
Redoing My Life (Modern Family)

Daniel is stuck in a dead-end job with no direction in life, but he is given a second chance when he wakes up as a kid again. He realizes that there are subtle changes in the world around him, particularly in popular culture like movies, music, and technology. He decides to make use of this opportunity to the fullest The story is set in the modern family world, where the main character has only vague memories of the TV show. If you wish to support me check out my patreon.com/Illusiveone

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107 Chs

The Oscars pt.3

With the ceremony over, we were all ushered to the press room for the press conference. Chris, Tom Hanks, Dave, Sam, J.K. Simmons, and other key members of our team joined me. Since 12 Angry Men won Best Picture and Toy Story 2 won as well, we were the first group to face the media.

The backdrop of the press room had a big Oscars logo in shimmering gold, providing a glamorous setting for the event. There was a single mic set up for the winners to speak, positioned in the center of the room. On the other side, rows of journalists sat ready with their notebooks, cameras, and recorders. Bright lights beamed down on us, ensuring every moment was captured.

We were introduced one by one, the room filling with applause as each name was called.

Chris was the first to approach the mic. "It's an incredible honor for our studio to be recognized with five Oscars. This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved…"

Chris finished, and the room erupted in applause as he stepped back, and Tom Hanks took his place at the mic.

"...to be part of a project as special as '12 Angry Men' has been a highlight of my career. I'm grateful to have worked with such a talented team."

Next up was J.K. Simmons, who looked genuinely moved by the moment. "This is my first Oscar win, and it feels surreal," he admitted. "I'm incredibly thankful to everyone who believed in this project and to my fellow cast members who made this experience unforgettable…"

Finally, it was my turn.

Holding three Oscars—one for Toy Story 2 and two for 12 Angry Men—I stepped up to the mic, trying to steady my nerves.

"Wow, what a night," I said in a shaky voice.

"Winning this award has been an incredible honor. Honestly, when they called my name, I kinda didn't believe it at first. Tom Hanks had to nudge me out of my seat," I said, earning a light laugh from the reporters.

One reporter asked about my reaction to winning the Oscar. "Well, as I said, it was surreal. I think a part of me was in shock, but now it's starting to sink in."

Another reporter asked about the filmmaking process and challenges faced. "The process was a huge learning experience," I replied. "Working with such talented people taught me so much. There were definitely challenges, but overcoming them made the final product even more rewarding. One day, I hope to direct my own movie, taking everything I've learned from this."

There were questions for the others, and then after it was over, we were ushered to another area for photos. The photographers eagerly snapped away as I stood alone, holding three Oscars, their golden surfaces gleaming under the bright lights.

"Hold those Oscars up high, Daniel!" another photographer shouted. I obliged, lifting the awards above my head, and the room filled with the sound of rapid-fire camera shutters.

After that, we took group photos with everyone from Stardust.

"Okay, everyone, let's get a group shot!" one of the photographers called out. Chris, Tom, Dave, Sam, J.K., and I all huddled together, smiling broadly as the cameras clicked.

Once the group photos were done, I had a chance to take pictures with some of the other winners. Aaron Sorkin, who had won for Best Adapted Screenplay, approached me.

"Congratulations, Mr. Adler," Aaron said, shaking my hand. "You wrote an incredible script."

"Thanks, Mr. Sorkin. That means a lot coming from you," I replied. "Congratulations on your win too."

"Thank you," Aaron said, smiling. We posed for a photo together, holding our Oscars.

Next, J.K. Simmons and I took a picture together. "We did it," J.K. said, his voice full of joy.

"We sure did," I responded, grinning.

As we finished up with the photos, I had an opportunity to chat with Colin Firth and Natalie Portman, two other winners.

"Congratulations, Mr. Adler," Colin said, his British accent smooth and friendly. "The movie was truly outstanding."

"Thank you, Mr. Firth. Your performance in 'The King's Speech' was incredible. Congratulations on your win as well," I replied.

"Thank you," he said. "It's been quite a night for all of us."

Natalie Portman joined the conversation. "Daniel, congratulations!"

