
Chapter 6

AN: Don't own Worm, Don't own Fate Stay night. Please leave a review if you enjoy the story!

{}{}{}{} New York State Asylum for Parahumans; week eight

Meditation, as always, proved to be supremely unhelpful. Though it did give me time to think over an idea I had. Still thinking could only take me so far…

"I am the bone of my sword." As soon as the last murmured word left my mouth my whole body exploded in pain. I screamed as lines of fire shot up and down my limbs and spiked into my chest. It only lasted a moment but the pain left me panting.

"Taylor! What the hell were you thinking?!"

"Had to test it, Sensei. Owwww. I thought that might happen, but I needed to be sure."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Look it's… ok regular magecraft is like science or math, right? Study diligently, learn everything you can, and then apply it to the real world."

"Yes." Shirou drew the word out, his voice was filled with condescension.

"Your reality marble is like art." I replied dryly, not at all impressed with his tone of voice.

"... Run that by me again, and this time actually explain."

With a huff I moved to a sitting position on my bed.

"Think about it. You are rewriting existence with your inner world. A world that reflects you. You manifest it with an aria that describes your life and yourself. Your origin and affinity are sword, and you were basically fused with a magic sheath."

"... ok, so what?"

"So that's not science, that's abstract, and symbolic, and it's personal. Shirou, there was no magic or magecraft here before the intergalactic tapeworm showed up. I'm not using my circuits, if I even have any. We have no idea what if anything my origin and affinity might be. All of what I do is being handled by a growth in my brain. Maybe as I take more of you that will eventually change, but right now? We're still pretty different. And that's the problem. The Unlimited Blade Works is yours. An aspect of yourself, a representation of yourself, hell for all I know it's your soul dragged out and made manifest around you. And I'm not you."

"... If you are right," He began slowly, "then you won't be able to fully grasp a noble phantasm until I am more fully subsumed."

"But we don't have time for that." I shot back with conviction. "I need to be able to call on that kind of power, and I need it soon. Using your aria won't work for me because I'm not you. But an aria is probably the fastest way to make my own connection. I need a backdoor, or maybe a foothold, to get access. Even just limited access."

"You want to write an aria? Taylor you don't just sit down and come up with an aria for something like this! Or, well, OK, so younger versions of myself have. But they had mine to use as an example, and they were a lot closer to being me than you are right now."

"But I do have yours to use as an example. Besides, my Mom taught college level English, Shirou. I grew up surrounded by poetry, and double meanings, and words chosen with precision to convey just the right idea." I rubbed at my temple as I thought back to more pleasant times. To Mom's mini lectures, to being read the classics and Mom stopping to point out specific meanings and implications. "And I don't think I need a full aria. Just enough to strengthen my connection and get my foot in the door."

"And you think you can do that now? At the drop of a hat?"

My only response was to hum back as I started mentally dissecting his aria.

I am the bone of my sword. Simple enough on the face of it. Without him there are no swords. He makes them. He is their core, their base. Only… it specified sword. The reality marble was called the Unlimited Blade Works and despite the fact I knew there were more than just swords contained within it... swords were the only weapons to be seen there. That was telling. It went right back to Shirou's preferences, and his natural predisposition.

But I didn't share those. I was more than willing to make use of anything and everything. Swords, spears, shields, knives, bow and arrow, hell if I thought it would kill the space worm I'd stab it with a pointy stick. I also hadn't felt any backlash until I finished the last word, that was telling.

Steel is my body and fire is my blood. He trained hard to make his body a weapon, to make himself a weapon. Just like I was doing. But the last word bothered me. Fire is my blood.

Maybe it was a difference in culture, but it brought to mind the idea of someone who was hot blooded. Ignoring the 'romantic' implications it made me think of someone who was passionate, in the moment. Someone who acted and reacted more strongly when demanded. Which fit Archer, and I'm sure it fit with me to some extent but… but it also implied a less emotional state when things weren't serious. And that seemed to fit with Shirou's more apathetic stance on most things. But that wasn't me. Ever since I decided to throw myself into this. Ever since I chose to fight, I had felt driven. My fire didn't boil through me when I needed it. It was part of me to the core, always with me, even if it dimmed when things were not immediately serious.

