
Redemption | Drarry

Harry had just had a creature inheritance, and realized he had been betrayed by the people he thought he could call his friends. What if it was all a lie? What if his parents were alive? What if Draco Malfoy, his former rival, dies? What if Hadrian was in love with him? What if Voldemort kills Dumbledore instead? What if Snape was not actually Snape? What if...

Blinger301 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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23 Chs

Chapter 20: Hidden Knowledge

The sun had just risen, but not the students, at least some of them. Hadrian sat up in his bed rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he listened closely to the steady breathing of Dean, creepy yes, but careful.

He clearly was not going to wake up anytime soon, so Hadrian took this time to use the bathroom. Washing off the filth he collected while he was asleep.

When he had gotten out Dean had just woken up. With a towel around his waist, Hadrian made his way to his bed to get his clothes from the trunk by the foot of it.

Since he made a move to go to the bathroom, Hadrian took this as an opportunity to change. By the time he was done, Dean was gathering his clothes Hadrian didn't have time for meaningless chatter, so he went done for breakfast.

It wasn't like him to wake up early on a Saturday, but there is always time for change, plus Hadrian had things to do. It had been 5 days since the incident with Malfoy, and it was clear nobody wanted to talk about it.

When he made it to the Great Hall, the only Gryffindors at the table were him, Hermione, Fred, George, Lavender, Colin and a few others.

He took a seat beside Collin, which meant he was facing Hermione. "Morning." She mumbled, clearly frustrated with something. Before Hadrian could ask Fred and George interrupted.

"Good morning Hadrian-" Fred greeted.

"-what brings you-" George continued.

"-by so early?" Fred finished.

Hadrian wanted to be polite and give a simple good morning before ignoring them for the rest of the day, but his curiosity was pushing him.

"What are you two even doing here? Didn't you leave?" Hadrian didn't want to mean rude, and luckily they thought so too since they just gave him a small smile.

"As it turns out, we need to have license in potion making and herbology in order to run the joke shop, since it requires a lot of experimentation." Fred calmly answered as he put toast on his plate.

"What a bunch of bullocks." George scoffed.

Hermione peeked up at them from a book she was reading, "Weren't you two going to get expelled anyway if you didn't drop out? How come you were allowed back?"

Now that was a question worth asking. The twins exchanged a look Hadrian couldn't catch, but it didn't exactly send his body into alert. Because, what weren't those two up to?

"Mum talked with Dumbledore about it. Plus-" George started.

"-that pink toad isn't here anymore to say otherwise." Fred ended with a mouthful of bacon, which Hermione looked at with irritation. She was probably thinking that's why Ron had those messy eating habits.

Hadrian-not caring about the topic anymore-quickly finished his breakfast. He stalked toward the doors of the Great Hall almost bumping into Malfoy in the process.

Malfoy just looked at him in shock at the scare he had just received, before his expressing relaxed into one of neutrality, "Potter." He spat.

"Malfoy." Hadrian returned.

Before he passed by, he heard the faintest of whispers, "Don't think I've forgotten, you arsehole." Hadrian winced. That was not what he expected, but then again, it was.

He still hasn't apologized pushing him of the bed so abruptly, but Malfoy also hadn't said thank you for helping him so Hadrian wasn't going to cave in first.

He never submitted first.

"Don't worry I haven't, Blondie." Malfoy's eyes widened, but his expression stayed the same. There was a twitch in his eye that Hadrian couldn't help but chuckle as he walked away.

This wasn't the time to indulge in Malfoy's antics, he had things to do.

On his way to the library a couple of his teammates stopped his to ask if he would join them on the pitch, but he had to decline even if the offer was tempting, after all he had to know who was following him.

He took a detour through the library, which was sure to throw hem off, because why would he go to the Library willingly if not with Hermione Granger? He went to the restricted area and hid between one of the crooks of the shelves.

He saw a shadow heading toward him and he was ready for them, "It is way too early for this." He mumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

As he was about to reach out, his elbow hit the corner of the the shelf was placed against, opening a small doorway, which he fell into.

The stone went back into place once he was inside, and that was the last thing he saw before he tumbled down a flight of stairs, then ending at the base with a groan.

He sat up slowly as his back let out a crack before he could move around properly. He got up with little difficulty before dusting himself off from all the dirt he picked up as he fell.

He looked up at the stairs that he tumbled down from and scowled, "Great, just great. Another secret passage that I don't know about." He turned around and was completely awe-struck by what he was seeing.

There were rows and rows of books. Some formed arch-ways, some were stacked on top of each other. The place was obviously old due to the webs and dust covering every corner of that room along with the fact that there was a literal tree growing from the side of the building.

The trunk penetrated the cement used for the structure before curling up onto the rail that made a fence around the too floor where more books lay.

There were huge windows on the top floor showcasing a majestic view of Hogwarts. Hadrian didn't know how he was able to get from the library to the outer premises of Hogwarts so he just put the blame on magic.

He walked toward the rows of books and wiped some of the dust of off them so that he could read the titles on the sides.

Titles like, 'How To Properly Tame An Occamy'

'Hogwarts Passages And Where To Find Them'

'Blood Magic: The First And Last'

'Most Prestigious Wizarding Bloodlines'

'55 Methods Of Torture'

Really caught his interest.

Hadrian felt like this place was really going to be a great help to him. All he knows about the person that was following him earlier was that it was a boy, judging by the shape and overall details of their shadow it was obvious.

Now all he needs to know is 'who was it?'


Severus was currently relaxing in his arm chair reading a book on proper storing motions one should use when potion making, and it was very interesting mind you.

But he reading seized once Tom walked in with a particular guest. Severus closed his book and put it down on the coffee table Infront of him. Tom took a seat on the other arm chair beside Severus and motioned for the guest to sit on the sofa Infront of them.

"Tea?" Tom offered but he guest declined.

"A pleasure as always Severus." The guest greeted with a nod of acknowledgement.

"Mm, is there a reason you decided to pay a visit today Potter?" Severus went right to business, because that was all it was, business.

James chuckled, "Sharp as ever I see," To which Severus scowled, "It seems there has been a disturbance in the Forbidden Forest, and it's huge." He informed with a grave expression.

Tom leaned forward a clear go ahead for James, "The tombs are being tampered with...the bodies are gone." He finished with a sigh.

Severus rubbed his temples as he muttered curses. If being a not-so-secret spy for and on his husband wasn't already enough. He has to deal with this too? It's like this always happens to him.

If Severus where to look in a mirror he would know he was making a face Hadrian makes a lot. 'Why me?!'


Meanwhile with Draco Malfoy~

Draco: Blondie?! Who does he think he is?!

Pansy: *Muttering* Right. Aren't you?

Draco: What?

Pansy: What?


A/N: Happy New Year!!!!!

Sorry for not giving you this chapter earlier, but I have things to do.

If no one got the gist of 'a-not so secret spy for and on his husband.' It means he was spying for Tom and on Tom but Tom knows Severus is supposed to spy on him since Dumbledore thinks Tom is responsible for most of the attacks with the death eaters.

Now let me clarify a few things.

What I am writing will not be like what happened in the book or movie. This will all be by me, except for a few scenes.  If there are things that didn't happen in the books or movies happen in my book, it's on purpose...as long as I don't make mistakes.

Thank you for reading.

If you have questions, please deposit them here 🧺