyima now

retsu shinoyima(mind): i think its time to continue my walk through the forest

retsu/daniel started to walk again, with every step he does he frozes all around him, It began to seem that the forest was in the middle of winter, gusts of cold wind and snow began to fall as if the season changed with only his presence, At that moment our protagonist found a cave that apparently belonged to a very large animal. There were very large claw marks at the entrance and some parts of the exterior were burned.

retsu: interesting cave... It looks like a dragon cave that appears in fantasy tales

Retsu without any fear or hurry entered to browse and investigate the cave being that the first thing he would find would be giant yellow eyes followed by that a great figure would rise together with giant wings.

retsu: this was an actual dragon cave

Retsu from a claw of the beast flew out of the cave and landed on the ground on his feet.

retsu: wow, it seems I did it out of pure instinct, it must be because I'm half animal

retsu(mind): let's see how I can take care of you, maybe using the freezing touch

retsu(mind): the claws I have I don't think they do much damage due to their skin, I should freeze weak points but I don't know where they can be, maybe if I attack on their wings and freeze them I will cause decent damage

retsu(mind): i cant run because of his wings, the best of option is try to defeat him or kill him

retsu quickly dodging a claw from the beast began to head towards him to try to freeze his wings

retsu(mind): almost hit me directly, due to my improved reflexes I was able to dodge it in time, I need to act fast and freeze its wings

Dodging some of his attacks, Retsu would hang from his neck with his claws and begin to climb reaching his wings and with his icy touch he would freeze one of his wings, the dragon would quickly pull him off and without giving Retsu time to react he would throw him a ball of fire which would give him full, burning a part of his body

Retsu would fall into some frozen trees that would break part of them easily, suddenly he began to regenerate and would get up as if he had not received any attack

retsu(mind): it seems that I can regenerate with the cold, the trees broke so easily when they were frozen

retsu(mind): I have an idea! , if the ice breaks so easily that means that I can destroy parts of the dragon's body that are frozen

Testing his idea he would quickly run to the dragon which would try to launch another fireball which Retsu would dodge with difficulty, once he got close to the dragon he jumped quickly and hit the frozen wing causing a part of it to be destroyed causing the dragon agonize in pain

without wasting time he would freeze the remaining parts of the wing and destroy it completely to go to the other wing and repeat the process, once he destroyed the wings he got off the dragon and froze one of its legs and destroyed it

retsu(mind): I can also destroy the legs with ease, let's finish this quickly by freezing its entire body

After freezing all the parts of the dragon, Retsu would hit the dragon's body strongly, destroying it into pieces.

system: you got 2780 xp

system: you have reached level 3

hp: 540/540

mp: 740/740

speed: 32

strength : 23

defense: 37

intelligence: 26

power: 35

weapon: none

items equipped: none

Skills: Zettairedo (absolute zero): Full control over ice and environment by freezing it.

frezzing touch: when you touch something it freezes

universe/world: unknown

blood lines: none

relationship ships: none

retsu: i feel more that i have more power, i think im going to live in this cave now

retsu entered the cave and fell asleep inside it at night.

final of chapter 2