I have created over a thousand blades. True, for both of us in the literal sense. But this wasn't about being literal. This was about emotions and implications. I hadn't added those blades to the Unlimited Blade Works. I was just someone who came along and started using them.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and spoke.

"I am the bone of my blades." No pain, and I felt something stirring in the back of my mind. Good. But I needed to maintain focus.

"Steel is my body and fire is my soul." I extended my right hand and fixed the image of a spear Archer was intimately familiar with in my mind.

"I have inherited over a thousand blades." You are mine. You are all mine. I might not have forged you, but you have been left to me, and I will not be denied!

"Trace on!" Everything snapped into focus more clearly than ever before. Every aspect of the blade's nature was laid bare before me. It took longer than any normal weapon but I drew on that knowledge and brought it out into the world in all its bloody glory.

My eyes snapped open to the most beautifully deadly thing I had ever seen in my life. Gáe Bolg. The barbed spear that pierces with death. A terrible weapon the Protectorate would hate me for using to its full potential… but a weapon that could allow me to survive encounters with even the most powerful parahumans. With this weapon, and others like it, I could fight. I could win, and I could kill.

"... Well done. Why that weapon in particular?" Archer asked. He sounded much more subdued than usual."

"It felt appropriate. From what little you have told me this is the weapon that started it all for you."

"It killed me." He deadpanned.

"You got better." I teased.

"...Give me control for a moment, Taylor. There is something I have been considering ever since we realized our projections will not fade. It won't work perfectly for you, but any advantage could be the difference between life and death."

Curious, but more than willing to humor him I dissolved the noble phantasm I had created and took a mental step back. Shirou slipped forward filling the gap. He took his time working slowly to trace something I hadn't ever expected. A sheath, brilliant blue and marked with golden lines. I had never seen this before, but I knew it immediately for what it was. Avalon.

Shirou took two full minutes to slowly trace the sheath perfectly. I could feel a sort of conviction as he worked.

"It won't work perfectly for you. It only worked partially for me, and I have no idea how effective it will be for you… But you can trace Noble Phantasms now. No matter what it won't be much longer until things start to get dangerous. When they do I would rather you have every possible advantage, no matter how small." His piece said Shirou did something.

I couldn't really understand what he was doing but Avalon slowly faded into my body. The experience was… surreal. Like a blanket made of warm air and peace wrapping itself up around and through me. Having done what he intended, Shirou stepped back.

"...Thank you, Shirou."

I didn't get a verbal response, just a sense that he had nodded.

Setting that aside I took a deep breath focused on another Noble Phantasm. I'd made my breakthrough. Now I needed to practice.


"Taylor... You've packed." It was as much a question as it was an observation. I only nodded in answer.

"I've finally gotten the hang of tracing those specialty weapons, Doctor. And it's been just over two months since I got here. Honestly, it's a just a few changes of clothes in a bag. Most of it's still in the drawers."

"But you're ready to leave whenever, aren't you?" Doctor Yamada asked with a frown.

I shrugged. "If you're right this can't last and I could be gone any day, it'll be that much less to pack. If you're wrong, and I'm here for a few weeks more, cycling a few things in and out of a bag isn't all that difficult… And if everything goes to hell in a handbasket somehow, I can be gone whenever."

The Doctor winced. "Taylor, I know this is frustrating but,"

"But nothing." I cut her off. "I'm already being held here for no reason. Who's to say things couldn't get worse? Before I was the cape who shoots throwing knifes like fastballs, now I'm the cape who makes weapons that do who knows what." I shrugged. "I'm not ruling anything out, Doctor. I want out of here with a clean record, but I'm ready to run if something goes bad."

We sat in silence for a moment until I traced my favorite distraction and started practicing tricks. The familiar click clack of metal soothing my mind.

"I considered what you said last week." I finally offered.


I nodded absently as I watched the light reflect off my rapidly moving practice blade. "You were right. I don't like it, but joining the Wards is the smart thing to do. Not sure how the heck I'll manage to deal with that ass Armsmaster for two years, and I'll only have to deal with him occasionally. Gallant I'll have to see all the time. I know I shouldn't hold it against them, but if they had just listened to me…" With a huff I looked away.

