
2 Drunk beauty

 As if completing a very difficult task, Ye Xingsheng wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a long sigh of relief.

 At this moment, Zhan Zimei on the bed moved slightly and called out for Xiaobin in her sleep, "Xiaobin…"

 With a thought, Ye Xingsheng decided to pretend to be Xiaobin and ask Zhan Zimei about the housing allocation. If he had a spot in the housing allocation, he could boldly propose to Zhong Xuefang. If not, he would try to make her sober and let her know that he had come looking for her, giving himself a chance!

 With determination, Ye Xingsheng put on a thick skin and softly answered, "I'm here!"

Zhan Zimei moaned, "Xiaobin, my head hurts…"

 "Headache? Let me massage it for you!" Ye Xingsheng gently massaged Zhan Zimei's temples and then asked in Xiaobin's identity, "Zimei, I heard that the Education Bureau is allocating housing recently. Is there a spot for a person named Ye Xingsheng?"

 Zhan Zimei drunkenly said, "Why are you asking about this?"

 "He is a friend of a friend of mine, so I wanted to know," Ye Xingsheng replied.

 Zhan Zimei intermittently said, "The housing allocation has already been decided…" Then she tilted her head and continued to snore.

 Ye Xingsheng asked a few more times, but Zhan Zimei didn't respond.

 Getting anxious, Ye Xingsheng realized that whether he came or not tonight didn't matter since the housing allocation had already been decided. However, he really wanted to know if his name was on the list. If it was, it would be great, and he could propose to Zhong Xuefang with confidence. If not, he could try to wake Zhan Zimei up and tell her about his difficulties, maybe she would give him a chance because of the gifts he had given her!

 After some thought, Ye Xingsheng searched Zhan Zimei's house. Since the housing allocation had already been decided, Zhan Zimei should have a list of the allocated houses. Now, the house was related to his marriage and his lifelong happiness. He hoped to see his name on the list.

 Finally, Ye Xingsheng found the list in a folder on the table. However, his name was not on the list that had already been stamped with the official seal!

 Ye Xingsheng couldn't believe it! He carefully checked the list over and over again, and there was indeed no mention of his name!

 Feeling like he had fallen into a dark abyss, Ye Xingsheng's mind went blank!

 What should he do? Without a house, Zhong Xuefang would break up with him! After finally finding a girlfriend and hoping to solve his lifelong matter with a house, and give his parents a surprise, who would have expected that his unit wouldn't allocate him a house!

 There were many people applying for the houses this time, but Ye Xingsheng was at least a deputy section chief and had been working at the Education Bureau for several years. Based on his qualifications, as long as the leaders were fair in the evaluation, he should definitely get a house.

 Now that he didn't get a house, the problem must lie with the leaders. But he couldn't think of any offense he had caused them! He had always completed the tasks assigned to him by the leaders seriously and on time! But why? Why couldn't he get a house?

 Filled with resentment, Ye Xingsheng entered the room and shook Zhan Zimei a few times, trying to wake her up and ask her again in Xiaobin's identity.

 This time, Zhan Zimei admitted that Ye Xingsheng didn't get a house. She drunkenly sneered and said, "Ye Xingsheng is a pushover in our unit, anyone can bully him. He's also a model worker in our unit. He does whatever he's told, he's so obedient. Why should we give a pushover like him a house?"

 Anger ignited within Ye Xingsheng. Zhan Zimei's words were true. He was obedient in the unit. He always completed the tasks assigned by the leaders seriously. According to reason, someone as diligent as him should get a house, but Zhan Zimei shattered his dreams.

 Ye Xingsheng suddenly remembered something. One day last month, when he passed by Zhan Zimei's office, he happened to see her bending down to tie her shoelaces. That day, Zhan Zimei was wearing a low-cut top, and if she bent down like that…

 Ye Xingsheng was engrossed in his thoughts when Zhan Zimei noticed and didn't say anything at the time, but her face turned dark.

 It seemed that Zhan Zimei didn't allocate him a house as revenge!

 Fury burned within Ye Xingsheng, and he couldn't help but want to strangle her! How could this woman be so petty? He had just glanced at her neckline a few times, and she wanted to take revenge on him like this? Moreover, it was unintentional!

 If he couldn't get a house, Zhong Xuefang would definitely break up with him, and he had already spread the news among his friends and relatives that he would soon marry Zhong Xuefang. What should he do? Honestly, he was a good person, but why did good people always have bad luck?

 Ye Xingsheng thought more and more sadly and felt more and more miserable.

 Dragging his heavy footsteps out of Zhan Zimei's bedroom, he saw many bottles of liquor in the living room's liquor cabinet. Could it be that this woman took bribes from others and gave away the housing allocation that should have belonged to him?

