
Red & Silver 2

In this captivating twist on Little Red Riding Hood, Red, a fearless werewolf hunter, finds herself drawn to Silver, a seductive shifter with a dark past. They come from opposite worlds, yet circumstances force them to team up. As they navigate a murder mystery and their forbidden connection, they uncover secrets and face societal taboos. Join Red and Silver on their journey of danger, desire, and a love that defies the odds.

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23 Chs

Chapter 31: Through The Woods

Panic clawed at my chest as I lay on the ground, Gabriel's towering figure looming above me like a terrible shadow. I knew I had to escape, but he stood between me and the door, his malicious grin promising nothing but pain. Desperation fueled my thoughts, making them race faster than my heartbeat. I glanced to my right, noticing the open window near the bed. If I truly was a werewolf, maybe I could use that strength to my advantage.

"Get up," Gabriel snarled, his fingers flexing as they reached for my hair. I swallowed hard, gathering every ounce of courage I had left. As his hand closed in on me, I shot out my arm, grabbing his tightly before sinking my teeth into his flesh. He screamed in pain, and I used the opportunity to strike him again with the silver box.

"Damn you!" he shouted, staggering back. I leaped to my feet and sprinted towards the open window, knowing this was my only chance to escape. The cold night air rushed past me as I threw myself through the opening and tumbled onto the ground outside.

"Red, come back here!" I heard Gabriel yell from inside the cabin, but I didn't look back. I couldn't afford to waste any more time. I had to find Silver and tell him everything I'd discovered about Gabriel. The rush of energy surged through me as I darted into the deep shadows of the woods.

Panting, I dashed deeper into the forest, my heart pounding in my chest. The sound of Gabriel's angry shouts echoed behind me, spurring me to run even faster. My legs burned from exertion, and my lungs ached as I gulped in cold air. I knew I couldn't stay in the settlement after what had just happened; if Gabriel exposed the truth about my werewolf nature, I would be as good as dead.

"Red!" he bellowed, his voice growing fainter as I put more distance between us. I heard the slam of the cabin door and the rustle of leaves, signaling that he was giving chase. Thank God the cabin was so close to the forest, giving me a chance to escape.

The foliage crunched beneath my feet, and moonlight filtered through the trees overhead, casting eerie shadows around me. I had always felt at home in the woods, but now it seemed like a sinister labyrinth, hiding dangers around every corner. As I ran, I tried to focus on pushing my fear aside, knowing that I had to find Silver and tell him everything I had discovered. I owed him at least the chance to clear his name. Or was I just hoping to catch a glimpse of him? How would he react if we ran into each other again?

"This is insane," I muttered under my breath, the gravity of the situation finally sinking in. If anyone found out I was a werewolf, not only could I be killed, but my mother might also be punished for keeping this secret. Shaking my head, I tried to clear my thoughts, focusing on the task at hand: escaping Gabriel and finding Silver.

"Where are you, Silver?" I muttered in a low voice, desperately hoping that he somehow would hear me and come to my rescue. As much as I tried to deny it, thinking of him sent a shiver down my spine – both from fear and excitement. It wasn't long ago that we had left things unresolved, and the thought of seeing him again stirred up feelings I had tried to bury.

"Focus, Red," I scolded myself, forcing my thoughts back to the present. The looming threat of Gabriel was enough to keep me running, even as my body begged for rest. I knew that if I stopped now, it would all be over – everything I had fought for would be for nothing. But where was I going? What should I do?

Suddenly, it hit me – Silver either was with the Nightshades or at Ylfa's place. The Nightshade hideout was a mystery to me; I had been blindfolded when they took me there, so I had no idea how to find them. But Ylfa's place I knew – and it made sense that Silver would go there if he wasn't with the Nightshades. It seemed like my only hope – so that was where I was headed next.

My determination renewed, I ran even faster than before, heading straight for Ylfa's house and hoping he would be there.

"Silver...," I whispered into the night, praying that wherever he was, he was safe.

The Black Forest loomed before me, its shadows swallowing me whole as I plunged deeper into its embrace. The trees seemed to close in around me, their gnarled limbs reaching out like fingers poised to snatch me up and drag me away. My heart raced, pounding in my chest like a drum as I ran faster than I ever had before. The forest floor was uneven and treacherous, but I couldn't afford to slow down – not when Gabriel might still be hot on my heels.

As I sprinted through the undergrowth, branches clawed at my face and tangled in my hair, but I hardly noticed; adrenaline coursed through my veins, sharpening my senses and lending strength to my weary legs. The scent of damp earth and decaying leaves filled my nostrils, somehow both soothing and invigorating at the same time. Despite the fear that drove me onward, I couldn't help but marvel at the raw beauty of the wilderness around me. It was almost enough to make me forget the nightmare I was running from.