"It's a very mature way of looking at things, Taylor."

"Pragmatic." I corrected. "I don't think I can manage mature. But pragmatic… yeah, that I can do. I also took the other part seriously. I told Dad to track down the standard Wards contract and get reading. If I'm going to get anything good out of this, I need to know what's already on the table and what I can reasonably demand."

"Smart." She praised lightly.

"Thanks." The conversation lapsed into silence as I continued to spin and flip my practice knife. "Will I ever get to talk to you again? I don't… These sessions have been, awkward, and stressful and frustrating… But they helped." I shook my head.

The doctor favored me with one of her brighter smiles. "Maybe. I do shifts with various Ward teams, but they shuffle us around. There is a policy about not letting any single therapist be in a position to influence a parahuman."

"That's stupid." I said bluntly. "The whole point of a therapist is to be a positive influence you can trust. That's like telling the Wards not to trust you before they even walk through the door."

The Doctor only shrugged. "I happen to agree with you, but unfortunately I'm not in a position to influence policy."

"Always have to find a new way of lowering my expectations, don't they?"

Doctor Yamada chuckled lightly. "Well if that's your decision then perhaps we should spend today's session discussing methods to control and channel workplace frustrations?"

I rolled my eyes but nodded anyway. It couldn't hurt after all.


"How are you holding up Taylor?"

"Just fine, Dad." I grinned. "I finally got it down. I can summon up weapons that'll have anyone with sense running." I didn't even try to keep the pride and glee out of my voice.


"Dad," I said amused and exasperated. "Just say you're proud of me."

"I'm proud of you." He loyally parroted back at me.

"Good. Now how's that research going?"

Dad grunted unhappily. "Slow. The standard Wards contract is easy enough to find, but the particulars are pretty different from the contracts I usually work with. I've got a meeting with a lawyer scheduled for Tuesday though. The Youth Guard were only too willing to talk to me, but they were more enthusiastic than useful. Talked my ear off for an hour about how to keep my naive innocent child safe from all the PRT's dastardly tricks that might put them in harm's way."

I outright growled. "I'm afraid I'm already far too familiar with the dastardly actions of the PRT to be considered naive. And how am I supposed to be a hero and help people if I'm running away from fights?"

"Taylor, keep in mind that would appreciate you not getting hurt." Dad said dryly.

"Yeah, well… look I just, I can really make a difference, Dad, I know I can. But I can't do that sitting on the sidelines."

"Couldn't you just give these weapons to other people to use?" Dad's voice wavered between joking and desperate.

"... Maybe one or two could be used by other people, Dad. But even if most could be, I wouldn't trust them with just anyone. These things are game changers, but most of them are, they can be pretty lethal."


"Dad, it's ok. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve nobody will be able to complain about. Finding some non-lethal moves took a bit of digging, but I've got a few things that'll work just fine."

"More of your mystery game changers?"

"Not saying a word over the phone, or in this building if I can help it."

"You're being paranoid."

"Not if they really are out to get me."

"You're planning to join them." He deadpanned.

"And I'll start trusting they don't plan to lock me up even longer the moment the ink is dry on my contract. Until then they remain the enemy of my freedom and liberty and are not to be trusted." I declared imperiously.

Dad chuckled. "Well there was one last thing I wanted to talk to you about actually. I got a call from someone with the New York PRT. They wanted to set up a meeting with you next Saturday. Apparently, you're due to be released on Sunday and they want to talk with you before you leave." Dad sounded genuinely happy about it. I was thrilled to finally have the end of this stupid tunnel in sight, but...

"That's… is that good or bad?" I could see it going either way but with how my luck tended to run… "Should I just run now before things can get worse?"


"What? I was being serious when I said I wouldn't trust them until the ink was dry."

"You are almost free and clear, please don't throw that away for a life on the run because you are feeling paranoid." He deadpanned.

"It's justified paranoia."

"Maybe so, but please don't go acting on it."

"Fine." I grumbled, drawing out the word. "How are things back home?" I asked.

"Not good, the ABB have been pushing lately, something has them all riled up. Nothing official, but people are talking."


"Mmm. A few of the dockworkers who know people are saying we might be looking at a gang war if things don't calm down soon."

