
Redemption | Drarry

Harry had just had a creature inheritance, and realized he had been betrayed by the people he thought he could call his friends. What if it was all a lie? What if his parents were alive? What if Draco Malfoy, his former rival, dies? What if Hadrian was in love with him? What if Voldemort kills Dumbledore instead? What if Snape was not actually Snape? What if...

Blinger301 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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23 Chs

008: Obliviations and Truths

Blaise stood at the other side of the painting with a bag slung over his shoulder, "Oh? Hey Thalia. You guys are?" Blaise asked gesturing toward Luna and the disguised Hadrian, "I'm Luna."

"And I'm...Evelyn, yeah." Hadrian said quickly. Blaise squinted his eyes at him before smiling, "Nice to meet you. Need something?" Blaise was feeling highly suspicious of the trio. But didn't question, if Thalia was with them, he could trust them.

The three exchanged glances, "Were looking for Malfoy." They all said in unison, "He didn't do something wrong did he?" Blaise asked, and frankly, it wasn't shocking. I mean why else were they there looking all uptight and serious, if Draco hadn't done a thing, "No. We just want to talk...please." Luna intervened and calmly handled it.

Blaise nodded and went to call for Draco, "He'll be here soon." With that he was gone, to who knows where. They sat themselves down on a sofa and waited 5 minutes until Draco came out.

He wore shorts that reached his mid-thigh and clung unto his butt, which just made it look more perky than it was before. He also wore a normal white sweater with snow flakes on them, "Hey Thalia!! You need something?" Draco asked smiling widely at the Ravenclaw, who returned his gesture.

Hadrian's mouth almost hit the floor at the display he was getting. Luna placed two fingers under his chin and closed it. A smile present on her face, "Uh, Yeah. My friend here, Evelyn needs your help to identify if this is fake or not." Thalia said as she gave the parchment to Draco, who gladly took it.

He went back to his room and came back wearing glasses. 'Could he get anymore hotter?' Was Hadrian's thoughts. Draco took a seat on one of the chairs and crossed his legs as he examined the parchment. At this point Hadrian was drooling, and he was happy he was disguised. He couldn't keep his eyes of the long, pale and slender legs that sat crossed and on display. Not to mentions the thighs that he could stare at all day.

Luna flicked his forehead, which brought him back to the real world. Draco's eyes widened as he scanned the contents. "The hell?!" He asked as he looked up, making eye contact with Hadrian for a second. 'You feel that?' His inner Dom asked. But Hadrian was far from being on earth.

"Just forget about those details Dray, it's a random parchment we got for charms class." Thalia tried to make an excuse, and hoped it would work, "Why did my parents have to be in this? And Severus has a child? And Tom Riddle?" Draco still refused to let it go, but luckily Luna was one step ahead.

"It's just a test slip with the most random information for our charms class. It's not all that true. We just have a project where we have to figure out which part is forged." Luna said from the top of her head, that even Thalia was impressed. Draco seemed to consider the fact.

He let out a sigh, "Okay then." He said with some suspicion, but it did seem like the type of thing Flitwick would give to them. He wouldn't be surprised if there was one of McGonagall and Dumbledore. They let out a breath they didn't know they were holding.

He scanned over the parchment once more, "Yep, forged." He nodded to their accusation, "What where? How?!" Hadrian didn't seem to be taking it well. Draco got up and went over to sit beside Hadrian and the others.

He pointed at the parchment and started to explain, "As we all know, Gringotts has a seal of verification that they put after every information. As you can see, there are seals on the top, but not during the bank activities. Things like Name, Date of birth, mother, father, and the primary stuff is real. Now we have the vaults. Everything is true except for the fact that Granger was part of the scheme.

She did not do such a thing, as indicates the verification seal. Now the compulsions. Molly Weasley does not have a blind trust potion liked to him, so therefore that is false. Now you see the little Ellipsis at the bottom corner of the lists of blocks?

It means that it was incomplete. For it to do so, the person must have used a minor needle instead of the proper needle they were supposed to use. There are three types of needles; The Minor needle, for kids.

The Queen-fitting needle, for people like Dumbledore,

And the King-fitting needle, for people of Merlin's caliber.

So all in all, I wouldn't say it had been forged, but rather incorrect. All they need to do is go back to Gringotts and use the right enchanted needle for the real results. Luckily the parchment shows what kind of needle you need to use.

At the top left corner there will be dots to indicate them, one for the minor needle, two for queen-fitting, and three for king-fitting. As you can see, there are three dots, now all that's left to do is redo the test."

Draco had explained everything he knows about it. And they were amazed at how much knowledge he had, how wasn't he in Ravenclaw?

Hadrian rested his cheek on his palm, luckily still in disguise, "You're so smart." He said dreamily with a smile, to which Draco returned awkwardly. He had noticed how her eyes lingered on his thighs, it was almost unsettling, how fierce her eyes were.

Thalia flicked Hadrian on the forehead, "Thank you so much Dray, you have been such a great help. I'm almost sad to do this to you." Thalia said as the three looked at her with confusion, "Obliviate!" She casted the spell on Draco.

Hadrian and Luna looked at her with shock, "What? He didn't need to know any of that." She said as if normal. Draco sat stiff, before blinking rapidly, "...Oh? Hey Thalia, what are you doing here?" Draco asked confused as he looked around.

"Wasn't I in my room a second ago?" He said as he continued to scan the room, "Yeah, we just came to see Blaise, and he's gone, so we should get going, bye!!" Thalia said in one quick breath before pulling Hadrian and Luna out, leaving Draco confused.

Thalia pulled away until they were far away from the dungeons. They let out a sigh of relief and just then Hadrian was back his original appearance, "So what's your next move?" Luna asked Hadrian between breaths.

Hadrian stalled for a few minutes before, "I'll go take the test again, but this time with the proper needle, that way I can get the actual truth." Hadrian had made up his mind at that point.

They continued their walk with talks of the information they got from Draco, up until it was Dinner time. Hadrian, Luna and Thalia separated to go to their various tables, once they entered the Great Hall.

Hadrian looked around, before catching eye contact with Draco, they looked at each other for a while, before Hadrian winked. Draco turned back to his friends, that you would be shocked that he didn't get a whiplash. Hadrian smirked and made his way toward the Gryffindor table. This really was going to be a good year.

'Hadrian did you feel that?' His inner Dom asked, 'What are you talking about Alex?' Hadrian asked back. 'The sensation when we locked eyes with that Sub, you are obviously smitten with?'

Hadrian paused for a moment, 'Yes?'

Alex took a deep breath, 'I'm sure that is our mate.' Alex said with determination.