 It was not impossible. Zhan Zimei was the director of logistics, and many people wanted to curry favor with her!

 Not willing to leave empty-handed, Ye Xingsheng stood in front of the liquor cabinet, took a bottle of liquor, and drank it in big gulps.

 Drowning his sorrows in alcohol, after half a bottle of liquor, tears started well up in Ye Xingsheng's eyes. He was already in his thirties, without a house, and hadn't even married his wife. Why was he such a loser? Was it true what Zhan Zimei said, that obedient and diligent people were all pushovers and didn't deserve a house?

 If he couldn't get a house this time, Zhong Xuefang would definitely break up with him. He didn't want to lose this hard-earned love, nor did he want to lose face in front of his friends and relatives!

 With a glimmer of hope, Ye Xingsheng entered the bedroom again. He wanted to ask Z Zimei if there was any chance of redemption!

 As soon as he entered, Ye Xingsheng was stunned. Zhan Zimei had already taken off her top at some point, and she mumbled, "It's so hot…"

 Already feeling feverish after drinking half a bottle of liquor, seeing her fair skin now, Ye Xingsheng's head felt like it was about to explode. A demon in his heart roared, urging him to do something risky. However, as soon as this thought arose, the angel defeated it!

 No, he couldn't do it. Ye Xingsheng, you can't mess around. Tonight, you came to Zhan Zimei for business, and you can't offend her!

 Ye Xingsheng pulled up the blanket and covered Zhan Zimei, and asked her again in Xiaobin's identity if there was still room for discussion and if the housing allocation could be changed.

 Zhan Zimei mumbled, "How is that possible? It has already been reported, and it cannot be changed!"

 Ye Xingsheng sat down on the edge of the bed, feeling both angry and desperate. He didn't get a house, and his love was completely hopeless now. Without love, what was the meaning of living? It would be better to die!

 For the first time, Ye Xingsheng experienced the power of authority, which could actually affect a person's happiness!

 While Ye Xingsheng was in a daze, suddenly, Zhan Zimei turned around and tightly hugged him, muttering something incoherently.

 Ye Xingsheng's mind instantly went blank. Damn it, it was all because of this woman that he didn't get a house. She must have intentionally retaliated against him and gave his housing allocation to someone else. Since she willingly hugged him, she couldn't blame him. If anyone was to blame, it was herself!

 Ye Xingsheng lifted the blanket covering Zhan Zimei's body, and her fair skin completely made him lose his reason. He passionately kissed her flush face and pressed her down…

 Ye Xingsheng couldn't remember how he left Zhan Zimei's house. His mind kept replaying the image of the bloodstain on the bedsheet. How could this be? Didn't Zhan Zimei have a boyfriend? How could she be bleeding?

 Ye Xingsheng didn't go home but came to the riverside in a state of turmoil. This small river that ran through the city was a place he often visited. Whenever he was in a bad mood, he would to sit on the grass by the river, watching the water flow slowly, as if watching time pass by second by second. When he thought about how time flies, his mood gradually improved. Life is so short, and everyone will eventually go to a mysterious place. What problem couldn't be resolved?

 However, tonight, Ye Xingsheng sat by the river for a long time, smoked half a pack of cigarettes, but his mood remained unsettled.

 Ye Xingsheng didn't usually smoke. He had bought this pack of cigarettes on the way to the river from a small convenience store. People said that smoking could give a wonderful feeling, but he, who had never smoked before, had already smoked half a pack without experiencing any wonderful feeling. Instead, his head felt swollen and painful, just like after drinking that bottle of liquor at Zhan Zimei's house.

 Either way, Ye Xingsheng couldn't believe that it was real! He really had slept with his beautiful boss Zhan Zimei, and it was her first time. Everyone said that the world of fame and fortune was dirty, and Zhan Zimei, as the deputy director of the Education Bureau and the girlfriend of a wealthy man, still maintained her purity. This was truly rare!

 But he had taken her first time! Recently, he had just occasionally caught a glimpse of Zhan Zimei's neckline, and she wanted to take revenge on him like this. If Zhan Zimei knew that he had taken her first time, would she take a knife and kill him?

 She definitely would, without a doubt. This beautiful woman had a fiery temper, and she would surely kill him in a fit of rage! Even if she didn't kill him, she would constantly make things difficult for him in the Education Bureau in the future! Honestly, why was he so foolish to cause such a disaster when he went to give a gift? Zhan Zimei was his superior, could he still have a good life in the Education Bureau?

 Ye Xingsheng, you're such a bastard, you're truly clueless!

 Ye Xingsheng slapped himself hard a few times, then buried his head and couldn't help but shed tears.