"Thank you so much, Miss Portman. And congratulations to you too," I said.

"Enjoy the moment," Colin said. "It's a rare and wonderful experience."

After the photo session, my phone buzzed. I looked at the screen and saw it was Mom. I quickly answered.

"Hey, Mom!"

"Oh, Daniel! I'm so, so proud of you!" Mom's voice was filled with emotion. "I can't believe it! You did it! You really did it!"

"Thanks, Mom. I still can't believe it myself," I said.

"You looked so handsome up there, and your speech was perfect," she said, her voice breaking slightly.

"I wouldn't be here without you, Mom. You know that," I replied.

"We're celebrating at home right now. Nathan's got champagne, and we're toasting to you."

"Thanks, Mom. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart. Enjoy your night!"

We hung up, and almost immediately, my phone buzzed again. This time, it was Haley.

"Hey, you!"

"Daniel! Oh my God, we watched the whole thing! I screamed when you mentioned me in your speech!" Haley's excitement was palpable through the phone.

"You did?" I asked, laughing.

"Yeah," she said, giggling. "Mom and Dad sent their congratulations, Alex and Luke too."

"I can't wait to celebrate with you when you get back," she said.

"Thanks, Haley. I love you."

"I love you too. Don't forget to call me tomorrow with all the details!"

"I will. Talk to you tomorrow."




It was time to head to the after-parties. Our first stop was the Governors Ball, held at the Ray Dolby Ballroom. The ballroom had been transformed into a luxurious setting with rich, opulent décor. Elaborate floral arrangements adorned the tables, dramatic lighting cast a golden glow over the room, and custom-designed furniture added a touch of elegance.

The theme was a 'compilation of images from world cinema,' beautifully reflected in the artistic displays around the venue. There was a dining area, a lounge, and a dance floor, all filled with Hollywood's finest.

As I entered with Chris and the others, flashbulbs went off as we had our photos taken, and I did my best to smile and look composed. The dining area was a spectacle in itself, with Wolfgang Puck, the famous chef, overseeing an impressive display of food. The aromas were tantalizing, but I had something else on my mind first. I wanted to get my Oscar engraved.

I made my way to the engraving station, where a line of people were already waiting to have their trophies personalized. As I approached, I spotted Christopher Nolan standing there, his Oscars in hand. Chris was with me, so I took the opportunity to introduce them.

"Chris, I'd like you to meet Christopher Nolan," I said, shaking Nolan's hand warmly.

"Mr. Nolan, it's an honor," Chris said, shaking his hand as well. "I'm a huge fan of your work."

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Henderson," Nolan replied. "Congratulations on your wins tonight. '12 Angry Men' was fantastic."

"Thank you," Chris said.

I decided to seize the moment. "Actually, Christopher and I were discussing earlier, and he mentioned his interest in our newly acquired character."

Chris raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? Which one?"

"The Batman," Nolan said with a smile.

"Really?" Chris asked.

Nolan nodded. "I've always had a vision for Batman. I'd love to be involved in bringing him to life on screen again."

"Let's definitely talk more about this," Chris said.

After I got my name engraved, I left Nolan and Chris to talk and walked to the dining area. I was a bit hungry, and the sight of the lavish spread of food was too tempting to ignore. The array of appetizers, main courses, sides, desserts, and drinks was impressive.

I looked at the appetizers, picking up a smoked salmon canapé and a few chicken potstickers with ponzu sauce. I also grabbed a miniature Wagyu beef burger. After eating them, I looked through the desserts, and as I was looking, I heard someone call my name from behind me.

"Daniel Adler…Mr. Adler!"

I turned to see who it was and was surprised to see it was Hailee Steinfeld.

"Hi," she said with a warm smile.

"Hello," I greeted back, returning her smile.

"I'm Hailee. Hailee Steinfeld," she introduced herself.

"I know. I saw your movie. You were great in it," I said, genuinely impressed by her performance in "True Grit."

"Oh, thanks," she said, blushing slightly.

I noticed someone resembling her standing a bit away, who looked like her father, watching us.

"I'm a huge fan," she said, her excitement evident.