"Stay safe, Dad."

"I will, Taylor, promise. I'll email you what I have on the Wards contract tomorrow so keep an eye out for it. I'll send updates as I figure things out."

"Thanks, Dad."

"Anything for you, Taylor."

"Goodnight, Dad. Love you."

"Night, Taylor. Love you too."

{}{}{}{} New York State Asylum for Parahumans; Saturday Week Nine

The Asylum had let us hold the meeting in their staff/conference room. Dad was sitting at the table calmly sipping a cup of coffee. I was too anxious to actually sit. So, I paced around the back of the room and made Dad fidget as I spun my butterfly through my fingers. I had finally graduated to a live blade and decided to celebrate by giving it a personal touch. The once chrome surface was now a wave pattern of black and red.

"Taylor, would you please stop risking your fingers and sit down?"

"Really don't want to sit down, Dad. Way to nervous. And I've been practicing for weeks I can do this stuff with my eyes closed."

"Please don't." He pleaded.

Groaning I dissolved the knife and then re-traced it with a practice blade. Glaring I showed Dad the difference and started practicing more difficult tricks I hadn't quite mastered yet. Three nasty would be cuts to my hand later and the door finally opened.

dropped my knife.

Legend. Fucking Legend, of all damn people was here to talk to me. I dissolved the blade I dropped and slowly moved to take my seat beside Dad. All the while I was trying to calculate just how many walls I would need to cut through to get out of here. And just how bad my odds were against Legend if this was a setup to screw me over even worse. If he could enter his breaker state of being light without moving, I was screwed. If he needed to get moving like some people believed fighting him indoors might actually let me win... but even then, I'd need to get the drop on him and pray. None of which would be any easier with all the containment foam sprinklers everywhere. I really, really, hoped I wasn't being set up.

"Mr. and Miss Hebert?"

"Yeah, that's us." I answered cautiously.

Legend smiled. It was big and warm and happy and I suddenly had a very good idea of why he was the head of the Protectorate.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you both. Especially you Miss Hebert. Not many new capes would have shown the kind of restraint you have in this situation."

"Thanks?" I shared a look with Dad who looked just as lost. Right, well, couldn't blame him for that. "Look, don't take this the wrong way, but why are you here." My thoughts were still racing and I realized if this was a set up, I couldn't even fight all out. If I killed Legend, even to save my own skin, I'd be hunted down and killed within a week. I… fuck. If this was a trap I just wasn't walking out of here.

I actually sank down into my seat waiting for his answer. I knew I should have run when I had the chance.

"Ahh, well…" He rubbed at the back of his head and I just tried not to cringe. This was it. My mission to save the world was over before it even started. Killed by the powers of bureaucracy. "Given how badly your case has been mishandled, and the fact that this was only a short flight for me, I decided to handle our apology in person."

It took me a few moments to process that. I wasn't about to be carted off and never heard from again? Legend was here to apologize to me? I just ended up staring.

"Taylor? Come on, Taylor. Head back in the fight."

"Right." I shook my head back and forth and refocused. "Thanks, Shirou."

"Any time, now focus. Don't get overawed."

I finally settled for just giving Legend a suspicious look and keeping my mouth shut.

"I'm afraid the original Master Stranger screening would have been inevitable unless you had managed to slip under our radar until you fully absorbed your teacher. That being said I've worked with Armsmaster in the past. He isn't the best at dealing with people. I'm sure that didn't help with the initial meeting."

"Yeah he was…" I shook my head before I could get caught up in a mini rant.

Legend offered me a small understanding smile. "He is excellent at his job, just not at dealing with people. Unfortunately, that seems to be the least of the issues we have made for you."

"Tagg." I managed to keep the growl out of my voice, but it left my response sounding cold. Maybe not what I had intended, but better than the alternative.

Legend gave me a confused look.

"According to the trooper rumor mill, someone named Tagg directed some politicians towards my case to get me held here longer." I explained coolly. "One of the Doctors was kind enough to confirm that I was being held here by political pressure for the last few weeks."

Legend groaned lightly and rubbed at his forehead. "I was, actually unaware of that tidbit. I'll have to have a conversation with the man about not pushing cooperative parahumans." He looked genuinely angry about it to.

