

A young man by the name of Skyler is a paranormal investigator, determined to find evidence that an afterlife exists. But when he discovers a secret cult, his life is at stake. Will Skyler find a way to escape his deadly future?

Lucas_Loopholes · Kinh dị ma quái
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5 Chs


   Skyler jolted awake. The bed was damp with sweat. His head swayed and his muscles ached. He gently placed his hand on his head and groaned.

  "Eeeennoooch," he moaned. Footsteps grew from the hallway. The door opened to reveal Enoch in a blue plaid robe with a cup of coffee in his hand.

  His dark hair was frizzled and looked shiny, he must've just gotten out of the shower. He leaned against the door frame and stared at Skyler with blue eyes.

  "What do you want, Sky?" He half-growled. Skyler took one look at Enoch and smirked.

  "Heh, who are you trying to look sexy for?" He said. Enoch glared at him and shook his head.

  "What do you need? Coffee? A blowjob?" He said, getting impatient.

  "Just get me some Advil," Skyler said, putting his hand down. Enoch walked out of the room and soon came back with a bottle of pills. He tossed them to Skyler, who caught it and quickly opened the top.

  "Do you need something to drink with it?" Enoch asked, handing Skyler the cup of coffee in his hand. Skyler declined and swallowed the two pills quickly. He plopped back down on his bed and sighed.

  "Nope, you're not doing that again," Enoch said, pulling Skyler out of his bed. He groaned and glared at the brunette. Sighing, he grabbed a pair of clothes and walked into the bathroom.

  When he looked into the mirror, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. His hair was still a shaggy undercut with the top dyed a dirty white. His face is still a light olive color. Glassy blue eyes reflected these facial features, staring into the mirror. He seemed fine.

  Once he got out of the shower, he began to pack the gear. He planned to just grab a breakfast from McDonalds or something.

  "Already?" Enoch groaned. Skyler nodded. Enoch sighed and helped pack the gear. It was early, but they weren't going to your local neighborhood park. Especially since their late night, it was almost 1 pm when Skyler woke up.

  "You ready? I found an abandoned playground. I heard there was an explosion there. Killed a bunch of kids," Skyler said as he pulled the last bag over his back. Enoch shook his head.

  "You really are a heartless son of a bitch aren't you?" He chuckled. They got into the car, piling the last of the stuff in the back. Enoch got in the passenger side with Skyler in the driver's seat.

  "And we're off," he said as he pulled away from the small house. They drove down highways and roads on end, stopping at a few places for food and gas. Long stretches of fields and trees waved past. The clear sky promised a cool night.

  "How much longer?" Enoch groaned.

  "Just around here," Skyler said as he pulled around a bundle of trees and onto a Thin dirt road. Just up ahead, a clearing showed debris from what seemed to be the park. Enoch perked up and unbuckled his seatbelt.

  It was just becoming night, the cloudless sky turning a light purple. They huffed the gear onto their backs and began to set it up in the forest, right on the outskirts of the park. The gear was set and ready, each piece of the electronics playing a part. Skyler stood up and looked at the setting sun beyond the remains of the park.

  "I hope you're ready for a long night,"