"Oh, you like my books?" I asked, pleasantly surprised.

"Like them?" she exclaimed, "I love them! 'Percy Jackson' is my all-time favorite series. I can't even tell you how many times I've re-read the books."

"I'm glad you liked them," I replied.

"The characters, the storylines... It's all just so amazing. You've created such an incredible story," she gushed. "I can't wait to see what you come up with next."

"Thank you, Hailee."

We talked for some time, and she requested that if I made a Percy Jackson movie, she would love to be in it.

"I'll keep that in mind," I said, chuckling.

Hailee's enthusiasm was infectious, and it was refreshing to see someone so genuinely passionate about my work.

After talking with Hailee, I walked around, enjoying the party and mingling with other attendees. Eventually, I ran into Tom, who seemed to be in high spirits.

"Daniel, there you are!" Tom said, clapping me on the back. "Come with me. There's someone I want you to meet."

Tom introduced me to many actors, actresses, and directors. It was a whirlwind of names and faces, but each introduction left me more amazed than the last. One of the highlights was meeting Steven Spielberg.

"Steven, this is Daniel Adler," Tom said. "Daniel, meet Steven Spielberg."

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Spielberg," I said, trying to keep my composure.

"Please, call me Steven," he replied with a warm smile. "I've heard a lot about you, Daniel. Congratulations on your win tonight."

"Thank you, Steven," I said.

We talked for a few minutes, with Steven sharing some insights about his experiences in the industry and offering me some valuable advice.

As we moved on, Tom led me towards another group of people. "Oh look, there's Leo," he said. When I looked in the direction Tom was pointing, I saw Leonardo DiCaprio.

"Come on, let's have some fun," Tom said, leading me to DiCaprio.

"Hey, Leo, have you met Daniel Adler?" Tom said, introducing me.

"No, I have not. Nice to meet you, Daniel," Leo said, shaking my hand with a friendly smile. "Congratulations on your win."

"Thank you, Mr. DiCaprio. It's an honor to meet you," I said, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"So, how does it feel to win an Oscar at your age?" Leo asked, genuinely curious.

"Can't describe it in words," I admitted.

"Yeah, it must be amazing," Leo said, his smile a bit tight. "You know, I've been nominated a few times myself."

Tom chimed in, unable to resist, "Yeah, Leo, but this kid wins on his first try! Can you believe that?"

It was midway through the conversation that I realized Leo had never won an Oscar. Tom's constant mention of my age and first-time win was a subtle jab.

Leo chuckled, a good-natured smile on his face. "Yeah, well, sometimes it takes a few tries. But hey, it's all about the journey, right?"

"Absolutely," I agreed, feeling a bit awkward.

Tom grinned, clearly enjoying the banter. "Don't worry, Leo. Your time will come. Just look at Daniel here, setting the bar high for all of us."

Di Caprio laughed and patted me on the shoulder. "Keep up the great work, Daniel. And maybe we can work together in the future."




We left the Governors Ball and arrived at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party held at the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts in Beverly Hills. The venue was meticulously designed with intricate details, from the lavish floral arrangements to the sleek, contemporary furniture.

As we stepped onto the red carpet, the flashing lights and clicking cameras intensified. This was the prime location for networking, with Hollywood A-listers and other wealthy individuals present. Unfortunately, it also included some not-so-nice people. As we arrived, I spotted a familiar face I recognized from my previous life—a future criminal, I think her name was something… Maxwell, who was Jeffrey Epstein's accomplice.

 I decided to stay away from her and other unsavory characters I might encounter. I stuck close to Chris, Dave, and Sam while navigating through the crowd.

Inside the venue, I mingled with writers, executives from other studios, and various industry professionals. The conversations were polite and professional, but something felt off. Over the years, and especially now standing in this exclusive party, I came to realize that for the wealthiest in the world, the world worked differently. Some people here were completely detached from the rest of society.

As I moved from one conversation to another, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Many of the people I met seemed genuine and kind, but there was a darker undercurrent to the event. It was clear that power and money could distort one's sense of reality and morality.