Then a few thoughts clicked into place. "Wait… If you didn't know about Tagg, what issue were you talking about?"

Legend grimaced. "Your case, the one against the persons responsible for your trigger event was handed off to the PRT. And I know neither you or your father have been kept apprised of the cases progress."

I sat up, back straight as a board, and waited for the shoe to drop. I'd been expecting this for weeks now. Emma's Dad pulled some legal bullshit, no one would corroborate that those three liked to use me as an emotional punching bag, they were all going to get off free as birds, again.

"Much as I hate to do this, I'll need you both to sign nondisclosure agreements before I can fully explain."

Wait… what?

"Why?" Dad asked cautiously. "NDA's shouldn't be required at all for the outcome of a legal case."

"I can tell you right now all three girls were tried, found guilty and sentenced... but there was a lot more going on than anyone realized. That's what the NDA's are for." Legend explained sliding the sheets across the table along with a pen.

Dad immediately picked one up and started to read. I let him focus on that. He knew enough to handle it. I was just too preoccupied trying to wrap my head around the fact that those three were actually getting punished for once. It took a few minutes but Dad eventually signed his and passed me the other. Almost absently I signed it and passed it back to the grim faced Legend.

"Right, there were several issues wrapped up in it all. Your Principal apparently decided to ignore the early incidents because of Miss Barnes's father's status as a lawyer. Unfortunately, this established a pattern and with every incident she ignored… well if the matter was dragged to any sort of higher authority, even just the board of education, she would have likely lost her job. So, she did her best to bury the issue. The longer the bullying lasted and the worse it became the deeper the hole she dug. You might be pleased to know she was in fact fired fairly early in the investigation, and has since been barred by the courts from ever again working with children in any capacity. She is also facing up to ten years of jail time. The judge has a niece your age and was… very unimpressed."

That did give me a vindictive little thrill. I was glad to hear Blackwell had gotten what was coming to her, but she wasn't the big fish in my books compared to the trio. Maybe a tie for Madison, but well below Emma and Sophia.

"That's good." I answered. "But how is that an issue for the PRT?"

"About six months ago the Protectorate East North East captured a vigilante going by the name Shadow Stalker. She was facing a significant amount of time in Juvenile Detention for use of excessive force. The local Director offered her a deal. If she joined the Wards as a probationary member, she wouldn't have to do any jail time... Her civilian name is Sophia Hess."

For a bare moment the room was utterly silent. I didn't speak. I didn't move. I didn't even breath. Legend seemed to pick up on my non reaction and subtly tensed.

I took a deep breath, and let it out in a slow hiss. With a mental jerk I grabbed Shirou and threw him into control of my body.

"Take over before I try to kill him." That was all I managed to get out before my thoughts devolved into incoherent cursing and screaming.

"... Miss Hebert?"

My body raised one hand palm out, and my posture adopted a sort of disinterested slouch. "Shirou Emiya, actually. Taylor is currently cursing and ranting, quite inventively. She told me to take over before that amazing self control of hers' slipped."

Legend nodded very slowly and his posture relaxed minutely.

"That shallow, soulless, cunt! Throwing away her best friend so she can prance around like a pretty little peacock and play chief bootlicker to a no name psychopathic vigilante!"

"Really I have to admit I am impressed." My voice said with very false cheer. "With everything she has been through she has managed to not lash out at anyone, and within ten minutes and a handful of sentences you very nearly pushed her past her breaking point. Truly impressive." My mouth dripped condescension, and my body language became more combative.

"Tell me was that the plan? Push her past her limits against someone who you all believed would survive the experience? Then use it as justification to have her locked in a more robust prison? If so, I should applaud your cunning. Though I ought to mention she has access to a number of weapons that in theory can kill anything living. And that is only if she chose not to get creative." Archer declared cheerfully.

"What?! No! Of course not!" Legend denied looking truly offended. "She had a right to know about her case. Besides which trying to convince her to join without telling her? That would have been setting ourselves up for disaster when she inevitably found out."

"And Blackwell! That incompetent, lazy, gutless, coward! Forget baring her from working with children they should have neutered that useless, sepsis riddled, cow!"