"Damn it, Red," I hissed to myself, "you need to focus. Find Ylfa's place, find Silver." A chill spread through my body when I thought of him again – a strange combination of fear and yearning that I couldn't push away. He had killed my father, yes, but... it wasn't like he did it on purpose. Dad had been trying to kill him too, after all. Silver was just trying to survive, like the rest of us. And now he was being hunted for a crime he didn't truly commit. He deserved to know the truth about Gabriel – the man who had framed him and turned our world upside down. He had murdered my beloved grandmother, even if he denied it.

Exhaustion weighed heavily on me as the night wore on. My mind raced, struggling to process everything I had discovered. What did it mean that my family had lied to me all these years? Could I truly transform into a werewolf? It was still hard to believe. It was a shame I couldn't take the pictures or papers with me – only the silver box tucked securely in my pocket. As I stumbled through the darkness, reflecting on the truths and lies that now tangled together in my life, I found myself at Ylfa's and her mom's, Olga's place.

"Finally," I breathed, relief momentarily washing away my fatigue.

The camp seemed empty and silent, the only sound the distant chirping of crickets. Not even a hint of smoke rose from the chimney of the cabin in the center of the clearing. My stomach dropped – had no one been here for days? Had I come all this way for nothing?

But I had come too far to turn back. Mustering my courage, I crept closer to the cabin and peered through a gap in its shutters. They weren't home, but it was hard to see anything, so I pushed the door open with a creak.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim moonlight filtering through the window, I couldn't believe what I saw. The cabin was empty, and everything was a mess. Furniture overturned, drawers yanked open, the contents scattered across the floor... It looked like someone had been there, searching for something - or someone.

"What happened here...?" I said out loud, my voice trembling. Suddenly, in the dark, I distinguished a pair of wolfish eyes – then another, and another. My heart pounded faster than ever as I realized I was surrounded by three terrifying werewolves. One of them was especially burly, a deep scar marring his face, making him look even more fearsome.

My heart raced as I heard the low growls and saw the strange, hulking figures shift in the shadows. Their eyes glowed and their claws curved wickedly. I had never seen them before and couldn't help but wonder what Clan they belong to. I did not see them at the Nightshades' place.

"What do we have here?" one of the werewolves sneered, approaching me from the front. Another popped up behind me, their presence sending chills down my spine. I could feel their predatory gazes on me, weighing me like a piece of meat.

"Nice hair," the one behind me growled, reaching out to touch my red curls. "And this nightgown... Mmm, must be tasty underneath." My skin crawled as they pawed at me, their nasty comments filling the air like a repulsive perfume.

"Who are you, girl?" the scarred werewolf demanded, his voice low and threatening. But despite my fear, I couldn't bring myself to be submissive – I had enough of that tonight.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I shot back, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Feisty little thing, isn't she?" another werewolf snickered. The fear gnawing at my stomach intensified, but I refused to let them see me break.

"Enough playing around," the scarred werewolf growled. "We should take her to Skol, just in case."

"Good idea," another agreed, and as they spoke his name, it clicked; these werewolves were part of the Ironfang Clan, Skol was their leader. Shit. I was in real trouble. Ironfang Clan werewolves were known for their cruelty and ruthlessness. I needed to find a way out, and fast. But how could I possibly escape the clutches of these monstrous beasts?

"Fuck you," I spat out, my heart racing. But it only seemed to amuse them, as they laughed wickedly. It was not fair. Why did I have to stumble from one monster to the next?

"Get her," the burly werewolf growled.

As fear pushed its tendrils through my body, I steeled myself for what was to come, hoping against hope that I could find a way to survive.

As the werewolves lunged at me, I wanted to fight back but my body was weakened. Their massive hands grasped my arms, and I kicked wildly, trying to break free. The biggest one, the one with the scar, quickly caught hold of my legs, too, rendering me immobile.

"Get off me!" I snarled, struggling against their grip. In a desperate bid for freedom, I managed to bite down hard on the hand of one werewolf. He yelped in pain, and in that moment, I freed one hand, using it to scratch at the face of another.

"Pathetic creature," the scarred one grunted, clearly unimpressed. "Knock her out," he ordered as they tightened their grip on me once again.

I barely had time to register the words before I felt an excruciating blow to the side of my head. The world spun, dizziness overwhelming me, and all went black.


When I came to, I found myself locked in a cage, my surroundings shrouded by a dark fabric. My heart pounded in my chest, panic clawing at my throat. The air was thick and musty, smelling of damp earth and something else – something distinctly animalistic. My skin prickled, goosebumps erupting along my limbs as I tried to make sense of my situation.

An ominous growl echoed through the space, followed by the sound of approaching footsteps. My breath hitched, and I strained to see through the darkness, desperately hoping for some sign of escape. But there was nothing – only the oppressive weight of fear, pressing down on me like a physical force.

"Who's there?" I whispered, my voice trembling. The footsteps grew closer, and as they did, I knew one thing for certain: someone, or something, was coming for me, and I had no idea if I'd live to see another sunrise.