Even though I didn't like most of the people here, I had to pretend. If I was going to climb even higher in this industry, I had to put on a façade and play the game.

After some time, I found myself alone at the bar as I was too tired to talk.

"Any non-alcoholic drinks?" I asked.

"Yeah, we do," the bartender said.

"Non-alcoholic?" I heard someone say from behind me.

I turned to see a man in a suit smiling at me.

'Who the hell is this?' I thought.

"Don't worry, Mr. Adler, no one will know if you have a couple of drinks," he said, walking over to me.

"Jack Thornton," the man introduced himself.

Jack Thornton. I'd heard that name before—big-shot producer, very influential as well.

"Congratulations," Thornton said smoothly, his voice carrying an undertone that made my skin crawl. "Your film is the talk of the town."

"Thank you," I replied.

The man trapped me in conversation for some time, encouraging me to drink as he ordered some drinks for himself. I was looking to get away when a woman approached.

She had large breasts, dark hair styled in loose waves, and a kind of goth look. Her makeup was dark and dramatic, with smoky eyes and deep red lipstick that accentuated her sharp features. She wore a fitted blue dress with lace detailing, giving her an alluring appearance.

She was undeniably attractive.

"Jack," she called.

"Asia!" Jack said, hugging the woman.

"Have you met Daniel?" Thornton asked.

"No," she said, looking at me.

"Well then Asia, meet Daniel," Thornton said, his smile growing. "The mastermind behind '12 Angry Men.'"

"Nice to meet you, young man. Asia Argento," she introduced herself.

"Daniel Adler," I said.

"Well, well, congratulations on the Oscar. And at what, seventeen?" she asked.

"Eighteen," I corrected.

"Still so young," she said.

Her gaze was intense, her eyes boring into me with an unsettling focus. She moved closer, invading my personal space. I stepped back a bit.

Her hand slid up my arm, her touch lingering far too long. "You know, Daniel," she purred, "we should definitely work together."

"Asia has some great ideas, Daniel," Thornton said.

"We should discuss them in private. I have a suite upstairs. It's quieter, and we can talk without interruptions. We are going to have a private party later as well," he said, putting his hands on my shoulder.

'Red flag, red flag, red flag,' my mind screamed at me.

"I appreciate the offer," I said, taking Thornton's hands off my shoulder, "but I have to leave early, you see, private party at the studio."

"Are you sure?" Asia asked.

"Yes," I said firmly.

"Nice to meet you two," I said with a forced smile and walked away.

'Dodged an intercontinental missile there,' I thought as I looked for someone familiar.

Thankfully, I found Chris, and it was time to leave. Other than the strange, unsettling encounter at the Vanity Fair party, the night had been great, and I ended it on a positive note.

I found myself back at the studio, surrounded by familiar faces, celebrating our success in a more relaxed and comfortable environment.

As the night wound down, I found a moment to speak privately with Chris about what happened at the party.

"I ran into a… Jack Thornton," I said. "And this woman named Asia. It was... weird. Thornton was encouraging me to drink, and they tried to get me to go to some private party in a suite."

Chris's eyes widened. "Of all people, you had to run into Thornton? You had the worst luck today."

"What's the deal with him?" I asked, genuinely curious and a bit unnerved.

"Thornton is a notorious sex pest... that fucker is just plain evil," Chris explained. "He's been involved in all sorts of fucked up stuff, but he's powerful in the industry so a lot of people are afraid to cross him."

I nodded, processing the information.

Chris patted me on the shoulder, a reassuring smile on his face. "You handled it well, Danny."

"Thanks, Chris," I said, feeling a bit more at ease. "I hope I didn't make any enemies."

"Don't worry about it," Chris said.

"Now, let's enjoy the rest of the night," Chris said, his tone lightening. "We've got a lot to celebrate, and we've earned it."



I chose Asia Argento because of the allegations against her.

I also have a question for you... Scarlett Johansson or Margot Robbie its important.

You can read ahead up to chapter 101 and give suggestions here

p.a.t.r.eon.com/Illusiveone (check the chapter summary i have it there as well)

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