"Hmm, so you say." Archer responded glibly. "So please, explain to us exactly how one of the children in your care, someone who you knew to have violent tendencies, managed to get away with continuing her bullying campaign, and further get away with something so heinous as what happened to Taylor."

"From what our internal investigation has found, as well as your former principal's testimony, the woman kept Sophia's actions from the PRT to prevent her previous failures from coming to light."

Shirou grunted and waved Legend on.

"Checking the girls phones turned up enough evidence to convict them, and once it was clear how the winds were blowing several students stepped forward with testimony about scattered bullying against themselves, as well as an overwhelming confirmation that they focused on you in particular."

"Sure, once they knew they wouldn't get smacked down then they find the guts get involved. Useless, cowardly, sons and daughters of clap riddled whores!"

"Taylor, please stop." Archer said with suppressed mirth. "If you keep this up you are going to make me laugh. It would ruin my image."

I only growled back.

"Sophia's status as a Parahuman kept the case confined to a closed court and the case out of the public eye. Sophia is currently in the care of a juvenile detention center. When she turns eighteen her case will be reevaluated, though it's very likely she will be serving additional time."

"Couldn't we have dug out some of the old crowd pleasers? Like boiling her alive in oil?"

"Emma Barnes, despite her father's best efforts, was also transferred to a similar facility. Although the things she said and the way she acted during the trial have raised several concerns that she might be suffering from some form of mental issue. She has been court ordered to meet with a psychiatrist during her time there, the psychiatrist's findings will likely influence what, if any, additional punishment she might be facing after she turns eighteen."

"No, really? The girl is cracked. Go figure!"

"Madison Clements managed to get a plea deal based on the fact that she was unaware of what they were planning to do in advance, and her willingness to present evidence against the other two. She'll spend the next year in juvenile detention and has a significant amount of community service waiting for her once she gets out."

"Prissy little turncoat, tagalong, slag." I grumbled.

"Taylor? I think that's about as good as could be expected."

"...Do you think we could get away with blowing up a few government facilities if we called it training accidents? Just a couple juvie halls and maybe a prison?"

My body actually snorted. Legend and my Dad looked at us oddly but Shirou waved them off. "Just something Taylor said."

"I'm sorry, Taylor, but I don't think they would buy that."

"Do you think we could get away with it if we had an alibi?"


"Fine, damn it all, fine! Move over. I'm calm enough to keep a lid on things now."

"Are you still willing to work with them?"

"... Just give me back control already."

Reluctantly Shirou moved aside for me. I came back to my body glairing and without even hesitating traced my practice butterfly knife. The familiar click clack filled the air and soothed my frayed temper even as it made my father and Legend fidget. I kept my silence for the better part of a minute.

"This morning I was ready to put up with the Wards and whatever bullshit it might come with if it meant not risking another situation where I ended up detained, for any reason. I am, very seriously trying to remind myself that all the reasons I had before still apply."

"Miss Hebert?" Legend asked. Even with his mask it was easy to see the change in personality had thrown him off balance.

"Yes." Click-clack-click. "Before I knew about this my Dad and I had a list of concessions we wanted to wring out of the Protectorate. Now I'm not even sure what I could demand that would be anywhere near equivalent to my grievances. I am going to assume that you came prepared with some kind of offer you thought might tempt me anyway."

Legend nodded slowly.

"We will start with that, then go from there." I said very firmly. With a final twirl I snapped the blade shut and down onto the table. Then I leaned back and crossed my arms over my chest while glaring.

"Ahh well, I know you didn't get much in the way of schooling during the first three weeks you were under Master Stranger quarantine." I nodded confirmation. "And from what I understand there haven't been many people to help with your studies here, and your work ethic has been, ah, less diligent than your practice with your powers or your exercise regimen."

"I was a bit past caring what Winslow thought of my studies." I dryly responded. "And while Shirou knows a lot of things it seems he's forgotten the intricacies of high school level math and science."


I ignored the indignant voice in my head. "What's your point?" I demanded

"Well, given your long absence from school we thought helping you catch up with tutors over the next few months, and possibly into the summer, so you can test into a better school for your junior year might be a good step." He offered.

