
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 26

While the place where I and Li Huo were fighting against Master Dragon wasn't the best for us, it was quite doable. Our strategy was quite simple.

Li Huo, who was the strongest of us, would take the front, and defend me and other slaves while doing her best to create openings for me.

This was the reason I had chosen a Formation that slowed her down was that in this way. Li Huo could help slaves when the Master Dragon went after them.

If we had made her weaker instead, I wouldn't be surprised if hundreds of slaves died in our battle.

And it was in my best interest to keep as many as possible slaves alive, because it would increase my chances of getting a Savior Medal.

And till now, all was going well. Li Huo blocked her attacks while I counter-attacked and kept slightly injuring her. The only 2 bad things are that we were both consuming a lot of energy and I already felt slightly tired.

And, the formation was slowly running out of energy, and if it ran out of energy, all would be screwed.

"Just give up, You can't kill me, and soon you will be too tired to fight. Just give up". Master Dragon tried to reason, while her words were true, she also wasn't in a good situation. She was constantly getting injured, bleeding, and consuming a lot of energy.

"Well there is no fun in that, but I think it would be a good time to end this fight". I stopped attacking and Li Hup defended me from the attacks of Master Dragon.

Formations cost a lot of energy to activate them. So you can either use spirit stones, which contain Qi inside, to activate one and keep it working. Which I did before when letting the fragments of the formation fall.

But you could also activate a formation by using your Qi. But this wasn't a very popular method because activating and letting a formation work cost an enormous amount of Qi.

But since it wasn't easy to smuggle a lot of spirit stones with me, I didn't have spirit stones left for the second formation and instead needed to gather some Qi and consume some pills so I could activate a second Earthly Formation that I had already created.

"You think I will let you do this". Master Dragon screamed, clearly not happy about the situation.

"I don't think you have a choice". Li Huo said while blocking her attack.

While Li Huo could protect me for a while, she was getting pushed back by Master Dragon and would sooner or later die. So I needed to be quick.

"Eat D*ck". Master Dragon said smiling. She was about to pierce my throat with her sharp nails after all.

"You can eat mine". The only reason she was able to attack me so fast was that I signaled to Li Huo that the formation was ready and I wanted Master Dragon to attack me, not thinking I was ready.

I threw the formation, that was contained within a small glass ball on the ground like I was a Pokemaster summoning his Pokemon.

The formation I threw on the ground expanded, reaching a diameter of several meters. The formation was called the 3 Black Sun Tiger Formation. And was similar to the 7 Metalic Snake Formation.

It would summon 3 Leaking Golden Core Realm Black Sun Tigers. But it also consumed an incredibly large amount of Qi, and I could only keep it up for a minute max. It was one of the strongest Earth Formations after all.

"F*UUUUUUCCK". Master Dragon groaned in pain. While her hand was through one of the Black Sun Tigers. A different tiger was biting deep into her waist while the last one had scratched her back.

I and Li huo weren't dumb enough to let this opportunity pass and pierced her with our weapons, surely killing her.

"Heugh heugh, we did it Darling". I was sitting down, I had canceled the formation, but I still felt very tired. But it seemed that Li Huo was in a better condition than me.

"Of course, we did it, sweetie". Li Huo helped me up, and I ate some pills to give me back energy.

"Darling, I want you to look if there is anywhere you can help. And then I also want you to organize all the slaves. I am going to do some other things in the meantime".

"Okay sweetie".

Before I ran off, I searched Master Dragon's body, searching for something valuable. And while I found nothing very valuable, I did find an artifact. To be more specific, a Medium Grade Mala had strange encryptions in it.

I took it with me and ran off back to where the main house of the manor was and started snooping around in the office of Master Dragon, searching for not only evidence but useful things I could steal. While I would get 30% of the treasures of this Slaves Pavillion, I would get that in spirit stone and wouldn't actually get any treasures.

But if I managed to take a treasure or 2 and maybe a technique I like, no one would complain.

I went through many scrolls, trying to find a secret room but found nothing. So I went down, trying to find a dungeon of some sort, maybe a vault.

Fortunately enough, found an underground level, which led to only one room underground, where there was a giant gate. Which made me drool, thinking of the treasures inside.

I tried to make a hole with my sword but found it only leaving some scratches, and since I couldn't use anything with high firepower, it was underground after all, I started inspecting it.

And I started finding several half-ball holes inside the gate with several sizes. And as the genius I was, I realized the Mala was the key.

I started taking the beads of the necklace, and putting them in the holes, and when I did it to every hole, the gate opened.

I pushed the gates, ready for the treasure that was about to be presented to me.

"F*ck". Instead of finding a giant room filled with spirit stones and artifacts. I found a small pile of spirit stones, probably only 10K+, and a few artifacts that didn't seem very impressive.

The only thing that was consoling me was that in the center of the room, there was a scroll rolled out on a table.

I quickly went to it and started reading. And what I found made the disappointment of the not-so-full vault disappear.

It was a technique, and the title was Clouded Mind Technique. And it allowed the users, if they were in the Nascent Soul Realm, to cloud someone's mind. This would make them more tired, make it harder to think, and cloud rational thinking.

