
Red Ruby Ring

Everything seems perfect in the kingdom of Lilyphen-- a stable king on the throne, three strong princes to serve as the heirs, a full treasury and rich crop produce. When the newly crowned King Nathan of Stycus visits Lilyphen, he had never expected to unravel such a dark secret hidden in the depths of the royal palace. As a sensible man, he would never have liked to get himself entangled in the mess, but how could he resist when his heart was the one rebelling against him! The moment his eyes landed on the ethereal beauty, Princess Rose, he realised his life had had been changed forever. The more he knew her, the more he wanted to know further...the more he realised how overwhelming love indeed was! But this love...was it even possible! The chains that tie the two are two strong to be broken! The dark secret that looms over them like a dark cloud, is too dangerous to be trifled with. Will love win despite all the hardships? Will Nathan be able to live his dream, or will Rose wither before the onset of spring?

Pole_Star · Lịch sử
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1 Chs


"Welcome! King Nathan! What a pleasure!"

Nathan looked up removing his cape as King Archus, the ruler of Lilyphen walked down the flight of stairs to welcome him.

It was a bright day, and the sun was high in the sky. But it wasn't hot here. Unlike Stycus, where the sweltering heat was unbearable on days like this, Lilyphen was located at the foothills of the Artinus mountains. It was cool here, and windy too. But Nathan liked it.

He smiled, bowing to the old King of Lilyphen, "Your Majesty! The pleasure is mine."

"Come in! Come in!" King Archus smiled. "I have heard King Nathan does not assign too much importance to pleasantries. I will keep it short for you. But this occasion is for my beloved daughter's future. I am afraid you might have to bear with the formalities more than you like them, King."

"It's nothing," Nathan replied, catching up with Archus, as they were led into the interiors of the palace.

Though he indeed hated talking too much, he had prepared himself for socialising here. He knew he wouldn't be bothered as much as King Archus feared, though. After all, Stycus was such a powerful nation! No King or Prince in his right senses would like to get on his bad side.

But, a certain someone was ignorant of all this. However hard he tried to make that guy understand that his words of precaution were completely redundant, that man with his bird-brain would simply not give up. So, for the last whole month, Nathan had to put up with the torturous 'behaviour refinement lessons' with Leon, the red-head who was walking right behind him at the moment.

Nathan glanced back as the line of thoughts crossed his mind, only to be met with a glare from his friend. He turned away immediately. The last thing he wanted now was to be lectured after a three day journey.

Not that he hated being lectured by Leon. After all, that guy was the only person who was frank with him-- who indeed cared for his well-being. They had grown up together, he , the eldest son of the late king, and Leon the only child of General Clausis.

They walked through the marble corridors, past huge windows of coloured glass. The curtains, embroidered with gold threads swayed in the open wind, a mild yet sweet fragrance of spring blossoms lingering everywhere.

Nathan's eyes scanned the surroundings. Everything in this royal household seemed to spell prosperity. The sophistication and artistry involved even in small things like the pottery on display was overwhelming!

King Archus seemed to follow his thoughts.

"Most of the things displayed around here are invaluable collections of my ancestors," he spoke up. "My great grandfather had a habit of collecting pottery and artworks. During his lifetime, he prepared an enviable collection of paintings, sculptures and woodworks. My father, on the other hand, was a music enthusiast. During his time, he patronised many musicians and singers. You must have heard of the "Blooming Lily" songs, right? They were developed during his time."

Nathan nodded wordlessly. The "Blooming Lily" songs were indeed very famous. They were so popular across the land that festivities were often deemed incomplete unless a "Blooming Lily" musical piece had been performed.

"I have heard your elder brother was interested in music as well, right Your Majesty?"

It was Leon's voice. Nathan glanced at him, slightly surprised. Why was he bringing this up? Was it intentional?

A wink from Leon assured him it was.

"Ah yes!" King Archus replied. The smile on his lips suddenly seemed very artificial. "My elder brother was known for his musical genius as well. But I didn't get to witness it much, you know. My relations with him were never good."

After this, an awkward silence reigned on the group. Nathan was thankful when they finally reached his quarters.

The living space was luxurious as usual. Stycus was a military nation. They placed so much emphasis on the army that they left very little space for sophistication and art. Lilyphen was just the opposite. Army wasn't of primary focus here. Nathan smiled. It was different here, very different indeed.

A knock sounded on his door.

"Come in!"

Leon strode into his room, his red hair looking like the fluffy downs of a bird. "How is it here?" He chuckled.

"Good enough."

"Hmm...the king is interesting, don't you think?"

Nathan smiled. "Very interesting. With that silken behaviour, he can easily coax anybody."

"That's right. If I hadn't known what he is capable of, I would have fallen for his ways. That fox killed his brother and usurped the throne. He is said to have murdered even his nephews! Anyways, Nathan, are you really interested in the princess here? She is said to be a peerless beauty! Wanna marry her?"

Nathan leaned back on the couch, "No."

Leon raised his brows, "Then what are we here for?"



After Leon had left, Nathan casually walked up to the balcony, and threw the curtains open. Sunlight flooded into the room along with a scent of blooming flowers. He gazed outside. The balcony overlooked a huge garden, with all kinds of flowers and plants growing there.

But Nathan's eyes were stuck on the figure in the middle of the lily blooms that had almost instantly caught his attention.

The white long gown she was wearing sparkled under the sun. Her long golden hair was let loose, and the tresses flowed across her shoulders down till the dainty waist. Her face was white as winter snow, with a tinge of red on the cheeks. The lips were carved immaculately and were pink as the tulip buds.

She was sleeping on the soft grass in the garden. Sound asleep!!