
Redemption of Stars

A fanfic of romance between Fors Wall and Gehrman Sparrow of webnovel Lord of Mysteries by cuttlefish that loves diving. Story sets place at random time.

Downing_cup · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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1 Chs


In a apartment in Backlund, Fors Wall, dressed in orange, was sitting on chair flipping pages of notebook on table.She had travelled around many places over the last few weeks and recorded whatever that stood out in her notebook. It has been more more than 6 months or even year since the last book of Adventurer's series was published, she had not sent any work to publisher since then. Lately, publisher was ringing her regularly if she was planning to work on one, Adventurer's series hit goobally, he and company even struggled to meet the number of copies that were demanded from every corner. For him and his publication company, Fors had become gold mine, of course he was willing to be on losing side to offer Fors improved contract to keep her.

For Fors, as a high sequence beyonder, money wasn't the issue, she wanted to keep writing as hobby or to retain her humanity. She even kept looking for newly came out drinks and cigarettes in market to keep her usual self of mind.

Fors flipped pages and read the tales of pirate longing for daughter of duke or the homeless boy from certain street getting adopted by mysterious lady, simultaneously running her thoughts how to adopt them in her new book. While she was pulling page to flip, she paused halfway, he eyes darted around as if trying to recall what she was doing. She closed the notebook, stood from chair and walk few step ahead and gestured her right hand as if trying to grab something.

What followed her gesture was a figure in blacktop hat and trench coat. Figure was wearing gold rimmed glasses. Pupils behind glass lenses darted around as if coming alive, finally settling and shifting gaze to lady who pulled him out.

"Sorry for the unconventional way",

Said the man while taking off hat and bowing in gentlemanly manner even though his sharp face and cold eyes were screaming as if they would hunt the whatever was in front of them any second.

"Whats the matter?"

Fors, still confused of her actions, blurted out few words before taking few deep breaths to calm herself down.

The man wearing trech coat pulled the chair and sat on the table and said, "Have a seat"

Asking me to have a seat on my own table, on my own aprtment, who does he think he is? Fors wanted to think that but she instantly avoided so, recalling the crazy deeds of this Angel. She walked toward the table pulled the chair and sat infront of Gehrman Sparrow.

"Whats the matter?"

She said in soft tone again, wondering what might have happened for this Angel to visit her in this manner. Of course, this wasn't the only time she pulled his Historical Projection out of void, she had done many times while Gehrman was in Forsaken Land of God. Nor it was the first time Gehrman visited her, she was the connecting line between Abrahm family and Gehrman. Still, this peculiar way made her wander in thoughts.

It can't be anything good....

Gehrman, still cold look in his eyes, starring directly at Fors, as if Hunter was starring at his prey, remained silent for a whole 2 minutes, before reaching his right hand on pocket of coat and pulling out small paper. Pushing small paper toward Fors, this Gentleman said in cold hoarse voice,

"Date, tomorrow, 8 PM, Moonlight Cafe, location is on paper"

a date? .... what?... what?.....what? .....DATE?..... what does he mean date?.....moonlight cafe? ...of course I know where is Moonlight Cafe... what am I thinking..... that's not the issue..... wait wait wait.... maybe he doesn't mean that way, maybe its super secret evil god worshippers' hunt kinda thing.... that would make more sense..... but why would he say 'date'....

Moment words left Gehrman's mouth, Fors head was instantly filled with barrage of thoughts, for a moment it felt heavier than Mr. Door's ravings. After 2 or 3 minutes, when she calmed down and lifter her gaze to look at the other end of table to enquire what does he mean, nobody was there, Gehrman Sparrow had already left.

He left? Fors shifted her gaze to paper, West Borough..... Why would he leave with just saying something like that? is it because i didnt respond? or is it completely different to what am I thinking..... It cant be any good, I dont want to find out either .... I will just pray to Mr. Fool to request him to tell Gehrman Sparrow that I reject this date? .... no no no... thats way to absurd ... to request Mr. Fool for such things ..... Should I pull him again and tell him? but what if he gets mad ? He will turn me into beyonder characterstics ... I don't want to die yet.

Maybe I will go and see what it is..... thats the easiest way to find out... Mr. Sparrow is definetly not creep to try anything absurd, right? or even if it is heretics hunt I should survive as long as he is around.... phew phew.... phew.....calm down.... breathe....breathe.....

Fors stood up, walked to bed and collapsed, burying herself on bed as night deepend.

West Borough, Moonlight Cafe, 8 PM

Fors wall, dressed in beautiful orange dress and bonnet hat, appeared at the the empty corner near the Moon light cafe. Although, she was lazy and never give ladylike attention to her dressing, this time she happen to do so. Perhaps, she was puzzled by thoughts to the extent that she dressed unknowingly or she simply wished to respect the invite of Gentleman, it was unknown.

Fors walked to the door of cafe, pushed it open and walked inside, looked for empty table near the window and sat down. A waiter come to table to take order but she waved him off, asking to come later.

After 2-3 minutes, A figure donning black top hat and black trench coat walked in and sat accross Fors Wall.

"Oh... You can be passionate?"

His cold and hoarse voice hadn't changed but it carried sense of gentleness this time, enchanting whoever meet those words. Fors, visibly confused for a moment, she wanted to retort but recolleted herself,

"Thank You."

"Why did you call me here?", Fors enquired.

"You are dressed for a date, so should not it be obviously A date?"

Fors' face froze, her mind went blank, her eyes vacant. After solid 4 minutes, thoughts overflowed in her head,

So, Its really is a date.... Why did I dressed like this dammit... whats wrong with lady dressing properly? .... I should have just told him I am only interested in Xio, what do I do now? should I play along or find an excuse to leave?..... No, I cant do that, that would be way disrespectful... I will just play along for now.....

But ..... what do I do now? Even though she had written romance tale of crazy adventurer and pirate admirals, now becoming character of story itself, Fors was at lost for what to do.

Should I order Coffee? Does he even drink coffee? even so, I don't even know which coffee he like .... should I just order black coffee? but what if he doesn't drink black coffee? will he be mad then? he will surely be mad... phew....

While Fors thoughts were flowing like a flood of stream after heavy rain, Gehrman Sparrow was sitting still, his gaze, as cold as ever, sometimes, locked at Lady opposite her, othertimes, observing the silence of night outside.

After another 4 minute passed, thoughs were still running wild in Fors' mind,

maybe he likes tea? maybe black tea? but which leafs he like? .... I dont know anything .... what do I do .....

with passing ticks of clock on wall she grew impatient, just then she took short breathe and blurted out to waiter who had come to take order at some point,

"2 cups of Gehrman Coffee, medium sugar"

Waiter with pen and paper on his hand, started to write the order before pausing halfway to look at Fors and then to the Gentleman sitting across her, Visibly confused look on his face.

What? what did I say? oh no .... Mr. Sparrow is clearly mad now, I just addressed him as Coffee .... I am so dead..... Fors started sweating heavily.