It had great results if you were manipulating people, or torturing them to make them submit to me.

Of course, while its effects were quite good, it wasn't omnipotent. You could use it quite well when trying to make someone submit, but all the hard work was still needed from you. And the technique alone was far from enough to make someone submit.

"Don't mind if I do". I took the technique and erased all evidence that it existed here in the vault before going back up, where I found Li Huo and several people dressed in black looking over a large crowd of people that stood in clothes that couldn't called clothes, clearly malnourished.

"Hello sir Li, I am the Captain of the Third Division of the Hidden Wing Army". The Hidden Wing army was an army created by the troops of the Fei clan, the Hei clan, and some other groups.

There were even some soldiers from the QingFeng army, which was an army belonging to Lord Yang Ting and officially belonged to the QingFeng State. It was quite difficult to understand because while the army was partially Lord Yang Ting's, at the same time it was also partially of the royal family.

Even if they gave QingFeng prefecture to someone else, the army would still belong to Lord Yang Ting, but they could take away the army if Lord Yang Ting committed some terrible crime like High Treason or Slavery.

"Hello, I assume you have men around the manor, guarding for slaves that are trying to escape".

"Yes, but fortunately, we have been able to calm the slaves and explain the situation. We are currently in the process of splitting up the slaves into 2 groups just like you asked for". The 2 groups I had asked for were those that had people waiting on them and wanted to go to those people and those who had no one.

I would help the first group reunite with their old life, and the second group I would take under the wing of the Church Of Liberation, or if they wanted to, let them go their own path.

First, I wasn't ruthless enough to force all these kids to become my slaves. And secondly, I was disgusting what the Church Of Liberation was, just making it seem like some kind of orphanage/homeless shelter.

"Good, have you heard any news yet of the first and second divisions"? Unlike the Third Division, the First and Second were taking care of bigger fish.

The Slave Pavillion was backed up by 2 sects, which the 2 Divisions were taking care of.

The first was a Demonic Sect that was the largest Demonic sect of QingFeng Prefecture, its name was Xiao Feng Sect.

And the woman I had fought a few moments ago was actually one of the Peak Elders of the Xiao Feng Sect.

The second sect was more surprising, it was also a large sect, it was one of the largest in QingFeng Prefecture. But it was actually an Orthodox Sect. Its name, Yuanjing Sect.

It actually had quite a good reputation in QingFeng Prefecture, so it was very surprising when I found evidence of their collaboration in creating this Slave Pavilion a few weeks ago.

And when I realized how big the pockets of the backers were, I felt screwed over by Patriarch Hei and Patriarch Fei. The deal we made would only give me 30% of all the money the Slave Pavilion had.

But not only did all the money the Slave Pavillion made go to these sects. They were also much, much richer than the slave pavilion. They were some of the richest groups in the entirety of QingFeng Prefecture. And with all the treasures and land they had, their net worth was probably even bigger than mine.

"There recently came a soldier from the Second Division who told me that their surprise attack was going well, but besides that, I haven't received any new information".

"Alright, give these pills to any soldier that is still injured. And make sure that no accidents happen". I considered sending some of our men to the First and Second Division, but these Sects headquarters weren't exactly close to here. At least not close enough that it would be the right choice to go there.

"Of course". The man said before giving some orders to his soldiers. I wanted to go Li Huo, but felt a tug at my robe.

I turned around and saw that it was a little kid. Well, it was hard to know his age with how malnourished he was. He looked to be around 10 to 12 but I guessed he was more like 14 to 16.

"Is there something kid". I got a better look at him, and beneath the dirt, he was a cute kid. If he was clean, he would be a very cute kid, having dark blue hair, Light gray hair, and a round face that made him very cute.

"What's your name". His eyes were calm and serene, unlike those of other kids. It seemed he wasn't someone very ordinary.

"My name is Li Wei".

"When I grow up, I will repay you". The kid said, his eyes now filled with determination.

"What's your name kid"?

"Yun Lingling".

"Alright Yun Lingling, let us make a pinky promise. Take this, and when you become someone influential, you can come and find me". I gave him a ring that was an artifact. I was in a good mood so I decided to play along with the kid.

"Alright, pinky promise". He gave me his right pinky, and I embraced it with my right pinky.

"Pinky promise". I smiled. While I didn't expect to see the kid ever again. But hey, who knows, maybe he is the kid of some powerful people.

I laughed at my own imagination and walked towards Li Huo.


Hello, Author-Chan here, Like always, supporting me is nice but I have an important question.

Soon, I wanna make the Mc go to the capital to get his Savior Medal bla bla bla. But I don't just immediately skip a month in the next chapters.

Currently, I have made the Mc and his family go in hiding, and I wanna ask if there is anything cool I can do there or something I can talk about in the chapter so it doesn't feel so very fast.

Maybe you guys would enjoy me talking about the other 2 Divisions or give the wives and the character some more dept by talking a bit about them or just something. If you have any ideas or if you liked anything I said, please say.