I honestly hadn't even thought about schooling. I'd have wiped Winslow off the map before going back into that hellhole. But I hadn't even been considering my education. It just didn't seem to stack up when compared to what I knew was out there. And Shirou hadn't really cared either. Glancing at Dad I saw he liked the idea. Much as I might want to call school pointless, I'd read through the Standard Wards contract and some stuff the Youth Guard enforced. Schooling was mandatory until I turned eighteen. Even getting my GED wouldn't change that. If I could get some one on one focus and never even have to tell Winslow to fuck off that wasn't a bad deal. It was a start at least.

Nodding I rolled my wrist, prompting Legend to continue. Then I actually blinked. I was acting like a big shot while dragging concessions out of fucking Legend. Clearly Shirou was being more of an influence on me than I had previously thought. Yeah, I might have the entire Protectorate by the metaphorical balls, but holy hell was I acting cocky.

"We also thought that given your history with Armsmaster putting you under his command might not turn out so well. At least not so soon."

"No, really, how long did it take you to figure that one out." I internally snarked.

"And given returning to Brockton Bay after such a long absence coinciding with a new Ward would be fairly obvious." Ok, point. "I was hoping you might consider joining the New York Wards for a trial run."

"What?" Dad cut in sharply. "My daughter hasn't been home in three months, and you want to keep her away even longer?"

"Well, we also wanted to offer to cover travel expenses and a hotel for you to use over the weekend, and to help you look for a job in New York, Mr. Hebert. If you can't find a job by the end of summer vacation, or if Taylor decides the New York Wards are a bad fit for her we could get her transferred to Arcadia high school in Brockton Bay." Legend said consulting a folder of notes for the name of the school. "She would have to make a public transfer to Brockton Bay either a few weeks before or after the start of the school year, but we thought a new environment might be healthier for your daughter right now."

That was, surprising. Glancing at Dad I could tell he was torn about the idea. Brockton Bay was home, he was invested in keeping the Dockworkers union afloat and trying to get the Ferry back up and running. But he looked honestly tempted.

"Dad?" I asked gently.

"... I'm not going to lie, I'm rather attached to Brockton Bay." Dad said slowly. "But for Taylor's sake relocating would be a small price to pay." He shot me a loving look. "Probably be good for me to find a job with less stress and more regular hours at my age anyway." He said with a smile.

I gave him back a more hesitant one of my own. Part of me wouldn't mind putting that city behind me, and this was only a trial run. If I decided I hated New York I could always go back. Finally, I shrugged. "It's your call I guess, Dad. I don't know how I feel about it, but if we decide we hate New York we can always go back home?" I glanced at Legend for confirmation and he nodded.

"We'll accept both offers." Dad answered. "Taylor, you said there were some other things you had in mind?"

With a deep breath I nodded. "I'm going to demand a note be placed in my file that my Master Stranger testing and my time here at the asylum both came back with a clean bill of health, and that I was cooperative throughout. I'm not going to stand for having someone drag this up someday in an attempt to pressure me, or discriminate against me." I said steely eyed.

"Reasonable, and entirely understandable. I'll make sure it's done." Legend made a note on a legal pad. When had he pulled that out?

"I've just about maxed out the range of a normal bow and arrow. But Shirou has a custom one I can trace. He swears he can bullseye targets at four kilometers, and with practice I should be able to as well. If you can set up… I don't know, a bullseye on a float or something out on the water for me to practice on? Probably be able to make some kind of PR thing out of it. A chance for the public to watch a Ward train, maybe answer a few questions and sign some autographs when I'm done. Can't imagine any reason anyone could shoot that down." It was a smaller concession, and I was hoping that phrasing it like a regular PR stunt would make it metaphorically cheaper.

Legend rubbed at his chin but nodded. "Glenn will probably love that idea. But really? four kilometers with a bow and arrow?"

"He hasn't lied to me yet." I replied with a shrug. "Though if it's like his other skill I'll have to work my way up to that point. Probably be hard enough to hit something at even half a mile at the beginning."

I drummed my fingers on the table going over the rest of my list. "Reimburse my Dad for all the gas he's had to burn making these trips to see me every week. And an escape clause in my contract. That's the last of my demands."

