
Chapter 3: The Trial

Red was praised by the King for capturing the Dark Dwellers. After that he went out to buy groceries. As he was returning from the shop, suddenly a man came from nowhere and stole Red's bag and ran away.

Red followed and followed but he couldn't find the man. He reached to a old and abandoned building which was left untouch for centuries. He found his bag outside the building. As he was about to pick the up, he heard a strange and unfamiliar voice.

"Come inside".

Red went inside and the door shut automatically. When Red saw his surroundings, he was in a shock.

"What the he'll is the place. Its old from outside but modern from inside".

A man who wore a dress covering his face, and said-

"Hello! Red. How are you?"

"Who the he'll are you and where am I?"

"Chill. I will explain to you everything. This is a tower. Where your dream comes true."

"You have illusion magic. Am I right?"

"Yes, absolutely, clever one.

"How do you know my name?"

"This is a place where your dream comes true. Every year I select a capable human and bring him/her over here. This tower has 5 levels. First level is the easiest while the Fifth level is the hardest. Are you ready?"


"Let the Trial begin."