"Reimbursing your father isn't too large of an issue, but I'm not sure what you mean by an escape clause." Legend said cautiously.

"I don't really trust the Protectorate, or the PRT. I'm not even sure I want to trust the Wards after all of this. Being able to walk away with my name and costume if I decide I was wrong to sign up would make me a lot more comfortable with the situation."

Legend didn't say anything at first. He simply rubbed at his temples for a moment. "That... that is a lot to ask for Miss Hebert."

"I'm willing to sign a mountain of NDA's about any identities I might learn, about any procedures or policies, even a provisional one that says I can't go airing my grievances if I do leave. I've just been burned too many times to go into this without an escape plan."

"I can understand that, but even with those promises it would still be asking a lot."

"It's better for you than the alternative." I said levelly.

"And what's the alternative?"

"I come up with a backup plan of my own and retain the legal right to declare every issue I might have with all three organizations if I do get pushed too far. Well except for the Shadow Stalker bullshit. I suppose you already got me to sign an NDA about that."

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Dad grinning. We had talked a bit about my game plan for that last one and he was particularly impressed by my rather vicious idea.

"That is, dangerously close to blackmail, Miss Hebert." Legend said neutrally.

"I could always try to sue the PRT and Protectorate? Given my current grievances I'd bet I could get one hell of an out of court settlement. More than enough for some specialty materials to make my own costume, could probably see about founding my own team from there. Maybe work more closely with local police departments. See about finding a way to get capes deputized. Give the police the kind of back up they would need to really go head to head with the gangs? Would also mean capes could finally responding to lethal force with lethal force. I'm willing to bet just that would get me a lot of recruits."

Legend's mouth actually hung open. "I, there are a lot of laws preventing-"

"Parahuman law is an absolute mess full of contradictions and loopholes, or so I'm told." I cut him off. "A few very passionate speeches talking about how much more of a difference capes could make if they weren't hamstrung to whip up public support, a few conversations with some open minded politicians, a promise for law enforcement oversight, and I think you would find laws changing rather rapidly."

This was something Shirou and I had only come up with a few days ago as a backup plan. It was a longshot as long as the Endbringers were still a thing. When they showed up you needed everyone you could get. But really even with them out there I would just have to find a city that was more worried about the immediate threat then the possible eventuality. Brockton Bay being a prime example.

"You certainly don't do things by halves do you, Miss Hebert?"

I shrugged and gave Legend a vicious little smile.

"I can't promise you the last one." He said after a moment. "But I will bring it up with a few legal experts when I get back to base. I can promise you everything else I offered and your other demands. Is that enough for you to provisionally agree for now?"

I closed my eyes and mulled it over. Part of me was sure that if I didn't get him to agree to it now I never would. Still if they didn't agree my back up plan threat would still be open to me. I could live with it. Finally, I glanced over at Dad. He chewed at his lip for a moment before nodding. With an explosive sigh I looked back at Legend.


Legend nodded solemnly and favored me with a small smile. "If you are up for it, we could move you in tomorrow. Finish up all the legal requirements and get you settled?" I didn't really want to. I wanted to go home for a week and sleep in my own bed for the first time in months… But I didn't want to give their lawyers any extra time to argue down my demand for an escape clause.

"Only if Dad can be there with me." I declared firmly.

"I already booked a hotel room nearby for the night so I could pick you up first thing in the morning. I could drive us into the city tomorrow. Once we have things squared away... we can see the sights? Make a day of it?"

"... I'd really like that, yeah."

"Then it's settled. I look forward to working with you in the future Miss Hebert." Legend stood and offered me his hand.

It felt a bit like making a deal with the devil, but I shook it anyway. After Legend left, I reached out and pulled Dad into a hug. Things were moving so fast now and after months of no progress whatsoever and the entire meeting had been draining in the extreme.

Dad's arms wrapped around me as he returned the hug. "I'm so proud of you, Taylor."

I grunted something back and just buried my head further into his shoulder.

"I know it isn't what we were expecting. In some ways it was better and in a lot of ways it was worse." Dad murmured as he rubbed the back of my head in soothing circles. "But you kept your head and rolled with the punches. We'll make this work, Taylor. I promise."

I just held him tighter.